Chapter 1

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    It was a beautiful morning in the city of Xeinil. The sun was shining, the trees were blooming, and the birds were chirping their happy songs. I breathed in the fresh, city air as soon as I closed the front door behind me, and walked down the steps to the sidewalk. I knew that today was going to be another great day.
    Instead of using the transit busses, I walked my way to school today. I had time, and I felt like seeing the city once again. My school was a couple of miles away, but that is no problem for me, especially with this mood I am in!
    "Hey Ezra! What's up?" Kyle said to me as we were both walking up the steps to school. Kyle is one of my many friends. He's a very outgoing guy who likes to talk a lot and hit up on girls frequently, almost too frequently.
    "Oh, you know, just walking to school, and absolutely rocking it after that championship last night!" I said.
    We both walk into the building, as others also come in. People notice me striding down the halls, and most of them smile when they see me, and others congratulate me.
    "Great game last night dude!" Brody said to me, and high fived me.
    "I agree!"
    "That was an incredible shot, my man!"
    I had given my team the winning shot yesterday in the soccer championship. I remember the moments leading up to that final kick like it was... yesterday.
    I could hear people chant from all around in the stadium, the sweat dripping down my forehead. The lights that flashed on the field that made it difficult to see. The suspense was growing faster than ever before. We had gone into overtime with the rival, the Titans. They were a skilled team, nearly equally as our team, the Pumas. We hadn't won a game in over three seasons, and that night could have been the one to start our streak of winning.
    I had kicked the ball, so perfectly, so precisely, that it had just gone over the goalie by millimeters. It took me a second to realize that it wasn't blocked, but it had gone inside the goal. The crowd of people went wild. My teammates rushed towards me and we celebrated for hours.
    Now, our season of soccer is over, and we have a few months to rest. I knew that I couldn't have done it without my teammates, and the people who had come to watch us win. I couldn't have been any more ready to win a game like that without the people who supported me.
    That also includes my friends. Once I had put my backpack away and got my laptop, we started chatting about the game, the challenges we faced, and other things related to that. We sat down along the side of the halls, playing computer games, and planning what we would do after school.
    "Your mom should make you a celebratory shirt. You deserve it!" Wayne suggested.
    "If we really wanted it to make it special, then it should be a dress! Even better, she could make us all one!" I added on.
    We all laughed, "That would be amazing!"
    Today, we could celebrate and party much more than yesterday, since tomorrow, we do not have school. All of us can have fun, play games, and hopefully not break anything too badly this time. My mom wasn't too happy when she realized we broke her vase.
    The bell for classes rang, and me and my friends got up. "I'll text you guys after school." I said, as I walked to my locker. Me, my friends, and my soccer teammates always have a party at my mom's house once we are done with our soccer season, no matter if we have lost or not. We found it as an opportunity to hang out again.
    Before I had put my phone away, I got a text message from Gabriel. Gabriel is my most important friend of all. I would do anything for him, and he would do anything for me. We are very close, as we live right next to each other in our apartment.
    The text message said that he was sick again. I texted him back, saying that I hope he feels better. Gabriel is a very sickly kid. His immune system isn't the best, and there's nothing he can do about it. He tries to live a good life even though it is tough for him at times.
    Gabriel's parents are also very over-protective of him. They also are a bit whacky. They don't own any computers, or phones. They say that the media can brainwash your mind, and electronic devices can emit some radio waves that can cause cancer. I'm very surprised they allowed him to even have a phone at all! I know that stuff they talk about is totally wrong, but rather than that, they are very nice and welcoming.
    I enjoy school and being here to learn, much like my other classmates. My first class of the day is history, and from what we are learning about in the modern era, people felt differently about school. People hated to go to school back then, and dreaded it. I couldn't bear to imagine what it was like wanting to not exist than go to school.
    What isn't there to like about school? We get to hang out with friends, we will have our lives set after we graduate next year, and it's fun! I know that I can't compare school to being with friends, but people back then had a hard time dealing with problems.
    Next class I have is economics. I know that this is a very important class to have, since I will need to know about this in the future, so I try my hardest in this subject. I don't understand why some others don't try as hard in this class. I have seen artificial intelligence marketing about being able to do economics, but you will still have to learn this skill if they aren't around one day.
