Roberts Death S1E1

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The Music Meister comes back and says, Alright I gotta warn you here, this is Robert's death so get ready. Oliver sighed that he was gonna have to relive this moment but was comforted by Felicity and his two kids which made him smile.

Life Raft

(The three survivers were sitting in the life raft and Robert looked at the crewmate realizing what he had to do, the he pulled Oliver in close.)

Robert: There's not enough for all of us.

Oliver: Save your strength.

Robert: You can survive this. Make it home, make it better. Right my wrongs. But you got to live through this first.

(Oliver started to drift of to sleep so Robert tugged on him keeping him awake.)

Robert: You hear me, Ollie? You hear me, son?

Oliver: Just rest, dad.

Robert: No.

(Robert kissed the top of Oliver's head and set him down to the side and then reach into his vest and pulled out a gun and aimed it at the Crewmate who looked at him terrified before Robert pulled the trigger making him fall into to water. Oliver could barely stay awake but when he heard that first gun shot he jolted wide awake looking at his dad with wide eyes.)

Oliver: Dad?

Robert: Survive.

(Oliver looked at his dad scared and confused then Robert pointed the gun at his own head and pulled the trigger, killing himself after telling his son to survive.)

Oliver: No! No!

Everyone gasped in shock and Oliver flinched when he saw his dad kill himself. Omg. Felicity said looking concerned at Oliver who had tears in his eyes looking down at the floor. Robert didn't know what to say about his death, he was to shocked to say anything. Everyone looked at Oliver with concern and sympathy. Oliver pulled Mia in close who also had tears in her eyes after seeing her grandfather kill himself. Moira was crying now and being comforted by Robert.

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