Eighth step: eleven steps back

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Seven more days till my days inside this cramped room is over.

Having this wheelchair under me is still uncomfortable, even though I've been sitting on it for days.

It's made out of the strongest alloy currently in the world, the frame just doesn't want to budge.

At first, I thought that I'm unique from the others, but this model is actually mass produced globally, embarrassing myself.

Even though global doesn't apply outside that sky.


First time I got admitted to this place, I didn't know what to do. The other people are having gossips all over the place.

I know it's not about me, but I just can't think that they're talking about me.

You know, I'm new. Insecurity problems. I've got to adjust.

The first day is the worst, I didn't even get out of my room to check my neighbors, though they don't really care, right?

Left and right I made many mistakes.

I mishandled my wheelchair, almost throwing me off it. It's good that the belt is strapped on my legs.

I broke two plates and one cup in one careless swing of my hand.

The kitchen is a mess.

Bathing myself is war. The moment you slip, the shampoo hits your head, the soap going in your eyes, and the shower temperature going dangerous lows, just hits you all in the face.

I'm like a helpless disabled soldier sent to a world war without any backup.

In the end, I strangely survived.

That's one of the greatest shame I've gained in my life.



A day has passed, and I am very much awake this morning.

Taking off the blankets on me, I pushed myself on the wheelchair.

A big yawn escaped my lips, but I rubbed my eyes and opened the door to the bathroom.

A morning shower is very good for the body. I can list so many, but one of the many is helping blood circulation, increases immunity, and skin health.

There's a small bathing chair I customised for me. I bought it online, since I can't get outside yet.

I don't like branded products, and cold showers are the best.

I come out of the shower crawling to my wheelchair.

It's a pain having to dry yourself, especially when you're alone in the house.

After a few minutes of struggling with the towel and dryer, I'm mostly mostly completed drying up.

Having your towel reach into the lower parts is already hard enough, so imagine having to dry the deepest parts.

No way.


I opened the fridge, taking out the ingredients for a healthy fried rice I searched up in the internet.

I set them on the lowered table, before seperating them in batches.

Cold rice,
Salt and pepper,
Soy sauce,
Oyster sauce,

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