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"What the hell is this, dude?" Finn demanded, as he stormed into the choir room, making a bee-line to Sam as the blonde just frowned, as confused as everyone else. "What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret Moonlight Motel rendezvous with another big-lipped blondie?"

"Where does it say that?" Sam asked, offended now as Quinn also lifted her head when she had been mentioned, watching as Finn practically shoved the school's paper into Sam's hands.

"Right on the front page of the school newspaper!"

"You don't seriously believe this, do you?" Quinn scoffed as she moved to stand closer to her boyfriend.

"Well, why shouldn't I?" Finn asked. "Why wouldn't he do the same thing I did to him?"

"Because it's gossip, Finn." Quinn said, clearly annoyed as well.

Before that fight could escalate too much, however, it was Santana's turn to storm in, a copy of the newspaper in her hand as she glared at Brittany.

"This is your fault!" She accused. "You told everyone that I played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show."

"Wait. Are you mad?" Brittany frowned, clearly confused. "You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios, and now you're only in the New Directions."

"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?"

"I'm gonna punch your face off!" Finn yelled, shoving Sam backwards as the blonde stumbled and Winnie gasped in surprise.

"You got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating." He said, as Quinn tried, with no success, to pry the two boys apart. "You're the one who snuck in and stole my girl!"

"Hey!" Mr. Schue yelled, running over to the two of them as soon as he walked into the choir room. Finn huffed then, storming out. "Finn, where are you going? We got rehearsal!"

"Not today!" He called back at them.

And, as everyone started to exchange confused looks with one another, Winnie noticed Sam and Quinn exchanging a suspicious glance and she frowned. There was definitely something there. But, considering pretty much everyone in the club was involved in some kind of drama, Winnie knew that was about to be a very long week.


Now, Winnie did want to know what it was that had been happening with Sam that week because he had been acting sort of weird, but steaking out of the motel he had been seen with Quinn in the middle of the night like Finn and Rachel had done? That was a bit too much.

They had seen something interesting though. Apparently Kurt Hummel was somehow involved as well.

"I can't believe Kurt would do that to Blaine." Tina had said then, as everyone reunited in the Lima Bean to discuss what was happening. Well, everyone except for Sam and Kurt, that is. "What do we know about Sam anyway? I mean, what town is he from? What state? What's his old school like? Maybe he's a serial killer."

"Think you're watching a bit too much of Criminal Minds, T." Winnie mumbled into her cup of tea. "Have you seen Sam? He has no capacity to be an assassin at all. Let alone a serial killer."

"You guys, I'm telling you, Kurt wouldn't cheat on Blaine." Quinn said.

"It's like the Rumours album." Rachel spoke up, deciding to ignore the blonde. "Being apart or on the road is hard for two artists. Performers have this love the one you're with mentality. I mean, look at all of us. Look at all the different combinations that we've had. Finchel, Puckleberry."

Back-Up Plan - Book 1 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now