    Sometimes, I get distracted by a girl in class. Trust me, I'm not into her, but I know that she is into me. She loves to look at me, and draw me. I do not mind her too much, but her staring can get to be uncomfortable. I understand that some people may find romantic interest in me, but it's such a shame when I have to tell them that I don't like them like that.
    I have never been in a serious relationship with anyone. I have never gotten any feelings towards anyone here. Many of my friends have already found love interests, but I guess I have never needed anyone to be at my side, unless we are talking about Gabriel, and he's my best friend.
    Second period ended as quickly as the first, and I headed towards my third period, which was advanced maths. I do not tend to like maths very much, neither does most of my other classmates. Only a select few announced that they wanted to focus on math. I do respect their decisions, but I do not participate as much as I would have done in other classes.
    To summarize, I like to goof off in this class, since most of my teammates are also in that class with me. We have a very boring, old teacher that is partially deaf, and doesn't pay a lot of attention to the people in the back. That's why me and my teammates sit in the back, so we can joke around while not getting caught.
    Sometimes, Kyle gets rowdy, and he messes with our teacher. Kyle tends to throw spitballs or write messages on the board before class starts. Whenever something funny happens during advanced math, we know that it was probably Kyle who had done it. Of course, it could have been Clayton, or Brock, or even me, but it was probably him.
    I do not tend to mess with our teacher directly. If I am messing around, it is usually on my laptop. I am not creative with being a trickster, but I do enjoy Kyle's pranks and jokes during this boring class. It makes it bearable.
    Does our teacher deserve to be treated like this? It depends on how you think of him, and his past actions. Years before I had him as a teacher, he had harassed a kid because of his skin and hair color. Another student found out about this, and reported it to the principal. There was a lawsuit put in place, but it never actually went to court. Ever since then, he has been much more quiet and reserved. I dislike him because of that, and maybe that's why I haven't been involved with math as much as last year.
    My next period is my favorite of all time. It is a sewing class, and you get to learn to create patterns in fabric and design clothes. I have loved to design and create clothing at a young age. I was probably most influenced by my mother, who is a clothing designer. I was taught how to sew around eleven years old, with the help of my mother, but I created my first shirts and pants here at school. There is something about designing that I love, and I hope that I can get better over time.
    Kyle, Brock, and a few others of my teammates and friends have teased about how I shouldn't be a designer for clothing. They say that it doesn't fit me, and I should be a professional soccer player or something. I do not care about what they want me to be though, I like to sew and create, and I won't let anyone change how I feel.
    We were focusing on creating seams on more difficult pieces of fabric. I had mastered the art of sewing seams quickly once I was introduced to it. My teacher was right though, they were much more difficult! I struggled, like my other classmates, trying to finish before the bell rang.
    I just barely got done finishing my seam before the bell rang. I hurried to put my stuff away, and rushed to lunch. Today we were having freshly-made sandwiches and pizza bites. I do not mind the lunchroom's food, it's okay, better than what my mom sometimes makes, but it could be better.
    I like to sit with my friends and teammates at lunch, as you might expect. We like to chat, make jokes, and altogether have a good time. My bros are the best, and I don't believe there's anyone better than them all. We were all chatting about the final game, and what we could do at my house.
    After lunch, at my fifth period I have language arts. I'm not a super big fan of it, but I need to take it. Unlike advanced maths, this one I do not tend to mess around in this class. Most importantly, none of my friends are in this class, except Gabriel. Rather than that, I like to listen and expand my vocabulary.
    The biggest reason why I am okay with this class is because my favorite teacher is in this class. He is also our soccer coach. His name is Mr. Dwidewell. He is a relatively new teacher, and he is super enjoyable to have around. He likes to make (sort of bad) puns and joke around when it is appropriate. I know that he cares for his students too, and wants to help us with problems.
    My sixth period can be a riot sometimes. I have chemistry, and our class can be very noisy and rude. I could mark it as my least favorite period, but because of the students. In math, we can mess around, but we don't do it on a scale like this class. There isn't a reason to mess around in that class, because it holds some dangerous chemicals, and our class has a reputation of ruining fun projects.
