Part One

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My name is Tamera Lee May, and I am Harlington High School's quaterback on the football team. I always wanted to play football on my school's team, but I was scared that the boys on the team would all laugh at me because I liked the sport and I was a girl and girls usually don't play football because it's a "man's sport", well, I was wrong. Everyone on the team was more than happy to have me as a member of the team.

My best friend in the whole world, Ethan, told me that if I really liked something to go for my dreams, so in my freshman year, I tried out for the football team and I was accepted as part of the team. The boys invited me in like I was another guy and I liked it better that way, I didnt want any special treatment just because I am a girl. I am now a junior so this is now my third year playing football on the school's team.

Ethan was three months older than me, and we got along really well as soon as we met. He was 5'7 and he had shiny, black as night hair that was perfectly cut, not too long, not too short. He had beautiful, sparkling, green eyes slightly tanned skin. He worked out a lot but we still spent time together every week.

This is my life; this is MY story.


I was running down the green, turf field of Harlington High School towards the end zone to make a touchdown while the hot sun was beating down on me when out of what seemed like thin air, one of Morgan High's players caught up to me and tackled me at their twelve yard line. The thought of being so close to getting another touchdown made my adrenaline rush through me.

When I stood up and tossed the ball to the ref, I smirked evilly at the player who tackled me. Shock and surprise were evident on his face. I laughed at him. I walked to my other teammates and they gave me a high five. Everyone quickly got into the huddle.

We were up by six points against Morgan High, this was the first game of the year and from the looks of it, we were going to win it. That would be a wonderful way for us to start the season, with a win.

We huddled together after the coach yelled out to our quarterback the play, "red 28 on one". He quietly relaid the play to the team and then broke the huddle with a loud "BREAK". The quarterback yelled "Down... Set hit!" and then everything happened in a flash. The ball was snapped and then thrown to me. I caught the ball and then immediately ran straight into their end zone. We got another touchdown with twelve seconds left on their gold and purple scoreboard.

Our coach yelled to me to make the field goal. I was the kicker for our team. We got into our field goal formation. The ball was snapped, I kicked it, and it went straight through the middle of the goal posts. That put us being ahead by thirteen now. We were definitely going to win.

By then there was only about seven seconds left on the clock which now said 27 GUEST 14 HOME. We kicked the ball to the left and they caught it at the ten yard line. The catcher, number 12, ran and got to the thirty before he got tackled by our 47, Luke. By then time was up- the game was done- we had won our first game of the year.

We all boarded our bus and left to go home. When we arrived there, our coach gave us a little speech before we got dressed. It was really nice to hear. He had nothing bad to say at the time because he was just so happy we won our first game. He let us all go get dressed and leave when he had finished saying every good thing we did.

I walked to my private locker room and I quickly changed out of my sweaty, dirty equipment and into my clean clothes. I decided I would just shower later when I got home. I locked my locker and went outside to the fresh air.

My dad was waiting by his truck with Ben, my little brother, and Danny, my older brother. They all hugged me and gave me a "congratulations" on the win. I was so happy to have them, but I wished my mom could have been there for me too.

When my mom was giving birth to my little brother, Benjamin, the doctors somehow lost her pulse. She was immediately taken into surgery to figure out what was wrong and to fix it. All the doctors promised she would come back out of there alive. They couldn't stay true to their promise, though. My mom died on the operating table. I still miss her do much.

The whole ride home, we talked about the game and everything that went well and everything that didn't. There was so much that happened, though, that went well, so we really didn't have time to look at the negatives of the game.

Once we arrived home, we all jumped out of the blue Ford F-150 and scrambled inside. We all immediately ran to the fridge and looked for something for dinner. We didn't find anything, so we decided to just order pizza. My dad called and placed our order, a large pepperoni and peppers pizza. As we awaited its arrival, we watched The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men. They were both hilarious. We almost didn't hear the doorbell ring when the delivery man came.

When my dad paid for the pizza, we ate and continued to watch television. We laughed and ate together while watching the hilarious T.V. show.

After I had finished my second plate of pizza, I told every one good night and then I went up to my room and finished up my Chemistry and Pre-Calc homework so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. It was only a Friday night, but I didn't like putting off my homework because when I did, I just completely forgot about it. I had the whole weekend to do whatever I felt like after it was finished.

I turned on my stereo and got my math book out of my bag to do first. I actually paid attention in class so I had the work done rather quickly After I finished Pre Calc, I took out my Chemistry book and finished those problems quickly, also. I started working on the last problem of my Chem homework when my phone rang with the familiar song of The Best Day Ever from Spongebob Squarepants. I knew it was Ethan just by the first second of the song.

"Hello?" I asked casually.

"Hey, how did the game go?" He asked enthusiastically. He was always enthusiastic, or so it seemed.

"It went great, we won!" I replied attempting and failing the same enthusiastic voice he used. He chuckled at me.

"Well, congratulations! That is really great Tam."

"Thanks, how did yours go?" I questioned.

"Oh, it was good, we won, too."

"Awesome, thats really great!"

"Thanks, Tammy."

"You're welcome. Do you wanna hang out this weekend? We could celebrate, maybe watch a movie with some friends at my house?" I suggested. I am definitely not one to party but to celebrate wins usually I will.

"Sure, that sounds like fun. How about tomorrow, I'll be there around six, if that's okay with you. I'll bring Tommy and Angela." Tommy and Angela were two of our mutual friends.

"Okay, that sounds good, I'll see if Joey and Luke can come then."

"Okay, well I gotta go, see you tomorrow. Bye Tam."

"Bye." I replied and then hung up. 'This sounded like it would be fun', I thought before finishing up my homework. I laid down and tried to fall asleep but it took a while. Eventually I managed to find myself drift off into a dreamless sleep


So what do you think? Let me know please. Comment, vote, fan, give me some suggestions if you wanna, thanks so much for reading.

Bubblez :)

Hey! so I re-edited this! Hope it's still okay! I'm gonna work on the next part later or tomorrow. I promise!

Emilygreen (Bubblez)

Okay scratch that, I'll work on the next part soonish... Sorry I was really busy today. :(

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