Chapter 21

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*NSFW 18+*

The early morning sunrise filters slowly through the bedroom window. Taking a deep breath, you stretch and smile to yourself as the weight shifts next to you on the mattress.

Rolling onto your side, you rub your eyes focusing on the source of the shift. She breathes softly before you, a messy tangle of golden brown hair. You could easily watch her sleep for hours and never get bored. The slow rise and fall of her chest hypnotizes you. Still asleep, a faint smile pulls at the corner of her lips.

"Y/n" she breathes and you freeze in place, fully prepared to meet her awakening gaze in the coming seconds. But instead, she exhales and your name falls from her lips once more, still fast asleep.

"Love you." She mumbles in her sleep-like trance and you can't help the toothy grin that spreads across your face. You prop yourself up on your elbow very entertained with a "sleep-talking Lizzie."

"Please don't....leave me.....y/n" She continues as her eyebrows lightly pull together. Your smile fades at the thought that even in her dreams Lizzie struggles with your infidelity.

You place a feather-light kiss on the small v that's formed between her eyebrows, careful not to wake her. She calms almost immediately, groaning lightly and burying herself further in your side.

Deciding she's slept long enough, you slowly and delicately trace along her hairline, brushing any stray hair from her face. She groans softly in protest and you chuckle to yourself. Lowering your head you begin peppering delicate kisses on her face. Her forehead. Each eyelid. Each cheek. Her nose which scrunches under your lips. And finally you land on her lips. She responds immediately, fully awake now and you can feel her stretch beneath you.

"Good morning beautiful." You whisper into her temple as she snakes her arms around your midsection.

"I was enjoying a very exciting dream, thank you very much." She groans, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Oh yeah? Was I there?" You ask as her eyes finally open meeting yours.

"You were." She nods interlacing her fingers with yours as she brings your hand towards her.

"You were here." She places your hand on her breast and her breath catches in her throat as you gently knead her flesh. Taking your hand again, she guides you further down tracing the lines of her abdomen.

"And you were here." She bites down on her bottom lip as your hand moves further south still. You slide delicately under the waistband of her pajama shorts and ask,

"Was I here?" She gasps as her back arches off the bed toward you. She's ready for you already, no doubt a result of her 'exciting' dream. She writhes beneath you eager for your touch as mumbled pleas escape her lips.

"Shhh" you try to quiet her as you lay your forehead on hers, locking eyes as your middle finger slower enters her. Her eyes roll shut as a small tremble moves through her. She's close. You find a slow, delicate rhythm bringing her closer and closer to the edge. You take her lips with yours, her tongue darting eagerly to meet yours, as you add your ring finger.

"God, Y/n please." She gasps as her hands clutch hungrily at the nape of your neck, curling and pulling at the hair there.

Her pleas turn quickly to mumbled moans as your thumb delicately finds her small bundle of nerves massaging gently. Within seconds her head falls back as she shudders violently beneath you as her pleasure consumes her.

You pepper light kisses up her neck as her breathing slows and she catches her breath.

"What happened to taking it slow?" She asks pushing the hair from her face.

"I can fuck you slowly, if you prefer Olsen." Your voice lowers just above a whisper, your face inches from hers.

Her head falls against her pillow as a bubble of laughter erupts from her lips. You feign offense as your roll off the bed and clamber to your feet.

"Hey, I'm grabbing drinks with Tessa tonight, are you alright on your own?" You turn toward Lizzie, a confused look on your face.

"Don't worry Mom, I'm sure I'll manage." You chuckle as she swats playfully at your ass as you bend over to collect your t-shirt.

"Maybe I'll reach out to Cass and see if she wants to hang out tonight."

Lizzie freezes, her eyes locking to yours as her face falls.

"The same Cass who set up your lovely 'business meeting'?"

You exhale loudly, making your way over to where she stands in the middle of the bedroom.

"Lizzie please, I don't want to do this today. She's my friend. One of the only friends I have here and I know that had she known his intentions, she would've never suggested it."

She pulls at her sleeves, her eyes cast downward, as you place a reassuring hand on the side of her cheek. She leans into you, fear and unease still very present on her features.

"Hey." You brush your thumb across her cheek as her eyes lift to meet yours.

"I need you to trust me, Lizzie."

"I'm trying."

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