Fourth and Fifth step: The sin of wrath and miss Sofia

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I woke up with a start.

The monotone sound of the machine reached my ears, irritating them.

My blurry vision was greeted by a gray ceiling, irritating them.

My sweaty clothes sticked to my torso and legs, irritating them.

The messy bed covers made me uncomfortable, which also irritated me.

At one moment, I just want to scream profanities to no one at all, then I didn't.

I remembered what the doctor said.

You need to control your temper, or you'll die early than you would think.

I took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

I repeated this for how many times before my head cooled down to bare minimum of sanity.

I turned off the alarm on my phone. My fingers are still shivering.

I have a problem in the head. I don't know when it started, or how it started.

I just want it cured, or prevent the consequences.

I pushed my body off the bed, turning me into a sitting position.

I picked up my phone and checked the time.

4:03 am

I'm late. I guess those two are right after all.

I alarmed my phone at 4:45 am, and propped myself back onto my wheelchair.

Sometimes when I'm not having my morning, in my anger, I always fall on the floor, so it just makes my mounting harder than it used to be.

Now that I can somewhat control my temper bursts, it's more manageable.

Pushing open the door of the bedroom, I arrive at the living room.

The temperature didn't change here. It's just constant temperature that can be compared to fresh air contacting your body.

That's why it can be described that just by coming inside a room of a patient, you can feel the plains outside.

Though it may be an exaggeration to me, there's still credibility in it. The temperature doesn't change unless I want it to after all.

I look at the couches that I didn't even dare use, and turned myself to the kitchen.

Although the couches are more comfortable than this wheelchair, it is a pain mounting back here.

I showered first, before grabbing milk and cereal in the refrigerator.

Showering is a pain, grabbing a bowl is a pain, pouring these damn cereal and milk is a pain.

I complained inside, but I did it all efficiently.

I don't want to have a mess, which is a bigger pain in the future.

I silently ate on the living room table, watching new released episodes of a series I'm subscribed with on the television.

Time passed quickly.

The dishes are already back on the cabinet, I already changed my clothes into a more presentable one.

It's just a few more minutes.

I waited.

The alarm I set before went off.

Turning off the alarm, I pushed open my door, and went outside.

I found myself in the labyrinth of rooms again, but I navigated straight to the elevator I used yesterday.

I pushed the button and waited for a bit.

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