Chapter 17

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The mattress dips slightly as light filters through the window of your childhood bedroom. Opening your eyes just slightly, you look to your left and see Lizzie still fast asleep beside you. Her arm lazily draped around your midsection. Leaning toward her, you place a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. She stirs slightly, but you shush her back to sleep whispering,

"Go back to bed baby. I love you."

She moans in agreement as her breathing evens back out. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you search, sleep still in your eyes, for the phone you placed on the nightstand last night. You are still working after all. Scrolling through your personal email account a subject line caches your attention. It's an email from Chop Shop Records. You heart races as you skim for highlights. Sure, you've reached out to hundreds of recording studios before, sending them your EP, but this is the first time you've gotten a response. One of the A&R reps want to set up a meeting!

You look over at Lizzie still fast asleep, oblivious to the excitement bursting out of you and you wonder if she had anything to do with this. You're unsure if you want to know the answer. Choosing to not let that thought spoil your moment, you head downstairs anxious to share the news with anyone you can.

The smell of fresh coffee fills your nostrils as you hit the bottom stair of the foyer and head into the kitchen. Sammy rises from his bed in the corner wagging happily to where you stand alone near the center island. A light puff of steam filters from the coffee maker in the corner as you look for signs of life.

"Where is everyone bud?" You reach down giving Sammy a 'good boy head scratch' as you pour yourself a cup of coffee. Turning your attention to the french doors that lead to your back patio, you see a figure situated comfortably on one of the Adirondack Chairs your Mother littered along the back patio.

You keep the door cracked just enough for Sammy as you join your Father outside as he enjoys his morning coffee.

"Hi Daddy." He stirs, as if in a daze, bringing his attention to you.

"Hey baby girl, you sleep ok?" You nod sitting opposite him on the edge of your seat anxious to tell him about your email.

"Hey I wanted to talk to you about something." A solemn look shifts onto your fathers face and your heart sinks preparing for the worst.

"What's wrong daddy, are you ok?" Your mind flies back 5 years ago when he first told you he was sick. You blink rapidly willing the memories away.

"I'm fine sweetheart, Don't worry about me." He places a reassuring hand on your knee before he continues,

"I wanted to talk to you about Elizabeth."

Your head pops up in surprise and your eyes lock with his as you wait for him to continue. He sighs running a hand along the stubble on his chin.

"I just want to make sure you're doing what's best for you sweetheart. You're mother and I love you very much and have always told you early on that we don't care who you choose to spend your life with."

"But?" You snap, knowing he's about to contradict everything he just said. You see your dad's expression turn rapidly from concern to anger.

"Come on, y/n she's your meal ticket! That's all this is and you know it and you had the audacity to bring her home to meet your mother!" In an instant you're on your feet, tears sting your eyes as you try and process your father's hostility.

"You are unbelievable Dad, honestly!" You sigh exasperated, continuing, "What, she's got a successful career of her own, one that, by the way has nothing to do with my dream, so clearly I must be sleeping my way to the top? Do you really think so little of me Dad?" Your voice cracks as tears break the surface.

"Heaven forbid your only daughter doesn't bring home someone just like you that you can talk sports and get your hands dirty with! Can you just stop for a second and realize that I'm the happiest I've ever been? I've watched you sit by for YEARS unhappy in your marriage just because you have too much pride and I'll be damned if you think that's the type of relationship I'm looking for. Lizzie looks at me in a way I've never seen you look at Mom and you're just too blind and stupid to see that."

You turn on your heel, slamming the back door behind you leaving your father alone with his thoughts.

Perched on a barstool just inches from where you stand, Lizzie's eyes lock to yours as a single tear hovers on her cheek. She looks down at her hands in embarrassment as a sob wracks through you. You're at her side wrapped in her arms in an instant as you mutter frantically,

"Lizzie, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't've brought you here. I'm so stupid. God, I hate him. You don't deserve any of this. I love you so much, please Lizzie, I'm sorry."

Your frenzied hands push the hair out of her face as she stares up at you with a heartbreaking sadness behind her eyes. Cupping both of her cheeks you kiss her long and hard willing her to find the truth in your words. Pulling back, your eyes meet her green ones and you whisper,

"You did nothing wrong, ok?"

She closes her eyes and leans into you as you place a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey," You say rubbing circles into her back "Let's go home."


You've been on the road for a little over an hour now headed for St. Louis. After the blowup with your father, you were able to find a nonstop flight back to LA, pack up all your bags and get on the road before anyone even noticed you were gone.

"Has your mom tried to call you at all?" Lizzie asks from the driver's seat still shaken from this morning's events.

"Only about 50 times." You answer shaking your head. You look down at your phone taking inventory of the missed calls and unread text messages from your mother and sigh. Your phone vibrates one more time and you prepare yourself to answer it. Your heart stops as a text message from a familiar number flashes across your screen.

              R: if you don't tell her i will.

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