    Once, we were going to do a lab for making instant cotton candy that we could have brung home. It would have taken a few days to make, but on the first day, someone decided to be silly and ruin their cotton candy, and all of ours too. They proceeded to add far too much dye, tens of times of the amount that was on the instructions. Before class had ended, the other substances had reacted to the dye too much after being sealed, and the container promptly exploded.
    Not just their cotton candy was ruined, but since all of the mixes were stored in one small area, the mess had seeped into other people's mixes, and ruined the project. Our teacher did the reasonable thing (maybe) and decided to not continue with any of the projects. Lots of people were mad at the person who had wrecked our free cotton candy, including me.
    Our class has had incidents like that happen more times than I can count, with other projects, and other people. We were in the news once because someone left the methane gas running, and that next day, that room could have exploded if the alarms hadn't gone off. We didn't have any chemistry that day, just a study hall.
    My last class of the day, drawing, made up for sixth period. We primarily focused on perspective today. I do not enjoy drawing perspective as much as everything else. When I move the position up and down, it messes up everything! Regardless, I try, and at the end of the class period, I feel like I have learned something.
    Drawing is also a subject that I like to participate in. If I want to design clothing for projects, I would need a good enough sketch of it. I couldn't just go and create without knowing what I'm doing. I took this class just because of that, and also because drawing is pretty fun to do sometimes.
    At the end of the school day, I packed my laptop and grabbed my bag. My teammates and friends were waiting for me. "Will Gabriel be coming tonight?" Brock asks.
    "I don't know. I'll text him soon." I reply.
    "This will be the best party ever! You better make it great Ezra!" Jack says and finger guns at me.
    "I will be! I promise!" I finger gun back at him. "What do you all want to be there?" I ask.
    "The regular stuff. Food, drinks, you know the drill. Maybe I can talk to some of the girls to come."
    "My mom might not like that many people in the house. We would have to go somewhere else."
    "Yeah... it was crowded last time. We should go somewhere else."
    "Like where? We would have to get a reservation or something if we did go out." I ask.
    "I dunno. You can probably find something. We can all try to look too."
    "Yeah! I think we can go to a restaurant or something!"
    "Or maybe the park."
    "Thanks for the ideas, guys! Gotta go catch the bus!" I say as I check the time.
    If I wanted to plan what we would have, or where we would go, then I would have to get home earlier. The bus was going to leave any minute now, and I needed to hurry. Most of the people I know don't take the bus, but I live much further away than other people, so I don't always walk home, and my mom can't take me there.
    The bus is a ways away from the school, but I was able to get there seconds before the door closed. I have to weave in and out between people so I could just barely make it. I didn't want to miss the bus! Once I had gotten on the bus, I let out a big sigh. I had made it.
    The bus started moving, so I sat down in an empty seat. I decided that this was the perfect time to text Gabriel, even though it would take less than a minute to get to my stop.
    Gabe, how are you feeling?
    Better than I was this morning.
    Do you think that you could make it to the party me and our friends are having tonight?
    I don't think so. We're going to probably be moving a lot.
    Hopefully you can make it to the next one.
    I felt the bus stopping, and I stood up. Me too. I texted him as I was getting off the bus.
    I only need to walk a couple of blocks before getting to my apartment, which wasn't that far. Most older people in Xeinil live around this area. This means that they don't travel to work, or to school, or to any other place. I also don't get to see many other kids my age around here.
    While I was walking back, I saw something on the side of the sidewalk. It was brown, and about the same size as me. When I got closer, I realized why it was nearly the same size. It was a person, draped in a thin brownish blanket.
    It must be a homeless person. There was usually no one here that is homeless. I had only seen one other person who was out on the streets, asking for money. I had given him a five dollar bill, and he thanked me. That was years ago, and I could barely remember anything about that person.
    Of course, I wanted to help this person out too. No one should feel hungry, or alone, or like they don't matter. "...Hello?" I said to them.
    They turned around to look at me. Their face was partially hidden by the shadow that was casted from the blanket. "Hi." They said, and uncovered their face. It was a woman, probably around twenty, with short, dark red hair. What stood out the most for me though was the two small horns that were on top of her head, and they looked like real horns. I had never seen someone with real horns before.
