chapter 15:

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"Peaches, you've got to stop staring at my lips or I might do something you won't appreciate."

I snap out of my daze, my face heating up gradually. He chuckles as he brushes his fingers over the blush prominent on my cheeks. My heart pounds in my chest, and I'm sure he could hear it if he concentrated. I place my hand on his chest while he leans forward, his minty breath hitting my lips. My hands shake, one gripping his t-shirt, the other clasping the edge of the countertop.

"Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you."

His fingers intertwine into my hand on the counter, holding it delicately. His lips timidly graze my own. But just that brush has me begging for more. I pull him closer, deepening it into something long and satisfying. Our chests push together, my hands making their way into his hair as we begin to kiss harder, the both of us become bolder in our movements. 

His tongue caresses mine, his body heat warming me in a way I never imagined. His grip on my hips presses me forward, and I whine out while his lips trail down my neck. How did I even get here? A second ago, I was dreaming about it, and now he's doing it.

It's like he can read my freaking mind.

Hastily, his fingers trail up the skirt of my dress, and I don't want to stop him. He doesn't touch me on my intimate part, but his hands dance on the inside of my thighs, sending shocks of arousal through me. 

After about twenty minutes of us kissing, some fierce and warm, others rich and voluptuous, a few gentle and sincere, he jumps away from me as if he was burned with fire. Rejection hits me full force, my aroused daze fluttering away. My fingers brush on my lips as I try to relive the fiery feeling bubbling inside of me.

"Did you not like it?"

"No, I loved it, that's why I think we should stop. I don't think I'll be able to control myself."

"You don't have to."

He groans, rolling his head back, his eyes dark with lust. Holy schnitzels, he's beautiful.

"I would like to take you on a date before I fuck you. Plus, you said at the end of the week."

"We kind of broke that already."

"Yeah, but I would like to respect part of your wishes."

"Thank you."

I glance down at his hands holding mine, and way after we should have started, I begin to clean his knuckles. He doesn't complain once, doesn't even make a sound. Because he doesn't move or twitch at all, cleaning his fists it's a long process. He presses a kiss on my forehead before saying a soft 'thank you' in gratitude.

A blush coats my cheeks as he sweetly brushes his lips on mine. Taking my hand in his, he guides me back to his bedroom, lifting me up to sit on his comfy bed. We talk in intimately hushed voices (for an unknown reason) while he changes out of his slightly blood-splattered shirt and puts on sweatpants. 

I tug at the end of his shirt, liking the way the material feels on my fingers. It's soft, and I can imagine myself in one of them as well. They would be the most perfect sleeping pajamas. Clay must notice that I've taken a liking to the clothing item, so he hands me one of his favorite black ones, saying that he would like it if I took it home.

A few minutes after I reluctantly take the shirt, he guides me downstairs to meet his adoring family. And I love them all. Zoe is a super active, hyper girl who is in love with Chase Atlantic. I can't say I blame her. She gets along well with Cierra, who is Robin's daughter. Since the two of them are only two years apart, they are so cute to watch together. 

I also got to meet Hawke King, Robin's long-term boyfriend (for right now), Luke and his girlfriend Chris. His mom and dad, Juniper and Lloyd, were around as well but they were getting ready for their date night, so I didn't get to spend a lot of time talking to them. 

Beau was the only one not around, and I have a feeling that he was mingling (as Clay so lovingly calls it) with some ladies. It was so fun to see his family dynamic and how close they all were, which is much different than my own. I'm so glad that he has a supportive family unit like that.

Just as I'm about to answer Zoe's question about where I got my dress, I hear my phone ringing. I have no pockets, so I have no idea where it is until Clay pulls it from one of his sweatpants pockets. I blush, saying a soft thank you, before taking it gently and shyly out of his hand. I see that it's my brother, and I instantly feel terrible. He must be worrying about me when I didn't tell him where I was going to be.

"Riley Andrea Matthews! Where the fuck have you been!?"

"I'm so so sorry, Wes. I totally forgot to call you that Clay drove me to his house. He got into a fight while I was at work, so he drove me here."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"I completely forgot to call you. It's all my fault."

"Hell yeah, it is! You come home right now."

"I promise."

Tears gather in my eyes as he hangs up abruptly on me, not even saying goodbye to me. Clay brushes them away from my cheeks delicately as they drip down my face. He curses lowly and guides me off the side without the staring eyes of his family members. He soothes me, grabbing his car keys, and we head into the garage. 

I bite my bottom lip to keep it from shaking but the tears come on full force as we get closer to my house. His protective and tender words don't do much to calm me this time, his hand clasping my thigh with his thumbs drawing smooth circles on my skin. 

He pulls into my driveway, kissing me briefly, and opening the driver's side door. I can't even touch the passenger door handle when he comes around to open it, holding my hand to help me out. It doesn't take long for Westin to get us both in the house.

And the thrashing I get is almost beyond what I can handle.

Hazel Eyes and PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now