Prologue: Tutorial & Vs Girlfriend

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My little friend, Keith dragged me to his girlfriend's house since... It been a long time I hadn't go this town for a three years before Keith got a girlfriend.

I left there because I had a fight with someone but I forgot what's is her name. She was my best friend but now she betrayed me and using my money for their wanted instead of needs.

She broke my heart after hearing her bad news and realize about her mistakes. When I was about to leave the town where my friend Keith live. She was there, crying behind my back. She begged me not to her leave her here but I ignore her words and left her alone there for three years.

Keith and I made it to his girlfriend's house. He knocked the door twice as the door open to see his girlfriend who was opening it.

"Hey Girlfriend!" Keith agreed her as Girlfriend agreed her back. "I brought an old friend of mine before I met you, this (Y/n)!" He pull me toward him.

"Oh my god! You're (Y/n) the Queen of Rockstar!" She said, fangirling about me. "I'm a fan of yours!"

"Wait... Queen of Rockstar?" Keith turned his head to look at me with his question on face. "Since when you've became Queen Rockstar?" He asked me.

"About two years after I abandoned my old best friend." I replied making them shocked when I said I abandoned my own best friend.

"Why would you do that?" Girlfriend asked in shocked as I began to explained.


After the explanation inside her house. Girlfriend and Keith were shocked in surprise that my only friend using my money for her unnecessary things.

"I'm glad you move on, (Y/n)." Keith said patting my shoulder. I smiled warmly at him.

"Yeah, anyways, why are we here again?" I asked completely forgot what Keith told me back there before we went to Girlfriend's house.

"I want to see you rap!" Keith answered as he stood up on the couch looking at me with an excited face. "You are a rockstar right? So I wanted to see you rap!"

I began to sweat out. "Keith, I don't know how to roast someone. I only sing and play my (f/c) guitar." I told him.

"We can help you with that!" Girlfriend said as Keith and her grabbed both my wrists and went to the stage room. There's three boom box as she sat on the boom box before helping Keith to sat there.

"Just follow the rhythm, it'll help you a lot!" Girlfriend explained as the music of the beat began to play.

"Up, down, up, down!" They both said in unison, pointing their fingers up and down repeatedly. I followed the rhythm as they began to continue the beats.

"That's how you do it! Left, right, left right." They both said in unison and pointing their fingers to the left the right twice as I followed the beat again.

"That's how you do it! Left, up, down right." They pointed their fingers left, up, down then right as I followed the beat again.

"Down, down, up, down, down, right!"

I keep following the beats and I kinda miss one note but at least I'm a-okay!

"Down, up, right, down, right!" That part was fast but I keep following the beats one last time until I managed myself to do it by my own.

They both cheered at me after I had finished my tutorial. "I did it!" I shouted and jumping happily.

"Wow, (Y/n), I didn't know you have a beautiful voice!" Keith said as Girlfriend nodded in agreement. "I wish my voice was that!"

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