    "Would you like some cash? I asked. I took off my bag and got some change out, which totaled up to a little more than three dollars.
    "Yes, thank you." She said, and cupped her hands out towards me, as I put the change into her hands.
    I started to walk towards my house until she said something else. "Would you be interested in an idea that I have?" She asked.
    "What is it?" I replied. I was intrigued by what she had to offer. I could help get her off her feet too.
    "Sometimes, here in Xeinil, things can be difficult to do. Like sticking up for yourself, and volunteering, like what you're doing. I want to help those people. I just don't know how to send the message out to them."
    "There's many ways for your voice to be heard though. With an idea like yours, it's sure to spread once you get it going." I explained.
    "Like what? I don't think that many people would want to listen to me, an outsider."
    "You don't need to think like that. You could... just speak up about it! Or you could create a website, or organize a rally!"
    "I think that speeches would work the most. I don't have access to a website, and I can't create or organize a rally just like that. Why would people listen to me though?"
    "If you want to do your best, then you shouldn't worry. To attract people's attention, you have to have a good reason behind making a speech, and you already do! Of course, you also need to be charismatic, and an area to find an audience, like the park!"
    "The park...? Oh, that sounds wonderful. I can also be charismatic too, I was involved with presenting items at my last job, before I had gotten fired..."
    "Maybe not working where you were at was holding you back from your true potential! Maybe what you were meant to do was help others out, with your voice." I realize that I am wasting time, and I need to start planning for the party. I really do want to help this woman out with her dream though. "I need to go, but if you need any further help, just go to the Help Center, they can provide free products for you. I hope that we can meet sometime again." I say, as I walk away.
    It felt odd helping someone who was on the street, but I was also feeling proud. Maybe one day, she could help other people in need, and make the world a slightly better place. I could help her further if we met in the future, but time was ticking. I rushed to my apartment, and ran down the hall.
    I opened the door with my key, and I barged in. My mom wasn't here yet, which was okay, but I'll have to talk to her once she gets home, which should be a half-hour from now. For now, I'll have to see what the others think. If we were going to stay here, then I would have to clean up, and get some food and drinks. If we were going to go somewhere, then I would have to make a reservation.
    I was usually in charge of planning all of the parties. My mom would also help out when we were younger to hang out. Eventually, I was able to make the plans, without much extra help needed. That's why most parties are at my house. I do not mind being in this position, but it can be stressful at times.
    I walked up the stairs to go plan in my room. I stopped though before going up all the way, as I was looking at a painting on the wall. It was a painting of my father. It was painted by a friend of my mom's while he was waiting, alongside my mom, in a bunker. The painting is around two decades old.
    My father was a soldier in combat, who had fought for my freedom on Earth. He had also fought for my mom's freedom, and a lot of other people's freedoms, who didn't belong here. We weren't supposed to be on a planet that could keep us safe.
    Back then, before the war happened, us aliens and other intelligent creatures from other planets were not able to be here. Before the war, the only meaning we had was to be awed at and experimented on. That viewpoint had changed when multiple people from Earth, but mostly extraterrestrial beings, didn't want to see others, or theirself, treated that way.
    I had heard so many stories from my mother about the war. During the war, when she was let free from captivity by the Pro-Aliens, had an invisible target on her back. If she was found by the Pro-Humans, then she would have been tortured, killed, or put back into captivity. She had to be in hiding for most of that time.
    She had met my father when he had freed her. He saw my father as a young, kind, and heroic man, risking his life for someone like her. She told me that there was something special about my father that had made him different, but hasn't been able to point it out.
    My father kept her safe, and eventually bonded with my mother. He had given her a place to stay, food to eat, and water to drink while he was away. They were one of the first examples of aliens and humans having a loving relationship together. Of course, this was kept secret until the end of the war, or else he could have been targeted by the Pro-Humans.
    My mother didn't tell me much about her past life before she had made it to Earth. The conditions on her past planet were harsh and deadly compared to Earth. Their sun had grown too massive for life to continue on, and their planet had nearly no more water to drink, and all life would perish. She said that long before she was born, their community thrived, with many more people than there ever was on Earth, and with much more advanced technology.
