Chapter 25

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•three days earlier•

I pace nervously around the kitchen island running through my speech again in my head. The phone sits on the counter, mocking me, with the number already dialed on the display.

"Ok. Here goes...everything."

Holding the phone up to my ear I hit the call button and wait. It rings once. Twice. Three times. I begin to lose courage when finally a scruffy voice answers, clearing his throat before speaking.


"Hank, erm hi, Sir. It's Elizabeth...Olsen."

And awkward pause hangs between us and I curse inwardly wondering why I even bothered calling her father.

"Lizzie hey, is Y/n ok?" I can hear the worry in his voice. It's comforting.

"Oh yea she's fine, sorry I don't mean to worry you, look the reason I'm calling-"

"Can I say something first Lizzie?" He cuts me off and my stomach drops. I say nothing allowing him to continue.

"I wanted to apologize for how I acted while you and Y/n were here. I was out of line and I'm truly sorry. You've done nothing but treat my daughter with love and respect and that's all I could ever ask for."

I clear my throat, trying desperately to hold my tears at bay.

"Thank you Sir, that means more than you know. That's actually why I'm calling. Your daughter means the world to me Hank. I love her with everything I am and I would love to have your blessing to spend the rest of my life loving her."

I exhale loudly, relieved to finally get that off of my chest. The line falls silent again as I send up a silent prayer.

"You wanna marry Y/n?" He asks plainly after a beat.

"I do." I chuckle at the irony. He clears his throat once more, this time from what sounds like emotion, before he continues.

"She's my little girl Lizzie. Her mother and I love her so much," I rub the back of my neck waiting for the 'but' as he continues, "and I know she's never loved anyone as much as she loves you. So if she's happy, then we're happy and we would be honored to welcome you into our family."

I blink rapidly trying to figure out if I heard him correctly. I can't help the tears that spring to my eyes threatening to spill over.

"Thank you Hank." I choke out, emotion taking over. "I can't tell you what this means."

"Take care of her, Lizzie. And don't be afraid to visit more."

"I will Hank, thank you again. Take care."


"W-what?" Your brain short-circuits as Lizzie continues to hold your gaze intently.

"Marry me." She states again as if she were commenting about the weather. In an instant every fight, every disagreement, every argument flashes before your eyes. Married people don't flight like this do they? She reaches over grabbing my hand rubbing small circles along my palm and you're reminded of the good. So much good. The laughs, the deep conversations, the sex. The sex. You've been through so much together and yes, there's a ton more you both need to conquer together, but you know in your gut there's no one else for you. It's her.

Lizzie moves from her seat on the sunroom floor, fumbling to find something amid the multitude of blankets and pillows. When she turns back to you she's propped on her knees in front of you, a small velvet box resting gently on her thigh. You glance down at the box, quickly snapping your eyes to Lizzie's still in shock. Her eyes glisten with unshed tears as she tries to find her words.

"Y/n Y/l/n, for the last two years of my life no one has made me laugh louder, cry harder, smile wider, or love deeper than you have." Your eyes begin to fill matching hers as you struggle to slow your breathing. She grabs your left hand in hers softly brushing her thumb across your knuckles as she continues.

"I love who I am with you and I love what we are becoming together. I want to grow with you. I want to learn with you. I want to spend the rest of my life loving all of you. You are my rock. You are my person. I need you."

She moves with shaky fingers, fumbling with the box in her lap. You wipes your tears as she opens the small velvet box revealing the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. A large marquise cut diamond sits along a rose gold band surrounded by a dozen of baguette emerald diamonds fanning out in a halo around the large stone.

You pull your eyes up from the ring finding Lizzie's in complete amazement

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You pull your eyes up from the ring finding Lizzie's in complete amazement. A single tear falls down her cheek and you reach your hand out brushing it away with your thumb. There's only one answer that crosses your mind as her eyes meet yours.

"Then I'm all yours."



Sorry it's so short besties but I couldn't keep you waiting much longer for your answer!!! We have a wedding to plan!! 🥰👰‍♀️👰‍♀️

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