Chapter 10

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*NSFW 18+ You've been warned*

A silence falls between you two as the elevator doors close around you. You can feel the tension radiating from where Lizzie paces along the far wall of the elevator.

"Babe, you need to relax. We can handle this." You make your way over to her gently brushing your hands up and down her arms. She brushes you off with a huff moving to the opposite side of the elevator.

"Please don't call me that right now."

You make your way to the control panel of the elevator, pulling the Emergency Stop. The evaluator screeches to a halt between the nineteenth and eighteenth floors as you skim the gossip column one more time.

"A source present at the Infinity War Premiere last April commented, 'the two seemed incredibly cozy the whole night, especially during the after-party." This news comes after months of speculation that Elizabeth and long-time boyfriend Robbie Arnett of pop band 'Milo Greene' are no longer dating."

"Lizzie look at me" you call across to her looking up from your phone once more. When she continues to pace you make your way to her placing a hand on either side of her face forcing her to look up at you.

"Everything's going to be fine ok? Please, trust me. I'll make a few calls and handle everything. Right now you need to be here, promoting this amazing project. I'll deal with the press."

She slumps against you unable to fight it any longer as you reach over starting the elevator up again.

"I knew this would happen." She mutters into your sweater, her shoulders still stiff with anxiety.

"Shh, enough. One step at a time. You go do your job and let me do mine. Please."

The elevator dings announcing the lobby level as she distances herself before the doors open.


"And Elizabeth Olsen!" You situate yourself along the back wall of the theater as Director, James Ponsoldt announces the cast. She's the last to walk out and if you're being honest, she looks likes she'd rather be anywhere but here right now.

"You guys care to say a few words?" The host asks eagerly. Lizzie quickly shakes her head, a curt 'No' leaves from her lips as she heads back toward the curtain she emerged from.

You roll your eyes, annoyed that her attitude is palpable to everyone in the room around her. You step outside to make a phone call, holding up your end of the bargain.

Lucky for you, LA is a very small town and you happen to take Pilates with one of the interns at Star Magazine. She picks up after the third ring.

"Olivia hey it's Y/n how've you been?" You roll your eyes at the pleasantries you two swap trying to get to the real reason behind your phone call.

"Listen I had a favor to ask, I saw that piece they just published on Lizzie and I was wondering if you knew the source?"

"Come on, y/n you know I can't do that I'd lose my job."

"So you do know?" You can hear her sigh over the phone as she contemplates her next move.

"Listen I'd love to get together for drinks sometime." You flirt, turning on the charm. You've worked out with Liv enough to know she's very interested.

"Are you bribing me with a date y/n?"

"That depends," you answer, determined. "Is it working?"

"So you're not sleeping with your boss then?" She asks, judgement thick in her voice.

"I wouldn't be asking you to drinks now if I was, would I? Look I'd really like to see you maybe sometime next week?"

"I'll see what I can find out and text you later. You owe me, y/n!"

The line goes dead and you smile to yourself in triumph. You make your way back into the theater, pleased to see an actual smile on Lizzie's face as she answers and audience question.


"You could've at least tried to look like you wanted to be there!" You says entering back into your hotel room as Lizzie brushes past you.

"Excuse me for having a few other things on my mind besides shallow fan questions." Lizzie throws herself onto the bed, her right arm shielding her eyes from the world around her.

"Didn't I tell you I was handling it? Just relax please."

"Somehow the idea of my lover 'handling' the gossip that's come out about said lover doesn't really put me at ease." Lizzie says with a groan.

"Lizzie, please don't ruin this weekend for us. I told you to trust me, I deserve that much." You join her on the bed, straddling her hips as you grab both of her hands pinning them above her head.

"Do you love me?" You breathe, mere inches from her face and for the first time in months, you're afraid to hear the answer. Seeing the doubt behind your eyes, Lizzie tilts her head back drawing her lips to yours in a slow, arousing kiss.

"With everything I am." She breathes, and the only thing her eyes reveal is honesty. Her inhibitions drop and suddenly its just the two of you as the world around you disappears.

"Now, about this outfit." You rise, drinking her in as she lays beneath you, hair splayed over the hotel comforter. She bites her lip and watches as you slowly move to the bow around her waist keeping this blazer together. You pull at the bottom watching as the bow unravels exposing bare skin beneath. You gently pull the fabric to each side, gasping as Lizzie writhes beneath you, pleasure evident on her face.

You lower yourself kissing along her jawline and you hands begin their gentle massage of her breasts. She gasps, pushing herself into your hand as you twist and knead her flesh.

"Please" she breathes sending shockwaves through you. Trailing kisses down her chest, you take her in your mouth, lightly flicking your tongue over the sensitive flesh. Her head falls back on the mattress as a deep moan escapes her lips.

Working you way back up her body, an idea crosses your mind as a wicked smile plays on your lips. You kiss her deeply, tasting all of her as she opens herself for you. Gently placing your forehead on hers you whisper to her, panting, "Let's see how many times I can make you come."


You stare up at the ceiling, Lizzie sleeping softly beside you as flashbacks of the last nine times flicker through your mind. You're stomach tightens at the thought.

Across the room you see your phone light up as a notification appears on the screen. Slowly and quietly you shift from the bed making your way across the room.

A single text message displays one word across your screen and your heart sinks.

olivia: Robbie.

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