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With everything that happened Nayeon wasn't sure which one she has forgotten. It's like something important that day happened.

"I didn't say I love her, didn't I?" She asks herself in the mirror.

No matter how hard she pushes herself, nothing is coming back. She did kiss her, she remembers that clearly. Jeongyeon did say nothing happened between them while she was drunk but it's been days and it's still bothering her in a way.

"Think Nayeon, think." She tells herself.

SN : "Unnie, the director wants to do a final run-through then we could leave."

She hears Sana right out of her door. She quickly got up and went back to work, the sun is almost out and Jeongyeon haven't messaged her that much today because she said she was busy with work.

The older girl finished her taping without remembering what she wants to. There were on their way back to the company and Sana keeps on talking but she couldn't hear anything.

SN : "I'm right unnie, am I? If it was someone from your past you shouldn't be comparing them to your present."

NY : "Of course......." Then it finally hits her, out of all the things she'll forget it has to be that one.

" Then it finally hits her, out of all the things she'll forget it has to be that one

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NY : "I know this is sudden but can you take me somewhere?"

SN : "Huh? But work is done."

NY : "It's not about work, I have to see Jeongyeon. Can you call Mina and asked where they are?"

SN : "Now? Can't it be tomorrow? Do you have a date with her or something?"

NY : "Ani, it has to be now. It's important, jebal?"

SN : "Arraso, I'm only doing this because you helped me last time."

Nayeon watched as they changed direction, it took them a while to reach this unpaved road that looks like on the foot of a mountain. They parked next to a van,


Sana rolls down her window.

SN : "Sorry, she couldn't wait."

MN : "Aniyo it's fine. She's almost finished."

NY : "Thank you."

MN : "Hai, hai."

SN : "I already talked to Mina, they'll gonna give you a ride back."

THE BEGINNING OF OUR END [2YEON]Where stories live. Discover now