Prologue - Death by...

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In a small village of a small country.

The moon has already been swallowed by the clouds.

Time already stopped for me this night.

Many voices called out to me in the darkness.

In response, I turned around.


Many small dots of light filled my vision.

Every single one of them moved towards me, like magnets.

"Kill the witch!"

The young.

"Kill the witch!"

The adults.

"Kill the witch!"

The old.

Each one of those lights chanted the same thing over and over again.

I'm tired of it already.

Mentally and physically.

"There's the witch!"

One of the lights brightened.

I turned around to run.

The sound of grass and leaves under my foot.

The texture of rock and soil.

The lights behind chasing me.

And the pitch black darkness in front of my eyes.

All of it entered.

I stumbled and fell many times.

But I ran again.


I panted.

The hard body of the tree supported my whole body.

I slumped down on the ground, with a root supporting my head.

Only the trees and the pitch black night can protect me right now.

Everybody from the village wanted to kill me right now.

I can't rest here.

I stood up.

My whole body is shaking.

I have many wounds on my body.

Especially arms and shoulders.

It's the result of me stumbling around the trees and tripping occasionally.

Escaping from the villagers are the top priority right now.

My stamina right now is on the dangerous low.

I can only run for ten minutes max.

After that, I could only hope for the best.

Right now, I don't see any lights from the torches.

I can walk to preserve my stamina.

I stood up.

My sound of my heartbeat slowed down.

I held the trunk of a tree for support.

I slowly dragged myself towards the darkness in front.


The sound of clothes ripping.

I looked down at my own body.

I didn't realize that my clothes are in tattered state.

I faced my back against a tree.

I can only recognize it as rags right now.

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