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"Yes, it's me. The real me. This guy you've been with, he's an imposter. The stalker had him change his face to mine, and since every other bodily feature he had matched me but his face, that was the only thing that needed to be fixed."

"I was a little suspicious that it wasn't you if I'm being honest."

"You were?"

"Yeah, I knew you would never hurt me. I also noticed that your scar on your eye was gone, that's when I knew it wasn't you. I just played dumb to play along and see if I could get some info out of him."

You then heard a click, and you turned around. You saw a gun, right in your face.

"So, it seems I've been discovered."

"Yeah, give up the act." you slowly reached for your gun, which was on your hip.

"If you even think about grabbing your gun, I'll shoot with no hesitation."

"Look, we can reasonably talk about this like the adults we are, alright?"

"NO, WE CAN'T!" he yelled.

There were tears streaming down your face. To tell the truth, you were scared. He had moved the gun down to your stomach, which means he could hit a vital organ, and you could die. All he had to do was pull the trigger. You thought this was going to be the last day of your life.

"Look, don't hurt her anymore, okay? You already took her from me! We were supposed to go on a date and you probably ruined that. I know how she is, I've been around her long enough to know. Please, if you're going to shoot anyone, shoot me. It's my fault she likes me, and not whoever is behind this. " Oliver begged.

"Oli, no, it's not your fault. Please, just don't shoot him. Shoot me." you pleaded.

"My mission was to keep you alive, but you will be hurt, as a punishment for not giving yourself to him sooner."

On his last words, he shot.

You fell to the ground, blood rapidly spilling from your stomach. Oliver had loosened the rope more from when you had previously cut it. He grabbed your phone as he held you, and called who he thought was best. 

Titus came rushing through the door, August running right after him. Your consciousness was fading, but you heard some of their conversation. As you blacked out, you saw the group of boys, who all were now present, discussing what to do best. They all agreed on what they should do, and put their plan into action.

. . .

You woke up in a hospital bed, your memory hazy and your head pounding. You felt a sharp pain in your stomach, and winced. You looked to your right to see a nurse holding a clipboard, and when he noticed you were awake, his eyes widened in amazement.

"You had a slim chance of survival, I'm glad the procedure worked."

"W-what procedure? What happened t-to me? Where am I?" you asked softly.

"Well, a group of boys brought you here because you were shot in your stomach. We did surgery on you, even though there was a slim chance of survival. Those boys insisted we try whatever we can to save you, and luckily we did. You've been out for about two weeks now, but you've awoken. And now we can start your recovery, so you'll be here for about a month. If things go well, then three weeks at the least."

"Thanks for that, but I still don't know where I am."

"Oh, my apologies for not telling you. You're currently in Toledo-Song Hospital."

"This- what- hey, um, where are those boys you mentioned earlier?"

"They're really sweet. They've been coming in everyday at around three to see if you've awoke yet, they should be here any minute now actually."

"Th-they came here, for me? Everyday?" you questioned in shock.

"Yes, your boyfriend has been saying he loves you before he leaves. He must be a lucky guy, I bet he's very concerned about you."

"Bo-boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Oh, well you do have an admirer then."

"Oh, well that's nice."

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Of course not, shoot."

"Do you like one of those boys? They all seem to have a special relationship with you."

"I do like one of them, the rest of them are really close to me though."

"That's sweet, I hope things go well with you and whoever the lucky guy may be."

"Thank you, I really appreciate that. I-is that Seven?"

"Oh, that's his name. Now I know one of them, he kept saying you were his little sister or something of the sort.  It seems all of them are here."

The nurse then proceeded to call the boys over to you. They all ran over to you in excitement. August, being the emotional person he is, even cried when he saw you awake.

"Y-y/n, you're awake." 


i told you guys i would double update today ;)

anyways, short chapter because its late and im tired

hope you're enjoying so far. i put this chapter in because it gives me time to extend the book, so its not over quite yet. I'll let you guys know when you're in the last 3 chapters.


i love you!!!

you're amazing!!!

i'm out!!! <3

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