Definition of IDIOT

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Definition of I.D.I.O.T. it's a long paragraph of words and examples but when a stunning boy asks for a kiss and you run away, I think you can summarize the definition with just one word: ME.

I didn't know what to do in front of that question, somehow I'd prefer if Diego just decided to kiss me and shocked me. But he was so kind and polite, asking for a kiss, wondering if I'd be mad at him for that. I couldn't explain how he knew about me and Benji, he probably understood that he meant something more than a brother to me, I hoped he wasn't hating me for running away from him yesterday.

I guessed I was about to find out, my thoughts were so confused and I was having breakfast with my family just not paying attention to what they were talking about. Benji was sat in front of me and looked at me smiling, he tried to interrupt my thoughts but it took a while before I could notice his hand moving in front of my eyes - "Are you here?" - he said, smiling.

I smiled back, trying to put my thoughts in order - "Can we talk? Alone?" - I whispered not noticing that our parents already left the table and that I was the only one who still had to finish the pancakes, I loved it but I was very nervous and somehow my body didn't focus on food.

"We're alone, we can talk here" - "It's... Complicated" - "You need a bed for what you want to tell me?" - I looked bad at him after that joke, he was still trying to assume that I couldn't resist his beauty when I was trying my best to do the right thing. "Ok you look mad, I guess it's something serious. I have to go now but I'll be home earlier today, finish your food and then we can talk".

He stood up and walked close to me, kissing gently my hair before leaving the room. A private car was already waiting outside for taking him to work, I thought I could have cleared things up before meeting Diego, but I had to change my plans.

I slowly finished my breakfast and Sir Thomas clapped his hands as to congratulate me, I knew I had to learn how to live healthily, and it was hard for me to get used to new habits but I was really putting myself into it

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I slowly finished my breakfast and Sir Thomas clapped his hands as to congratulate me, I knew I had to learn how to live healthily, and it was hard for me to get used to new habits but I was really putting myself into it.

I drank my orange juice and then I left the lunch room walking back to my bedroom, I wanted to change my clothes with some comfier ones because as Diego told me yesterday, today I could have learned how to ride a horse.

I wasn't excited about it, even if the day before I couldn't wait to learn, but I knew that it was not gonna be easy to face Diego today since he tried to kiss me and I run away without saying anything. But I gave myself courage and I walked outside, repeating words to my mind to just have a clear order of what to say.

When I arrived to the stable I noticed the big door of wood was open, and I walked in, calling his name several times without having replies. Cécil, my beloved horse, recognized my voice and with some noises made me understand she was outside so I walked towards her following the sound of her voice.

"Woho! I'm sorry!!" - I said covering my eyes with my hands, talking out loud as I saw Diego was already bathing her... Shirtless.

I know he wasn't naked but my brain stopped for a second and my reaction was dumb, as I wanted to start a good talk my first step was the worst ever. - "Good morning, you can come close... I won't bite you" - he said, smiling without stopping what he was doing - "I'm sorry I don't know why I reacted like that" - "Maybe you never saw a man without a shirt?" - "I never seen you without a shirt...".

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