    When she was sent off onto Earth, there weren't many people left, and civilization was dying, fast. There wasn't much hope, but to send others onto a habitable planet, Earth. On the way there, she was close to starvation and dehydration, as the ships weren't meant to carry tens of thousands of people at once. The people who had to stay on her home planet probably died shortly after.
    When they had arrived on Earth, humanity was, to say the least, very defensive. They had assumed we wanted to steal the planet, destroy it, and not just to share it. Her first experience on Earth was described as the whole planet stopping to gaze at the new creatures that had suddenly arrived.
    The aliens on all the ships were placed into large buildings, without much food or water. They were experimented on, as the humans tried to communicate with the newcomers. Most of the details about our existence were kept as classified, and no one outside of the government knew much about them. This made them angry, for all the wrong reasons.
    Once the newcomers were able to successfully communicate, lots of them were interrogated, and more were experimented on. Some of them were used for managing other aliens, and some aliens were forced into doing slave work. Some of them died while working, and others to death. The slaves had to make food, and tend to humans, and were forced to treat them like gods.
    The experiments they had done were horrible. Forcing aliens to mate, trying harmful drugs, and genetically modifying their genes. Most people had died because of that. One of the worst experiments were ones that made the aliens explode from the inside. Guts and blood would be covered on the walls sometimes. That was the worst way to die in captivity, by far.
    Aliens, which we decided to call Newcomers, were barely any more different from humans. Sometimes, they had more mutations, probably because of the planet that they had once lived on. We also were a little bit stronger than regular humans. Newcomers also lived longer, but no one knows if that will be true here on Earth. Not enough time has passed to know.
    The only noticeable difference was their multiple natural hair and skin colors, which could be vibrant, from all the colors of the rainbow. That's why I have bright green hair, and my mom has green and pink hair. One other feature that could be noticeable is that aliens were slightly bigger than humans, which is why my mom is taller than normal. Rather than that, there wasn't much reason on why they should have been tested on.
    Most of Europe and America have got hold of them, while other world leaders got upset on why they weren't able to have any aliens. This had added on to the anger from normal civilians, who protested having aliens in the first place.
    The people demanded that the Newcomers should be killed, and they should go back to where they came from, because they didn't belong here. People didn't know what these were, since they got no information on them beforehand, and didn't even know that we had meant no harm. The root of most anger was fear, and this was a definite example of that saying. The people didn't even know much about what we looked like. They had assumed we were very thin, and had bright green skin, and big black eyes.
    These protests and disagreements had led to the first captivity building being raided, and the civilians had seen the aliens for the first time. Some of the captives were killed, but most of the humans who had seen them, and their living conditions, backed off. They realized that we had no intentions on harming them, and that we were being harmed by the government.
    Over the course of a few years, protest goals had changed, and more captivity buildings were raided. These weren't only raided by civilians, but other governments from other nations. The ones that were captured by other countries were forced to be transported away.
    Two sides were made. One of them was Pro-Aliens. They had realized that this new race was worth protecting, and should be welcomed as normal people. There was no reason why we should treat them like this, as they had nowhere else to go. The others were Pro-Humans, and I'm surprised at how many people didn't want extraterrestrial life. They stated that aliens shouldn't be here because they could harm people.
    Some of them thought that their leader was going to come one day, and with the help of the Newcomers, they would wipe all humans out. The thing was that their "leader" had died while on a ship. Others thought that they would infect us. Then others just didn't want to have this race on the planet, because why not.
    This had caused the world to go into a war. The government had started to realize what they did wrong. That might not be true though, some people say that the government was overthrown in many countries. This war was long, bloody, and brutal. A little more than ninety-nine percent of people on the entire Earth were wiped out over the course of around twenty-five years. This was mostly because of bombs.
    There was war before the bombs had come though. The governments didn't want to eradicate the Earth. First, millions of people were drafted into the war. If you were sixteen, and sort of healthy, you would fight for your country. You would be arrested if you didn't want to join. It didn't matter what you looked like, who you were, or where you came from.
    There was controversy for adding in Newcomers to fight for their freedom. They were given a choice, but they were mostly forced to fight. Not all of them were given that choice, like my mother. She had to stay in captivity, and she wasn't allowed to know what was going on in the outside world. She could barely understand English, so it didn't matter.
