Chapter 10: Mine

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Last warning guys.

This chapter has STRONG sexual content. Please skip if you do not wish to read.

I will be posting Xai'an's chapter immediately afterwards.


During my hunt for clothes I had been lucky enough to find normal shampoo and conditioner. There had been a few perfume bottles but even if I had wanted to smell like 'Juicy Peach Spritz' or 'Seduction Raspberry' I couldn't handle all the damn glitter in it. 

I sat the clothes on top of the tile wall ledge. I always hated these showers because you had to share space with four other girls and the 'walls' were barely high enough to cover my breasts from view of others who walked by. Back then I had been so underdeveloped that girls often made fun of me. Not that I had much more now to gawk at, it was certainly enough to avoid ridicule from evil teenage girls who loved to bully people. 

Like the bathrooms up in the walkway, the emergency lights were on in here. They were sparse so they didn't provide a huge amount of light, but it was enough for me to see what I was doing. Thankfully the hot water was still working so I was more than relieved to step under the spray. Since I had no loofah or washcloth I settled for using my hands to wipe off. I hadn’t realized how bad it was until I saw the blood washing away at my feet. 

I reached for the shampoo I placed on the built in shelf that lined the whole cubicle and poured more than I needed to into my hair. I wanted to rid myself of any blood. As I lathered up, I couldn't help but think of Xai'an. 

For someone who has killed humans before, he was surprisingly tame. Was he doing it on purpose because he wanted to be on my good side? Maybe...but he had made it very clear what he wanted from me. I wanted to be mad or offended, but when I tried the emotion just wouldn't come. What was different about him trying to woo me than any other man? Granted the interspecies thing definitely put a twist in things. But the more I thought about it, the more I could draw lines between Xai'an and the other men from my love life. 

Sean had come to me whispering sweet nothings, promising me the world. He sang me songs and promised to hurt anyone who hurt me. I was the love of his life...but not even two years later I found him bedding my best friend. This was after a year of knowing he was lying to me about where he was going, what he was doing,  but not having the courage to confront him about it. Even after I had confronted him with evidence, he denied it. I still could picture his face as he wept on his knees, begging me not to leave him. He'd do anything. Anything. But I knew that too was a lie. He was a coward. 

I tried dating after him, but it was more of the same. More liars. Men who were married, in relationships but pretending not to be. Hell there was one man who didn't even hide that fact. Wanted a 'sugar baby'. Yeah, gag me with a spork. All of them put on a face to try to get me to do what they wanted. Pretended to be people they weren't for their own agendas.

Xai'an was almost the opposite. He had never hidden his intentions from me. He never lied to me that I know of. Never pretended he was anything other than what he was, but was willing to go against his nature for me. That was different. His face was definitely going to be a major getting used to, that was for damn sure. 

I reached for the conditioner and poured a generous amount into my palm. Due to the curly nature of my hair, I'd have to spend time raking the conditioner in with my fingers. Once I finished, I turned my back to the spray and closed my eyes to rinse it out. 

A sound made me blinked through the water. I almost screamed when I saw Xai'an coming toward me like a bull. I would have too if I hadn't inhaled water and nearly drowned myself. Coughing through fire, I threw up a hand. "Xai'an what the hell are you doing-"

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