Sir Thomas

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"Hey" - he bit his lip, his hazel eyes looked down at me - "You're awake now".

I looked around, confused to see Jeremiah sat on my bed, he was there smiling at me while playing with my morning messed curls with his finger. I slowly opened my eyes, looking back at him, my head hurt a lot, I felt like I had been crying forever.

"What time is it?" - " It's 9 am, Sir Thomas will arrive in 30 minutes as usual" - "Yeah... As usual" - I turned my eyes towards the window, my mind flew to another place. I wondered why Benji didn't answer my texts, I wonder why he kept lying to me. Jeremiah's hand in my hair relaxed my mind, his touch made me calm down for a bit, I felt like I could be honest with him.

"I texted Benji yesterday night" - I looked at him, his smile turned off in less than a minute, he stopped from caressing my hair - "Why?" - "I needed to know..." - "And he told you the truth?" - "No, he lied.. Again"

He laughed at me, but he noticed how many tears were ready to drop from my eyes, so he moved closer and he blocked my hands above my head, against the pillow, and he gently kissed my forehead, whispering then - "You are overthinking again".

He was right, I was about to explode in tears once again for Benji, I wasn't even sure he deserved it. - "Do you think he never loved me?" - a tear dropped on my cheek, I bit my lip looking up at him who was upon my body, still holding my hands above my head.

"I only know that Benjamin Krol doesn't know what love is, it wouldn't surprise me if he lied to you. But..." - "But..." - his hazel eyes met mine as he closed up to me, barely touching my nose with his own, he lowed his voice - "I don't trust Benji, but I trust you. And your heart is hurting, and your eyes are crying. And if that's what you feel like when he's not here, then I guess he made you feel loved"

 And if that's what you feel like when he's not here, then I guess he made you feel loved"

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"He did..." - I was surprised by the fact that Jeremiah never stopped smiling at me, even when I was crying for someone I could have never loved the way I wanted. He was there, for the whole time, kissing my forehead and cuddling me as if he wanted my heart to hurt less.

He made me feel better somehow. Benji would have never admitted that he loved me since the day we met, but inside of my hopes I wanted to believe that he was still trying to protect me from Blake, thinking about the possibility of the worst, I wondered if there was something in the past of Blake that could have scared Benji to the point of disappearing.

"Jeremiah..." - I whispered looking at him - "I may need your help.."

He smiled at me and nodded, he agreed on helping me to understand what pushed Benji to move. We were about to fall into the deepest and darkest hole of all Madrid, and we weren't aware of that, but if I had to lose everything then I wanted to know the truth.

After 30 minutes, accurate on clock, Sir Thomas knocked on my door to wake me up for breakfast, as usual. When he walked through the big door, he found me awake and dresses up, which was something new for him, Jeremiah was waiting for me to get ready sat on the balcony.

"You woke up early, Sir! Any special program for today?" - said the old man, smiling and walking close to me to help me with my shirt.
"Not really, just a busy day at work" - "Don't stress too much Sir, and have breakfast before leaving" - "We'll have our breakfast on the road, please tell Blake for us"

I looked at Jeremiah and he understood it was time to go, he jumped off the chair and followed me outside the bedroom, we walked quickly down the stairs and we left the house slamming the door behind our back, where my mother was looking at us.

I didn't have time to say Hi to her, not that she used to give me attention since the day we moved here, I learned to live as a Krol, as Benji would have said.
"Where are we going exactly?" - "We're gonna take my car and drive to the Krol Energy Co." - "Don't you think Blake would be there waiting for us?" - "No, he had a meeting with your mother this morning and they won't be in office until 12 am"

We didn't have much time, so we hurried and arrived to the Company as soon as we could. I left the car into the private garage of the building, so we run upstairs and we entered Blake office.

"Do you think we're gonna find the reason why Benji moved to Norway, here in his office?" - Jeremiah looked towards me, confused and not really trusting.

I started looking around, on the desk, in the library - "I visited the basement and there was only packed old stuff, if he's hiding a secret he must have some locked room or some hidden space... And the only place no one would control it's this office" - "So what are we looking for? Documents? A gun?" - "I have no idea" - I opened all the drawers of the desk, without finding anything. Suddenly, the door opened, and me and Jeremiah trembled turning our face to the person who was walking in, closing the door behind his back.

 Suddenly, the door opened, and me and Jeremiah trembled turning our face to the person who was walking in, closing the door behind his back

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"Sir.. Sir Thomas" - thrills down my back, I froze in the second our eyes met. Why was he there? How did he understand? He knew the truth for sure, but was he there to hurt us?

"I promised Sir Benji to protect you, when he left the country. I hoped you moved on by the time passed" - he said, walking closer and talking with low voice - "This office has 25 security cameras that are now filming everything that's happening here, Blake already knows what you're doing, please, let's leave this place as if you were only looking for some work stuff."

Sir Thomas looked seriously worried and persuaded me to follow him, I looked to Jeremiah and with a very bad excuse, we followed the old man back to the garage.

Sir Thomas drove till there with a black Jeep car with dark window, as if he didn't want to be recognized outside of the Villa. He opened the car and took off some documents, turning towards us, explaining what we were looking for: - "Sir Benjamin found this. And asked me to burn these papers, but I didn't because I thought you deserved to know the truth by the right time." - "They are... Documents?" - "It's a report, about some facts that happened.. 4 years ago."

I was confused but Sir Thomas looked honest, and he involved Benji, he would have never wanted to put him in danger. So I decided to trust the man, as Jeremiah took the documents, Sir Thomas left the building with his black car and we run back to my car, going back home.

"We shouldn't read these at home" - "Shut up" - "Hey, don't be mad at me Jey!" - " Sir Thomas found us in three seconds, and Blake gave me this car at my 18s" - "Do you think he can locate us?" - "I just hope there's no microphone inside. Let's leave the car home and then we'll go somewhere else to read the documents, hide them in my laptop."

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