Chapter 18

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*I don't own any of the lyrics in this chapter*


"Just trust me y/n, it's a really great lead. Just a couple drinks, see what comes from it."

You listen to your best friend over the phone as you stare out the window of your brand new Los Angeles apartment. Moving boxes pile up at the door, the only furniture, a small bistro table with two mismatched chairs you found three blocks away on the side of the road. You sigh, running a hand through your hair.

"I don't even known the band Cass, how am I supposed to open for them?"

Your best friend Cassandra was one of the main reasons you decided on LA when planning your escape from the prison that is Casey, Illinois. She works as an assistant talent scout and has really helped you get on your feet.

"Y/n just trust me ok? They're not interested in marrying you, they just wanna see if you'd be a good fit to open for them on tour. It's an 8 gig deal all within Southern California. You have to get yourself out there or leaving home will have been for nothing. Just look up a few of their songs and be yourself when you meet up."

You sigh, an edge of excitement back in your voice, "You're right. This is what I moved out here for. I can't pass up the opportunity. Tell them I'll be there tonight and thanks again Cass really, it means a lot."

"Ahh, you're gunna do great y/n! I'll let them know! Text me if you need anything and call me tomorrow to let me know how it went!"

You hang up the phone and head for the shower, eager to start getting ready for tonight. As you wait for the water to get hot, you open Spotify on your phone and hit shuffle on the Artist Playlist, Milo Greene.


Your palms begin to sweat slightly as you make your way through the entrance of the restaurant and head for the host stand.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be meeting a couple people here. My name's y/n."

"Ah, yes, right this way." He states as he grabs a drink menu. You follow closely behind him and he turns slightly adding, "You're guests aren't here yet, may I grab you a drink while you wait?"

You settle yourself along the back wall of the restaurant, thanking the host as he places the menu in front of you.

"A glass of your house red will be fine."

Before he can return, a tall, slender man positions himself on the opposite side of your table.

"You must be y/n?" Your eyes look him up and down. His wavy shoulder length hair peaks out underneath a small gray beanie. He's attractive. In a 'starving artist' kind of way. A casual black t-shirt sits under a long butterscotch blazer that she shrugs off as you climb to your feet.

"I am! Hey, nice to meet you." You shake his hand as he introduces himself as "Robbie."

As the two of you settle into your seats, you look around awaiting the rest of the band members to join him.

"Oh, it's just me tonight." He says sensing your confusion. "I hope that's alright?" He winks as the waiter returns, setting a glass of red wine in front of you then turns to Robbie.

"Double Woodford. Neat please." He turns his attention back to you.

"So Cass told me a little bit about you, how's LA been treating you so far?"

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