Chapter 24: Time To Move

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I found out later that Xai'an had made love for me for almost a whole day. I had to beg him to stop because...well...damn it a girl could only take so much before it just plain hurt. Well and also because I was met with some of the worst cramps of my life afterwards. It was due to the combination of lack of food and the intense rough sex. Xai'an was not small if you catch my drift.

Xai'an damn near had a heart attack at my pain because it drove me to the floor. It would have been funny to see his pretty amber eyes nearly pop out of his head had I not been convulsing in pain. He was so worried that he didn't even listen to me that the pain would eventually pass. I knew because I had this happen to me once before when my partner had been nearly as big as Xai'an and nearly as rough. I didn't mind it though because in the moment, I liked it. Xai'an wanted to hear none of it and tossed me into another healing pod for another day.

After that he damn near avoided me for another few days. Or at least, I assumed given how it felt. There was nothing for me to gage time. When I did see him it was to bring me food. I think he was scared he'd hurt me again.

Maybe I really was stupid, because I not only wasn't scared, but I was disappointed that he avoided me. Even though it pained me to even walk to the bathroom with every step for a while, my body still craved him. I wanted him again and that was so unlike me. Yeah, I enjoyed sex with my partners, but I could easily go months without feeling the need to be with someone again. Years sometimes. Never in my life had I ever reacted like this to a lover and thanks to having a lot of alone time I had tons of time to think about it.

Xai'an could have at least left me with a tv or a book. I hadn't been out of the bedroom since he showed me my wanted posters and I was getting beyond stir crazy. There was only so much a person could sleep and I had long grown tired of counting the etches in the walls. It felt like months had passed since Xai'an's last slept in here, which was just me being needy since he rarely visited me except to make sure I had something to eat.

Today felt like it had been hours since Xai'an had last come in to bring me food. Mostly things like fruits or nuts that he seemed to have yanked from a store judging by the plastic containers and sticker expiration dates. I really doubted that he would stand in line casually at a grocery store. No, I was betting he stole it.

Those visits showed me how he worked the door, but I was without clothes. The doctor's lab coat was beyond salvation unfortunately. I hadn't seen his brother, but I had no reason to assume he wasn't here. I had no doubts Xai'an's jealousy wouldn't limit to just human males and after he had helped rescue me, I couldn't risk setting him up for that bloodbath.

The door suddenly opened and I let out a sigh of relief when Xai'an came in holding a tray of fruits. I guess I had been upgraded. Watermelon, strawberries, bananas, kiwi. He seemed to pay attention to which ones were my favorites because he no longer brought me pineapple or cherries. "Xai'an, when can I leave this room? I think I'll die of boredom if I'm cooped up in here much longer."

Xai'an clicked his mandibles and sat the tray down on the leather mattress. "Z is Xai'an's mate. Leave whenever. Xai'an ship is Z ship."

That was nice and all but even if I hadn't been feeling like he had been avoiding me I still had a big issue. I motioned to my lack of clothing. "I can't strut about naked, Xai'an."

He laughed and by now I could see his mandibles draw up on his face, similar to how a person smiles. I never would have imagined in a million years that I could find a being like him handsome, but here I was. "No."

He motioned to the wall and beckoned me to follow him. I hopped off the bed after grabbing a strawberry. He reached for my hand and placed it on a faint box that lined the wall. It was so faint, in fact, that I never would have seen it otherwise.

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