    After that, spies traveled to other countries illegally to learn information, or take down a leader by themselves. Newcomers weren't allowed to participate in this field, because they weren't fit to. Even though the aliens were fighting for their freedom, there were still things they couldn't do, because of prejudice, or because of the Pro-Humans' way of treating the Newcomers.
    Aliens that were from the Pro-Human side were used to harm the other people by flying a plane, and crashing into the headquarters, or other buildings, of Pro-Aliens. It was like the alien's existence was meaningless and insignificant to the Pro-Humans. Pro-Aliens were enraged by this act, and sent out trained aliens to attack the Pro-Humans.
    These aliens weren't supposed to die though, and only a few did. This led to terrorist attacks occurring all over the world, to show one-side that they were more powerful than the other. Everyone had to live in fear, knowing that they could possibly die overnight. No one was safe, and my mom got to feel the effects, even when she had no idea this was going on. She had to go days without food or water, and was forced to work harder than ever before.
    She was saved by my dad, before the conditions had gotten worse. My dad and his troop were a part of setting Newcomers who were still in capacity free. Even though they were divided by race and language, they had fallen in love shortly after her escape. My father had to mostly teach her English whenever he was home, so he could communicate with her.
    The reason why the government hadn't set some aliens free before was because of a lot of political tension. Most of the countries out there, rather than the main superpowers, were neutral. Most of the captivity buildings were set up around South and North America, along with Australia and Norway. These ones outside of Pro-Alien control were not able to be set free, unless they were raided.
    The Pro-Humans were the ones to give up a few months after my mom's escape, but they didn't go out with a whimper. They wanted to wipe all of the Newcomers and supporters out, and launched a nuclear bomb. Before these had hit the United States and parts of Europe, the Pro-Aliens had launched many more, and the world became a nuclear fallout.
    Fortunately, there was a nuclear bunker a few miles from their house. Both of them had ran there as fast as they could before the doors had shut. Most of these bunkers were made during the war, but there wasn't enough in some areas, and most of the time in there, it was cramped. My mom and my father were safe from the blast. It was years before anyone could survive a single day out in the wild.
    Inside of the bunkers, both humans and Newcomers were welcome to stay. The bunker also had many seeds, and the people inside, aliens and humans, started working together to survive. It didn't matter who you were now, because we were all the same from the inside. When we were broken down to our core, both of us needed food, water, shelter, and social interaction to live.
    The conditions inside the bunker weren't very good. It was like my mom being on the spaceship all over again. There wasn't clean water, there was little food to go around, which was nutritious and bland. It was extremely boring inside of the bunker. Many people had died while inside the bunker too.
    To this day, my mom absolutely hates small, crowded spaces because of all the trauma she has had to endure throughout her childhood and adulthood. For most of her life that she can remember, she was stuck inside the spaceship, in a captivity building, hidden in a small house, and hiding in the bunker. She found my father's house to be the best out of any of those. There, she could move around, have privacy, and be comfortable for once.
    It was found out a few years ago that the soldiers and people of Pro-Humans didn't have a plan like this. They were killed from the blast, or from radiation poisoning. There is believed to be some people from the Pro-Human side to still be alive to this day, but no proof has been found, yet.
    As soon as it was safe to be outside for a few hours, people started making plans. Plans to expand the bunkers, to meet up with others, and mapping an area where we could clean up radiation. It took a few more years to get anywhere, but we were able to meet up with others from the closest bunkers.
    Eventually, plans for a new city to be built had started to go underway, as we gained connection with the other bunkers. My father and mother were one of the planners for the new, more advanced city. Many square miles would have to get deep cleaned before anything could start to be built. Technology that my mom's civilization used was also used in the project.
    My father was one of the many people who wired outside, while my mom stayed in the bunker to manage the people inside. More than half the people from bunkers around the area were risking their lives to create a new city. Once a huge area of land was cleared, they started to build, and gather materials.
    My mother wasn't a part of any making of the buildings, mostly because my father cared for her, and didn't want her to get hurt, like he did. He was injured many times during the war and building of the city. He also started to get very sick from working outside for so long. Many of the builders died for this city.
