Chapter 8

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*I don't own the lyrics used in this chapter*

Light filters in through the loosely draped curtains as your eyes flutter open. Specks of dust float across the streak of sunshine that gleams from one side of your bedroom to the other. There's a slight shift on the mattress and you hear a breathy groan as you orient yourself with the new day.

Scrubbing your face to regain full vision, you look to your right finding Lizzie asleep beside you. Her wild hair splays across your pillow, sunlight dancing across her naked back as you watch the slow rise and fall of her dream-like breathing. The bedsheet rests delicately over her lower back as you memorize the freckles scattered down her spine like constellations.

Visions of last night dance behind your eyes as the muscles in your lower abdomen tighten. You smile to yourself as you run your fingers through your hair and bite your bottom lip just to keep from squealing.

Trying your hardest not to disturb Lizzie, you plant two feet on the ground searching for your nightgown. Slipping into the silk fabric that falls just above your knees, you turn triumphantly to notice Lizzie still sleeping peacefully. You exit the bedroom leaving the door cracked just an inch as you head toward the kitchen. The need for coffee pounds outwardly through your forehead as you quietly retrieve the coffee grounds from your pantry.

Hitting the start button, you glance across the living room as your eyes settle on the upright piano you've positioned on the far wall of your small Los Angeles apartment. Listening for any sort of movement from the bedroom and hearing none, you make your way over to the piano lifting its lid as you situate yourself on its bench.

Pressing delicately, you make a mental note to call someone out to tune this thing but continue unfazed. You dabble from chord to chord as a slow melodic tune begins to take shape, humming every now and again adding layers to your orchestration. You reach the bridge and close your eyes as lyrics begin to pour out you sing,

"Let this be our lesson in love
Let this be the way we remember us
I don't wanna be cruel or vicious
And I ain't asking for forgiveness
All I ask is

If this is my last night with you
Hold me like I'm more than just a friend
Give me a memory I can use
Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do
It matters how this ends
'Cause what if I never love again?"

You feel her before you see her. Turning on your piano bench you find her leaning against the door jamb of the bedroom wearing just her underwear and one of your oversized t-shirts from a bar you used to gig at. The neck of the shirt falls loosely exposing her shoulder as the sunlight from the bedroom behind her emits this golden glow around her that takes your breath away.

"You know, you're pretty good at that." She says scrunching her nose as she makes her way toward you. She places a knee on either side of you on the bench straddling you as she wraps her arms around your neck. You hands grasp her backside pulling her to you. "Some would say I'm spectacular," you joke.

"Mmm," she hums placing feather-light kisses along your jaw, "and humble too," she adds.

"Good morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" You ask tracing circles under her t-shirt and up her spine. She stares at you as a wide smile crawls across her face.

"It was the best night sleep I've had in a very long time."

"Me too," You admit kissing her gently then add, "The mind-blowing sex helped too."

She squeals in shock slapping playfully at your shoulder as you bury you head in her neck leaving a trail of nips and kisses along her collar bone.

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