Oliver Attacks Hunt S1E1

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Music Meister starts talking and says, So since Oliver doesn't want to tell you guys I might as well. So for those 5 years that Oliver was away he experienced horrible things and he turned into a completely different person from when he was on that boat. So when he returned home he became a vigilante known as the Hood, or the Arrow. After he got a book from his dad witch contained a bunch of names so now he goes after the people on the list and the first one he goes after is Adam Hunt.
People were shocked to hear this and wanted to ask what happened to Oliver but they figured they would see.


(The elevator dinged and all the men turned to face it and as soon as the elevator door opened an arrow came flying out killing one guard. The Hood took down the two guards right outside the elevator with ease then threw his bow at a guy's face knocking him down. Then Oliver jumped on a pillar and propelled himself onto a 4th guy knocking him down while dodging gunfire by the 5th guy he picked his bow up and ducked behind another pillar waiting for him to run out of ammo.)

Adam Hunts Office

(Hunt and some bodyguards were inside his office listening to the gunfire when all of a sudden everything went quite. The the 5th guy came flying threw the door getting shot by one of the guards Inside the office. The Hood peeked around the door firing one Arrow killing one of the guards inside the office then he attacked the other guard knocking him out and then shot an arrow that whizzed past Hunt and attached to a wall.)

Hunt: You missed

Arrow: Really?

Wait you missed? You never miss. Cisco said stunned. Then Oliver looked at Cisco and said Really Cisco you're the tech genius you should be able to figure it out. (Cisco looked confused then realized and didn't say anything.)

(The Hood was aiming an arrow at Hunt when all of a sudden Drakon attacked him and they started fighting, blocking some attacks, and also landing some. While Adam Hunt ran out of the office he got on the phone with Quintin.)

Hunt: He's here.

Outside Adam Hunt's Office

(Quintin got on the radio and started yelling.)

Quintin: All units, converge. All units, converge!

Of course your going after him, Laurel says. Well he was a vigilante who was killing people, of course I was going after him, Quintin says.

Adam Hunt's Office

(Drakon and the Hood were still fighting when Quintin and the police force stormed the building running up the stairs. Drakon pulled out his knife but Oliver dodged sending Drakon into a flower pot and hitting him multiple times sending him to the ground and he reached for a SMG which Oliver saw so he started running while Drakon was firing his gun at hime and the Hood in one motion jumped over Hunt's desk while throwing an arrow at Drakon killing him. But when Oliver landed the impact knocked him out cold.

Everyone gasp at seeing Oliver knocked out. Come on Ollie wake up, Laurel said. Which made Oliver happy to hear that Laurel still cared about him because for her this is the first time she's seen me since the Gambit.

(Right as the police enter the Hallway Oliver wakes up hurt but he reaches for his bow and grabs it as the Police enter the office.)

Police: Lay down your weapons or we will open fire! I repeat, lay down your weapons.

(Oliver was behind the desk so the police didn't see him but he peaked over it and shot an arrow knocking the gun out of one of the officers hands. While making a run for the window Quintin steps in the room firing multiple shots at the Hood as he ran and jumped through the glass window. Quintin and Hilton run to the window to see the Hood zip lining down using the zip line arrow he placed earlier.)

Hilton: Tell me you saw that?

Quintin: Okay. Let's go. Move.

Oliver Smirked then looked towards Tommy who was shocked at Oliver's skills. Tommy you alright? Oliver asked. Yeah. It's just you are very good at fighting and shooting a bow and arrow. Tommy said. Oliver smiled then looked at Shado and Slade and said, Well Slade taught me how to fight and Shado taught me how to shoot a bow and arrow. Everyone looked at Shado and Slade and Moira asked so they were on the island with you? Oliver nodded his head then turned back to the screen.

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