Red Balloons

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In my head, everything seemed far away from me as if I was flying to another planet, I didn't have the strength to move, to talk, my eyes felt so heavy I couldn't even open it.

When the ambulance arrived there was nothing left to do, but Benji insisted so they took me to the hospital and in the time they tried to bring me back to life, he called a taxi and arrived home.

Every muscle if his body was trembling of anger, his eyes became empty all of sudden when he realized what had just happened in front of him, he felt powerless. When the taxi stopped in front of the main entrance of the Villa, Benji opened the door without worrying too much about the man who only wanted to do his job.

The staff of the Villa walked towards him and paid the taxi, taking all the bags of Benji from the car so that it could have left the house.

Sir Thomas, who was waiting for Jorge to come home with his own car, walked outside when he saw Benji walking alone towards the main door. He looked at him, noticing he was trembling, noticing he was crying and screaming: "WHERE IS HE?!? MOTHER FUCKER!!!!"

The old man stopped Benji before he could enter the Villa - "What happened Sir?! Where is Sir Jorge?!" - as soon as his name came out, Benji pushed the man away just how much he needed to enter the house and start screaming again.

He walked right to the office of Blake, but no one was there, Sir Thomas reached him again trying to understand what made the boy be so angry. "WHERE IS HE?!? I'M GONNA KILL THE BASTARD WITH MY OWN HANDS" - Benji started screaming again, all around the corridors.

"Sir Blake isn't home, please... What happened?!" - "He... He did it again.. again!!!! He took everything I had!!!" - "Wh-what you mean Sir?!"

Benji stopped for a moment and low his eyes, he suddenly realized he lost everything in a blink of an eye, once again, his heart broke apart. He fell on his knees holding his hair with both hands, pulling back, and he started crying and screaming in pain.

At that moment, Sir Thomas understood and froze over when his feelings started to take possession of his body. He was in shock.
The silence in the house only filled with Benji's tears and Jeremiah could hear everything from the room where he was waiting for Jorge to come back.

He promised the boy to wait for him inside the bedroom they decorated for Benji's return, he accepted, but hearing that broken voice screaming made his heart tremble, so he walked out and reached the corridor.

"Wh-what happened?! Where is Jey?!?" - Jeremiah walked towards Benji, helping him to stand up, he was shaking when looking up at Sir Thomas's eyes he understood that something terrible happened.

"Wh-what happened?! Where is Jey?!?" - Jeremiah walked towards Benji, helping him to stand up, he was shaking when looking up at Sir Thomas's eyes he understood that something terrible happened

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"Benji... Where is Jorge?!" - Jeremiah asked, helping him to stand up. Benji broke in tears again, biting his lips trying to talk, he was mad to the point of tragedy.

"He's gone." - he said, breaking his voice - " The car... The car exploded, he couldn't leave on time. He died... In front of me.. In my arms!!!"

The pain inside his voice reached the young boy's heart, who broke along with his tears. Jeremiah stepped back and fell on his knees, shocked and hurting, when the main door opened and Blake walked in along with his wife.

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