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Today had probably been one of the worst days of my life...

The sun was going down and it had been a couple of hours since we found Theo the mer on the beach wrapped around Blaise the mer. Notice I said the word 'mer' twice, which is not exactly a good sign. But long story short, Draco used that big brain of his and had brought his medical kit that he always kept in his car. Secretly, as I spoke with the two mers he loaded up a tranquilizer gun and had shot both Blaise and Theo. Why a surgeon has a tranquilizing gun? I don't know. At first we didn't know what to do afterwards so being the stupid quadruplets we are, we dragged them into the back of my truck and brought them back to our house...

Now we had two unconscious Mer's tied up to the concrete pillars outside near the pool on the patio.

"What are we supposed to do?" Hermione hissed as we all sat in the living room. Glancing outside nervously incase one of the mers woke up. Draco ran both hands through his hair and sighed. "We can't just leave them out there-" he said anxiously, biting his lip. Harry glowered at him. "Well you're the one that shot them! What was your master plan?" He asked sarcastically and Draco glared back, trying to ignore his pink cheeks. I frowned. "Guys. They're going to wake up sooner or later. We need to think of something and we need to think of it fast," I insisted and the three of them nodded in agreement. Suddenly, my stomach churned uncomfortably and I turned abruptly towards the porch where the mers sat cross legged, tied to the pillars. None of them looked like they had even woken up yet. Harry followed my gaze and groaned. "I'm not feeding them," he stated casually and we all gaped. "Who says we have to feed them?!" Draco asked hysterically and Hermione rolled her eyes. "They're friend, or... Pod-sister, or whatever has been kidnapped. If you ask me, I don't think Blaise came just for Theo. I think they need our help." Hermione looked at us expectantly and I gulped. Feeling slightly sick. "Harry and I could loose our jobs, 'Mione," I whispered and she lowered her eyes. Sometimes I hated being right. It seemed to always disappoint her. I guess she was so used to being right it felt unnatural to be wrong.

Suddenly, a loud thud and hissing sounded from the patio and my heart leapt. Through our now broken glass sliding door, (thank you Theo,) I could see Blaise's hands struggling uncomfortably in the handcuffes I put on him. The hissing got louder before everything went silent. We all stared at the patio. Harry looked angry. Draco looked mortified. Hermione seemed just shocked, but I didn't understand what I was feeling. My heart was beating quicker with every second that passed watching the mer struggle and a bubble of excitement sprouted in my chest. Involuntary, I stood up and began walking towards the door. Suddenly, a hand grabbed mine and I was yanked away before I could open it.
"You are not going out there after he tried to drown you on the island!" Harry snapped angrily and I pouted. "I'll be fine! Just give me a few minutes and I'll be back unscathed." I tried to compromise with the bespectacled man but he merely glared at me. "Please?" I added and Harry frowned at me for a little longer before shrugging. "If he does so much as move I'm shooting it with a real gun," he said defensively and my chest constricted.

I turned around and opened the sliding door, closing it behind me much to Harry's dismay. The struggling mer stopped moving when he heard it click shut and after a while, I took his silence as I sign that I could approach him. When I did, I stood before him a good distance away and stared. His head hung low. Silky pitch black curls of hair falling over his face. As many times as I had seen him without a tail, it still looked weird and unnatural to see him with legs. Suddenly, he looked up at me and I nearly gasped. His skin was dry and flaking, like mine when I don't put moisturizer on in the morning. But his was ten times worse. His dark eyes were angry but they gleamed with suffering and my chest clenched. He hissed and I backed up slowly, avoiding falling in the pool. I slowly walked around the large body of water before picking up the hose. I switched it on, brought it back to him and placed at far away from him. Water slowly trickled from the spout, down the concrete and onto his legs. His shoulders relaxed and his head lolled against his chest again. Interesting...

"Are you hungry?" I asked, taking a seat where I stood and he looked up, his expression angry again. Resentful, almost. He said nothing. Only our eyes spoke. And at the moment, his were telling me to piss off. But I ignored him and continued to study his face. His cheeks were sucked in, his cheekbones prominent and he had dark circles under his eyes. He was muscular, albeit skinny for someone his age. Though I didn't actually know his age, I'd say he looked about twenty five too twenty eight.
"Do you want fish?" I asked him and he narrowed his eyes. I didn't understand. Why was he so chatty during our earlier encounters? Why was he so quiet now? I wasn't a marine biologist, I wasn't a scientist and I definitely wasn't a fishy therapist. I was a cop. I had this sixth sense that he needed my help. That's what I do! It's what I've wanted to do since I was a little lad. Help people. Now this mer wasn't exactly the general 'people', but I could tell it needed my help. And I only felt obliged to give it to him...

I was about to stand up to get some of the fish we were going to have for dinner yesterday when my phone rang, startling the mer, making him thrash around the pillar again. The rough concrete probably scratching his arms.

I cursed under my breath, took my phone out my pocket and my eyes widened.


"Sheriff Umbridge?"

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