Thea Sees Oliver's Scars S1E2

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Music Meister came back and said, So this is when Thea walks into Oliver's room and sees his scars. Thea's grip tightened on Roy's hand because even though she was used to scars she still didn't like seeing her family hurt.

Oliver's Bedroom

(Oliver was watching the TV while putting on a shirt but Thea walked in and saw Oliver's scars before he put on the shirt. Thea was shocked and walked over to him.)

Thea: Uh, wait, how did you get those?

(Oliver scoffs and is very pissed Thea saw her scars and hurrying put his t shirt on and tried to button it up.)

Oliver: Dont you knock?

Thea: No, wait, mom said that... there were scars...

(Thea turns Oliver around and opens up his shirt revealing his scars and Thea was at a lost for words.)

Everyone sighs at seeing Oliver's scars again and feels bad for him.

Thea: I-I'm... Oliver, what happened to you out there?

(Oliver pulls his shirt over his chest again to hide the scars and very softly he speaks.)

Oliver: I don't wanna talk about it.

(Oliver turns back around and Thea scoffs.)

Thea: Of course you don't. You never wanna talk to me about anything. Except for my social life.

(Thea starts walking out the door and Oliver sighs.)

Oliver: Wait!

(Thea turns back to Oliver.)

Oliver: Where are you going?

Thea: Why should I tell you?

Oliver: I'm sorry, Thea... I need to get better... at talking about what happened to me there. But I'm not ready yet. Okay?

Thea sighs and turns to her brother and says, I'm sorry Ollie, you went through a lot and I didn't understand that, so, sorry for pushing. Oliver nods in recognition that he heard Thea.

Thea: Do you have a second?

Oliver: Yeah.

Thea: Good. I wanna show you something out back.

(Oliver moves towards his bed and picks up his jacket.)


(Oliver and Thea were walking towards 2 graves at the back of the mansion.)

Thea: Sometimes, when i... felt... whatever. I'd come here.

(The screen shows Robert's tombstone. Thea gets down and wipes durt off the tombstone.)

Thea: About a month after the funerals mom stopped going out. Pretty soon, she stopped going out altogether. The house got so quiet so I'd come here. To talk to you.

(Thea points to Oliver's gravestone right by Robert's.)

Moira sighs thinking about how she was after her husband and son died.

Thea: I mean, stupid stuff. Like what I was doing that day what boy I had a crush on. And then sometimes I'd ask you, beg you to find your way home to me. Now, here you are. And the truth is, I felt closer to you when you were dead. Look, I know it was hell where you were.
But it was hell here too. You gotta let me in, Ollie. You gotta let someone in.

Thea was about to speak but was cut off by Oliver saying, Thea, don't apologize.
Kara wanted to ease the tension so she asked, Oliver, do you every smile? Everyone who knew Oliver he returned said No, all at the same time.

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