Chapter 16: Who's Really A Monster?

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This chapter will contain scenes that may disturb some readers and may be viewed as torture to some.

Also would like to add that Exams are around the corner so I will be drastically slowing down posts possibly to once a week. Sorry for the inconvenience.


When I came to, it was like I had simply blinked my eyes. One moment that asshole was slamming a night night cocktail into my leg and the next I was strapped naked to a metal table with my limbs spread out.

Panic forced me to yank at my restraints until I hurt, but the metal cuffs were welded into the table. I was going nowhere. Against my will, I started crying. I just seemed to break down and I couldn't stop it. Every moment that I forced myself to keep my head firmly on my shoulders instead of letting out my anguish just poured out of me then. I cried because I wanted to go home. I wanted my bed. I wanted the guys back at the dojo. I wanted my mom's house to still be there with Sosha. I wanted to be blissfully ignorant of alien life forms. I just wanted these last 24 hours to have never happened!

But that wasn't happening. I was vulnerabley exposed here on a table in a white room so bright that it hurt my head. I still had Xai'an's DNA inside me doing god knows what to my DNA make up apparently! That bastard had said it was safe for me too! Xai'an was still out there somewhere wanting to turn me into a wife. Though, now that I was in the middle of god knows where with no doubt a small army surrounding me, he'd have to think of himself and leave me behind. 

I wanted to blame Xai'an for this situation, but I just fucking couldn't. No matter how hard I tried to be angry at him. Hate him. I just couldn't. He wouldn't have known the government was going to get their hands on me when he gave me his blood to heal me. No. This wasn't his fault. This wasn't even my fault, damn it! It was just shit luck and I always drew the short stick.

Something hissed beside me, making me jump up. A woman came through a vacuum sealed door with her nose in a tablet. She had dark hair pulled back into a slick ponytail that bounced around her shoulders. Her olive skin was a natural tan, not a box or spray and she looked to be a few years older than me. When she looked down at me, her eyes widened. 

"Miss Reyes! I didn't expect you to be awake!" She had a deep voice that made me wonder if she smoked.

"Let me go! Please!" It was the first thing out of my mouth and I hated how scared it sounded. How weak.

"That's not my call unfortunately, but you will know that as soon as we get all the testing we need from you, you will be released." She was quick to avert her eyes back down to the tablet in her hands as she turned to walk out of my view. The table I was on had a thin sheet protuding up located over my head. What it's function was for I didn't know.

"Why am I naked? Can I at least get something to cover me?" I heard her moving behind me but I still couldn't see her.

"I'm not supposed to, but my lord, they can fire me for this." She said as she shuffled around until I saw her on my right. She bent down to open a cabinet and pulled out a thin white sheet. It looked like the scratchy ones you'd get at the hospital, but I wasn't going to refuse it. 

"Thank you." I said when she tossed it over my torso. 

I think she smiled at me, but I couldn’t tell behind the surgical mask she wore. I hadn’t even noticed it before. "I'll have to move it to do a few tests, but I don't see why you can't have it."

"What tests?" I pushed. She was being kind to me so far. I knew that kindness could go a long way when it came to making unpleasant situations easier.

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