    Years later, the city was almost finished, and I was born. My father was only around to see me for a couple of months before he died from radiation poisoning, so I never got to truly meet him. He was in this house at some point of his life, and sometimes I can feel his presence in this house. He was a good person, who did everything he could to make the world a better place. It makes me sad that I won't ever be able to meet him.
    There are still some people who think that Newcomers don't deserve all their rights to be here. Like my math teacher. People at our school always knew that he was racist towards aliens. It's surprising that he hasn't been fired yet, for making a student feel ashamed of themselves. Since he is older, he must have been involved with the war, and probably wasn't on the Pro-Alien side.
    There were people that would pretend to be on the Pro-Alien side before the bombs went off. My mom noticed that a couple of humans weren't wanting to work with aliens. They didn't bother trying to force them to work, because eventually they would have to work together. My mom always said that if you wanted to survive in those difficult times, you would have to cooperate with others.
    My mother today is known as someone who massively helped rebuild civilization. Without such great communication and planning, there would be no way that the city would have been built so great and fast. There would have not been as much cooperation with other bunkers as quickly and as well. She stays humble about her achievement.
    Now, she is a clothes designer, as I had said earlier, and on some nights, she is a yoga instructor. She is very flexible, and she loves to help people find their state of calmness. It was a long journey of captivity, prejudice, containment, and mourning my father's death. Even though she had to go through all of that, she has been able to see the good things, and has been able to move on. I find that incredible, and I look up to her for that.
    As a clothing designer, she makes me tons of creative and trendy clothing that I like to wear. She is able to make any type of clothing for you based on your looks and personality. For her, she usually sticks to a couple of clothes, which I find odd.
    I finally snapped out of my reminiscence, and continued walking up the stairs. I hoped that I didn't waste much time thinking about the past. I had to start getting ready for the party that was tonight. Once I got into my bedroom, I started texting my friends on what they had come up for ideas.
    So are we going somewhere, or are we going to stick with going to my house?
    The park isn't available tonight because of another event going on, so we can't go there.
    We could go to the Roller Rink, but there's gonna be a bunch of kids there.
    There is a diner we could go to, but it wouldn't allow around twenty people to make a reservation.
    I don't think that there is anywhere else we could go to, at least not now.
    So we will be going to my house, right? If anyone else has any other ideas, that would help.
    I believe that we are out of ideas.
    Alright, I'll start to get ready.
    I was hoping that we could have done something different rather than staying here. It would be nice to have some change. Regardless, I went back downstairs to see what we might have for snacks. They do like to eat a lot.
    "Hi, Ezra!" My mom said, as she closed the door.
    "Hey, can you make some of that punch that we had at our last party. I'm gonna be hosting a party here for the soccer championship." I ask.
    "Oh, of course! Is there anything special that you might want to have?"
    "I dunno yet. Maybe a movie? Or board games? That isn't usually something that we would do though."
    "I know that if you do anything extra, that your friends will like it. You always know what people like."
    "Thank you."
    "Remember that the party needs to end by midnight. I don't want anyone tired and cranky in the morning. Make sure you have fun, but not too much fun!" She said as she walked up the stairs.
    "I'll make sure of it." I said. I opened up the small closet, which held some board games.
    After around an hour of planning, I finally felt like I was ready. I texted my friends to tell them I was ready, and most of them were there fairly quickly. They liked the idea of playing Monopoly, and we had a great time playing. My mom also watched, and we all had a great time together.
    I wished that Gabriel was here with us. He would have liked it too. If he is sick though, he should stay home. His parents wouldn't have let him out of the house even if he was slightly ill anyways.
    I was having lots of fun though, and my friends and mom were too. It was an alright day altogether, and I knew that life couldn't get much better than this. It was already too perfect to add on to.
    None of us had to worry about so many things, like the people back in the day did. I didn't have to worry about assignments, money, jobs, debt, or anything like that. It was all because of the city that my mom and dad helped with. Because of them, they helped build a utopia that was sure to stand the test of time.
    Of course, things couldn't stay the same forever. Eventually, someone would be able to destroy a rebuilt civilization in nearly an instant. Starting from now, things would only get worse, and worse, and this all happened because of me.

Supernatural Book 4: Ezra's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now