Chapter 25: I Am Become Death Part 2

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3rd Person POV

Time is running out for the earth. Dark Gaia's influence keeps growing stronger by the minute with the aid of Shin and Space Godzilla. Ghidorah and Kong try to fight off Space Godzilla back at Skull Island while Sea Empress and Gigan fight off an army sprouted from Shin's body. Meanwhile, Goshin and Godzilla wreak havoc upon the unfortunate people of Jerusalem. Godzilla reverted to the cold Queen of the Monsters she was before.

Both have been going back and forth, meeting each other blow for blow. They reduced the surrounding landscape to fire and ash. Blood and pieces of flesh torn from each other decorated the scenery. Neither could seem to get tired. They would just regenerate in a few moments and continue what they were doing. Is it punishment or pleasure?

Godzilla: Hahaha, why do you even bother fighting? You'll never beat me.

Goshin: Then why the hell am I still standing?! Come prove it!

Godzilla: Oh, I just love that anger in you. I love someone when they're pushed to the edge. It's so easy to do it when you really know someone.

Goshin: You're wrong, I'M FILLED WITH HATE! *beats her senseless* I WAS FINE UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG! I WAS HAPPY AND HAD SO MUCH TO LOOK FORWARD TO BUT YOU TOOK IT ALL AWAY! I've had to deal with all the bullshit that the world keeps dumping onto me. You claim you know me, but you still don't understand how I feel. Understand this *steps on her throat trying to choke her* I. HATE. YOU! I was fine before I met you, and I'll be happy when you're gone!

Godzilla: *being choked* H-haha, that's funny. *coughs* Real fuckin' funny one right there, but I got a better one. *digs her claws into Goshin's calf*

Goshin: GAAAAH!

Meanwhile, back at Skull Island...

3rd Person POV

What people can only describe as a category 5 hurricane fell on Skull Island. Ghidorah keeps trying to strike down Space with her Gravity Beams. Space shields herself, using giant crystals to defend and launch towards Ghidorah. Kong couldn't do much with only two axes. All she can do is use her intelligence to come up with something. She made the blade of her new axe from one of the dorsal plates from Godzilla. This gave her an idea about how she channels her atomic energy through her plates.

Ghidorah had fallen out of the sky into the ground near Kong. Beaten and injured from the fight.

Kong: We can't continue like this. I have a plan, and I'm going to need you to lift me up into the sky.

Ghidorah: Can't you see I'm trying my best?! I need a minute to absorb the surrounding lightning to regenerate.

Kong: Fine, HEY YOU!

Space Godzilla: What does the stupid monkey want? Do you think those primitive tools will stop me?

Kong: Oh I don't know why don't you come over here and find out for yourself.

Space Godzilla: Why does he waste his time with you? You stand out and clearly lack what he's looking for.

Kong: I'm not the one with fat fucking crystals on my goddamn shoulders!

Space: Bigger than anything you have!

Ghidorah: Ladies, you're both pretty.

Space Godzilla SHUT UP! You can barely touch me.

Ghidorah: I mean, who'd want to. Not (Y/N) that's for sure.

Kong: Oof


Ghidorah: Now before you do that, I think you should hear a joke. Something (Y/N) came up with.

Space Godzilla: And what's that?

Kong: Thor

Space Godzilla: *lightning strikes Space Godzilla's face* AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! FUCK! Where did you two go?!

Kong: *dropping from the sky* HAAAAAAAAA! *throws axe with all her might*

Space Godzilla: RAAAAAH! *beams attack gets absorbed by axe and decapitates Space*

Kong: Try to come back after I went for your head, BITCH!

Mark POV

Mark: Okay, what information do we have so far?

Rick: Space G is dead, Normal G and (Y/N) are destroying Jerusalem to kingdom come and Shin G has made an army in the Arctic.

Dr. Ilene Chen: The best course of action is to get everyone away from Jerusalem and focus on the arctic.

Rick: Okay, but how are we going to fight a freaky Godzilla army.

Dr. Ilene Chen: The Absolute Zero Cannon from Mecha Godzilla is still functioning. We just need something to carry it.

Mark: There's too many of them and Mecha isn't around anymore.

Dr. Ilene Chen: Not anymore. They rebuilt her the same way she was before. Primarily for defending territory instead of attacking, along with a new project they were working on.

Mark: What new project?

Dr. Ilene Chen: They didn't say what it was.

Back in Jerusalem...

3rd Person POV

The battle still rages on. Godzilla has Goshin in a chokehold, making Goshin struggle for air.

Godzilla: You know I wouldn't mind if you did this to me.

Goshin: FUCK YOU!

Godzilla: I've been wanting to do that for a while. *licks Goshin's face*

Goshin: You filthy fuck! *elbows her in the kidney*

Godzilla: Ack! Yes! Show me everything! *kicks him in the chest*

Goshin: Why am I so interesting to you?! What separates me from all the other humans in the world?!

Godzilla: You're the only other person who's like me! That makes you special.

Goshin: I don't care if we're similar. I'll never do the same things you do! I wouldn't be like you if it weren't for your actions.

They just kept going as they were before. It feels like they've been doing this for ages. Neither will ever give in. It's ironic how they're the same person. Both watched their worlds burn and let their frustrations out on the world.

That ends today's chapter. Comment, leave a suggestion, or follow me on Wattpad if you enjoy my content. I'm thankful that this story is ending really soon. Then I can work on other stuff I've been dying to get to. Farewell, my subjects.

Godzilla: I Am Become Death (Female Godzilla x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now