Chapter 8: Escape Plan

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I woke up and I wasn't sure how much later it was, but I did know two things. One, it was still dark out and two I was alone. At first, I wondered if he had gone invisible again, but I was sure he was gone when he didn’t respond to my hushed whisper. What did that mean? Surely he didn't just abandon me after arguing with me about being his mate. No, I was betting he was out there keeping a lookout. I'd stay put until he got back. I wasn't dumb.

It was always cold in here even during warmer seasons, but even worse at night. This old gym had been built way back in the 50's so insulation wasn't exactly the best if there was any at all. I was still wearing only my shorts, boots and my oversized hoodie. I sighed, pulling my hoodie over my knees. The relief was instant.

As soon as I got comfortable, I realized with great irritation that I had to pee. As a master of being lazy and holding off until the very last moment so I didn't have to get out of bed, I knew this was the last moment. So much for staying put. 

I got to my feet and crept over to the door, listening intensely. When I was satisfied that I was alone, I opened it, hating how fucking loud it sounded. Does no one lubricate their damn doors anymore? Might as well fire off a fucking gunshot while I'm at it.

After a few heart pounding moments when nothing pounced on me, I made careful steps toward the bathrooms. They were only a few feet away so it wasn't a far journey. The girls bathroom door pushed open much quieter than the concessions to my relief.

Inside the bathroom hadn't changed since I had last seen it. It was all cream tile, metal sinks and navy blue stalls. Even when the lights were off, there were always the emergency overhead lights on. A quick sweep of all the stalls assured me that I was alone. 

I felt so much better after I finished and felt uncomfortable not flushing, but it simply would make too much noise. I did wash my hands and my face though. I couldn't talk myself out of that one. Xai'an's blood had still been plastered to my face and I did not want to walk around with glowing alien blood on me. My clothes thankfully seemed to absorb it which made them just look like stains. Now, I needed to get back before Xai'an came back and-

A hand covered my face and jerked me back. My scream was muffled and my arms were pinned to my sides. Before I could go on the defensive a voice whispered, "It's okay. You're safe. Just didn't want you being too loud."

Another fucking person! Relief melted my body and I nodded so he released me. I turned around to see Danny Harrel of all people. He had been two grades above me and last I knew, he had gone off to the Marines. Judging by his small armory attached to his person, he still was. His large arms were covered in straps, wrist sheaths and the vest he wore was puffed with ammunition and...sweet mother of god, grenades. There were several handguns strapped to his legs and sides and it looked like he had a shotgun strapped to his back. Sweet baby jebus. 

"Danny! I didn't know you came back from the Marine Corps?" I whispered to him.

"I came to visit my parents. They are down in the weight room along with a few others that made it in here." He answered back. Then he took a look at my attire and I blushed. "We have blankets."

I opened my mouth to say yes, but then my mind went to Xai'an. How would he handle the sudden mass of other people? He made it clear that he was not a fan of most humans. Hell, how would they handle him? And he would come looking for me, which I doubt it would go well. Things would get bloody fast if I disappeared on him without warning. Which I did not want in the slightest. No. Even with Danny's arsenal, we needed Xai'an to fight those whatever he called them. So I only had one option here. I had to tell Danny the truth. I doubted that even Xai'an could take a grenade and be okay. "I can't. I'm waiting for someone."

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