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"Yeah, it's me. Surprise, I'm not actually dead."

"Wait, so why did you say that you were, I-I don't understand."

"That'll be explained later." you said as you pulled your mask back up. "Right now, my main priority is meeting the rest of the boys. I have a plan and I need to make sure everyone is alright. I know the news of my 'death' may have hit you guys hard. Meet at this address in twenty minutes. I assume this gives you enough time to get the rest of the boys and let them know to be here." as you finished you had began to walk away. Forgetting an important detail, you stopped in your tracks. "Oh, and don't tell them I'm alive." you then continued to walk away.

Walking to your car, you saw Seven standing there at the tree you just conversed at. He looked lost, but then walked off to his car, got in, and left the park. After seeing him leave the premises, you left yourself. You were aware you were being watched, you figured it would happen. But nonetheless, you continued on your way to your house. 

You drove around aimlessly for a good thirty minutes and then decided to drive to your safe-house. By the time you arrived you saw all the boys were present. You saw August doing his nervous pacing. His hair was now pink, and to your surprise, all the boys had dyed their hair, besides Seven. What surprised you most, was that Danny was with them. You wondered how long he and the boys had been talking for him to be there. Besides you, Seven was the only other person Danny had previously known, and they hadn't talked since high school.

No matter, you walked up to them. You silently pushed through the crowd of boys, getting rude looks from Titus, who now had blue hair. You unlocked the door, and walked inside, motioning for the boys to follow you. Seven led them inside, and as you walked you heard whispers behind you. You had switched your voice before addressing them.

"In case you weren't aware, yes I have ears, yes I can hear you talking about me, and yes I can help you find your 'dead' friend."

The whispers immediately stopped.

"Anyway, follow me this way."

You walked upstairs, went down the hallway to the left, and entered the third door on the right. You then motioned for the boys to sit. They sat, and you began to explain your plan. They looked at you skeptically, but Danny just seemed zoned out completely.  Like he wasn't listening, but rather, observing. You were the main object he was analyzing. You felt as if he could just see through you, like he knew it was you behind the mask the entire time.

You continued to explain, trying not to seem bothered by Danny observing you, but you couldn't hide your facial expressions any longer. You stopped explaining, and addressed Danny. You didn't say his name, because you didn't want yourself away.

"Hey! You, with the blonde hair, why are you staring at me?"

"Hm? Oh, no reason. You just have a lot of the same mannerisms as Y/n. You remind me a lot of her."

"Oh, well, uh..." you awkwardly stuttered.

"So, who are you?"

"Excuse me?"

"Who are you? How did you know about her? About Y/n?"

"Well, that's a very simple answer, but first I have a question for you."


"Did any of you like her?"

"Why is that any of your business?" Titus butted in.

"Whoa there buddy, just a question. No need to get so defensive."

"No, there is a reason. I have my reasons. I did like her, I was planning to ask her out, since I figured this idiot brunette didn't have a chance with her." he points at Oliver. "I loved her for so long and didn't tell her, and I regret it now. We could've been something, so don't tell me not to get defensive, the girl of my dreams was taken away from me, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to her."

"Ah, so that's why you were so standoff-ish towards her. Noted."

"Quit the act. Who are you dude?"

"Ah, so I appear as a male to you, good to know."

"You're not?" August asked.


"So then why do you sound like Batman?" Oliver questioned.

"I can switch my voice as I wish." you then switched your voice to one that sounds a lot like your own. "See, I can sound like this as well." you then switched back to the deeper man sounding voice, "You see my point?"

"How did you just sound like Y/n? You've seen her?" August questioned.

" I told you I knew her whereabouts. You didn't believe me? Ouch."

"Anyway, we still don't know who you are."

"And the rest of you didn't answer my question. I know she was like a sister to Seven, but the rest of you."

"She was just a friend." August chirped.

"Yeah, I liked her, but I don't have feelings for her anymore. I learned to get over her after she died. Or 'died' as you like to say." Oliver replied.

"Ah, alright. I see the cute one with the blonde hair is reserved. I respect that. Anywho, I unfortunately cannot tell you my real name, because I am being watched. But, you may call me Indigo."

"Indigo?" Seven asked. "You aren't going to tell them who you actually are."

"No, I'm going to show them. Boys, listen. You must not call me by my real name until this situation is handled, alright?"

"We know you?" Oliver quizzed.

"Yeah, you do. I will show you who I am at a later date. As of right now, I have one main focus."

"Which is what, Indigo?" Seven probed.

"Finding this stalker."


soooo...the boys have changed...a lot...

I really do hope you all are enjoying. I try my best to write the best chapters for you all. I don't have a lot of time to write, so I come up with what I can. I am really sorry if they aren't good. My next book will be better though, I promise.

As I mentioned last chapter, I have a new book I'm currently working on(which has been named btw), and here were my conditions for an early release:

If this book hits 2k views by next week on Saturday, or earlier, I will release the book the day it hits 2k views. I'm currently at 744 views as I'm writing this. So if you want it by then, better hurry. 

I wasn't planning to release the book until July, but if my conditions are met I will drop it the day it hits 2k.

Anyway, that was all, enjoy the rest of your day/night. make sure to eat and drink water!

I love you darlings!!!

you're amazing!!!

i'm out!!!

p.s. go read Internet Boy by @theweirdogirl07 she is extremely talented and I love her book so far

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