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Hey, i'm Joanie but everyone in here calls me turtle It's a long story so i'll tell you it later; but anyways I'm fourteen, and lived in an orphanage ever since I was nine. The reason I'm in the place is because my mom died when i was eight, and my dad started to drink then abuse me. One night my dad was absolutely wasted and almost hurt me to death. My neighbor came over and saw and he called the cops. The police came and took my dad to jail. I remember every thing that happened that night like it happened yesterday...

* flashback*

"JOANIE!" my dad yelled

I skipped down the steps to go see what my dad wanted, he probably needed me to wash the dishes or something.

"Yes dad?" i asked

"Where the fuck is your mother?" he said angrily.

This was the first time he cussed in front of me it kinda scared me a little because of his tone too."dad you know she died 2 years ago from cancer" I said.

"Are you sassing me you piece of shit?"

"n-no sir" I say.

his hand came down and slapped the left side of my face. He roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. Next he said, "Don't you lie to me bitch."

i didn't answer so he slapped the right side of my face hard enough to make me fall to the ground. I started to cry it hurt so bad.

"Y-yes si-sir" i say.

He kicked me over and over and over. After that, he made me stand up by grabbing my hair. I had a river of tears running down my face.

Finally, he left. I thought it was over, I was very wrong about that. He came back with a knife, grabbed my arm and cut it over and over till i lost so much blood i almost fainted. I then herd the faint sounds of sirens and a voice that said "your going to be ok sweetie he won't hurt you ever again because we're taking you to a place you will never see him again after we go to the hospital okay?"

"O-okay" i said, my voice almost gone, then everything turned to black.

When I woke up I was in a vey bright room so i had to shut my eyes until they got used to the brightness. A young lady maybe in here early 20's came into the room and said "oh your awake, that's great now we are going to do some tests so we know you didn't loose to much blood ok hun"

"okay" i said confused because i didn't know what happened until i tried to sit up but instead i screamed out in pain and noticed my arm was wrapped in bandages them remembered what happened

"sweetie are you okay i should have reminded you about that arm of yours"

a few hours later i was released from the hospital but i ha to go somewhere else besides my home they told my I'm going to a place where kids with no mom or dad lived but i had a dad he was mean but i still had a dad. Even though I was confused, I still agreed.

*end of flashback*

I was brought back to reality with a knock no my door

"who is it" i asked.

"turtle hun you have someone who wants to adopt you so get ready"

i was so excited so i replied with a quick "okay" and got out my favorite pair of black skinny jeans with my long sleeve of mice&men shirt yes i know its summer but i hate my still very visable scars my dad gave me then i fixed my hair put on a light coat of make-up and left my room to go see the people who want to adopt me.

as i waited for my name to be called to get interviewed by the people, (there was a few kids who was probably going to get adopted today) i peaked around the corner to hopefully see the people but no luck for me then i went to sit back down.

i waited a few more minutes till a women i rarely see so i don't know her name called out mine, or well, turtle I slowly got up all these toughts ran through my head, what if they dont like me, what if they want a younger or older kid, I probably wont get adopted today, but I shook them out of my head and stoped at the door where I would meet the people who wanted to adopt me.

I slowly opened the door and walked in with my head down, i sat in the chair across from them but when i looked up slightly i saw someone i never though i would see KELLIN QUINN.

Adopted by Kellin Quinn?!Where stories live. Discover now