Minjees school morning routine

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Edited: (October 7, 2021)
Bold in English
Normal in Korean
[italics] is subtitles the editors would have put.

"Hello stay~" Chan waved at the camera. "Minjees currently asleep. It's 5:23 am. She wakes up at 5:30 so I'm sure she has a timer...but she told me to wake her up instead." He said as he washed utensils. "You might be wondering why I'm here, in her dorm. Yesterday night Minjee wasn't feeling the best. Since she has finals she's been staying up late studying since she's busy in the day. And yesterday, her manager told me that she's been skipping meals. So I scolded her but she stayed up till 11. Which isn't very late but it usually is for her since she tries to go to bed by 10:30. But she woke up at around 2am so I checked on her and she was sweating. She had a fever and looked pale. So I'm assuming it's because of her skipping meals and stress." He explained as he rolled down his sleeves of his hoodie. "I've been checking up on her the whole night. Every hour or so I'd go check up on her after that. She's been doing better so I'm glad. I'll check up on her now."

[a caring father takes care of his sick child.]

"I can't believe I left the boys in the other dorm...it's okay. Our manager is with them...I hope they don't make him quit." He joked chuckling.

[poor manager...😔 We will pray]

He knocked softly on the door before opening it. "She's still sleeping. It's 5:28 now. I'll wake her up...I feel bad since she was basically miserable the whole night but...she's better now and she needs to go to school."

"Min....min-ssi. Wake up..." he said softly shaking you.

You furrowed your eyebrows confused, humming in response.

[a confused Minjee has appeared....cutie]

"Wake up. It's almost 5:30." He said checking his phone, which said 5:29 am

[she gets up at that time-?]

"Mmm..." you nodded tiredly as you sat up.

He giggled seeing your messy hair and tired face, "say hi to the camera." He showed the camera while making a peace sign.

"Mmm...hello..." you bowed tiredly.

[tired voice and everything....Ah Minjee. Killing stays hearts]

He chuckled and moved the camera so it was now facing him only, "hurry okay?" He said.

You nodded and hummed in response as you got up.

"She only hums in the morning, it's rare for her to talk. The only time she talks is if she has no school or we don't have a schedule. For example on vlogs, or weekends. But other than that, she only hums in response." He explained giggling. "Minjee now has to blog. Bye bye." He made his signature peace sign while winking at the camera.


"Hello stay." You waved at the camera still tired. "It's 5:34 am...my school starts 7:30. But I wake up extra early..so I can go to the gym." You explained, tying your hair. "I like going in the morning since there's less people. Today,...Chan's going with me." You explained as you fixed your bangs.

[have to still look good when working out 🥳]

"I got a new gym set...it's cute right?" You asked, showing your light pink sports bra and leggings. "I got a blue one too...Yuna unnie took that one...the top at least. She took it for an outfit." You explained. "It looks better on her anyways..." you chuckled. "Let's go."

[the famous Twitter incident....we don't talk about that....]

[anyways...we will block this out.😈😈] *blurs your body*

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