Chapter 9

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Everything was back to normal the turtles would do nightly patrols, running into some mutants and foot soldiers every now and then.

Leo trained more than ever it was like he never left the dojo. One night Raph walked into the dojo and of course Leo was there training. Raph spoke "Dude ever since you got back on your feet you have barely left this room!"

Leo finished a series of kicks and answered his brother "I have to train because I'm the leader and if we encounter a severe fight I'll be ready."

Raph just rolled his eyes and walked to his room, about 8 hours later Mikey and Donnie walked in the dojo and both asked "Leo are you going to sleep or are you just going to train the whole night?"

Leo didn't answer and his younger brothers just left without saying anything else. Around 3 in the morning Leo was still training and planned to meditate to get rid of stress.

He cleared his mind and images of Shredder stabbing his side and hurting his family flashed in his head, he was breathing hard and when everything went black his eyes shot open.

Raph and his brothers walked to the dojo expecting to find Leo training, but he was not there they went to the kitchen still no sign of Leo. They began to panic and they searched the whole lair when they came to the bedrooms they opened Leo's door slowly and there he was asleep upon his bed.

While Leo slept more images flashed in his head waking him up sweating. He looked around his room and saw his katanas neatly leaned against the wall. Donnie walked in to his room and when he saw Leo sweating and huffing his eyes grew wide.

Donnie sat down at the end if Leo's bed and said "Leo are you ok, what happened?" Leo sighed and said "Just a nightmare no big deal I'm fine." Donnie stood up and said calmly "Ok but if you need anything just ask any of us ok Leo." He nodded then laid back down and was fast asleep.

Early that morning Leo told Master Splinter he needed to go train with the ancient one, he granted Leo permission to go but if his brothers didn't know he left. Leo nodded and asked "Can I leave a letter so they know but they can't stop me, Sensei?" Splinter nodded then went back to his room to meditate.

Leo wrote a letter for his brothers in his neat handwriting then left before his brothers woke up. Around 6 in the morning Raph woke up to Donnie chasing Mikey in the living room.

He walked over to them and hit them both in the back of the head, they fell to the floor and he asked "Is fearless training again?" They both shrugged and said as a unison "Don't know."

All 3 turtles walked to the dojo expecting to see their leader training, but all they found was a letter laying on the floor with all their names on it written in Leo's handwriting. Raph picked it you and read it "Dear brothers, I have left to train with the ancient one Master Splinter told me to leave before you awoke so you wouldn't try to stop me from going. I will be gone for a while but I will return soon all I wish is you stay in the lair NO TOPSIDE that goes for you too Raph please stay out of trouble if I don't return just remember that I love each and everyone of you guys. Mikey don't worry I'll be back I promise Donnie and Raph keep a eye on him for me Donnie remember to leave the lab once or twice a day Raph don't beat Mikey that bad and all of you remember no topside I don't want you to get hurt -your brother Leo."

When he finished reading Mikey had tears in his eyes and said "He left without saying goodbye." Donnie pulled Mikey into a hug as Raph dropped the letter. Master Splinter walked in and spoke calmly "Yes my sons your brother Leonardo left without saying goodbye but I want you to know he wanted to I told him not to just to leave."

Splinter left his sons standing shocked that he would tell Leo to leave without saying goodbye. They then left the dojo looking back over the letter from Leo wondering what he is doing right now, is he ok or is he hurt again, these thoughts rushed through all the turtles heads.

Meanwhile on Leo's journey he was at a nearby airport waiting to see a flight to Japan. When he found the flight he snuck into the cargo part of the plane a went along with the flight until they landed.

After hours of flying they finally made it to Japan. Leo waited for all the humans to leave so he could make a break for it. Once he made it to the
Ancient One's home he was shocked to see Leonardo, but greeted him warmly.

They instantly started training but in thought repeated in his head over and over 'Are my brothers ok did they listen to the letter please don't be hurt' Leo shook his head to clear it but nothing stopped this thought.

Back home in New York the turtles were going on with their normal day, Mikey playing video games, Donnie in his lab doing God knows what, and Raph talking to Spike his pet turtle

Even though things seemed normal in the lair things weren't each turtle was still dwelling over Leo leaving without a goodbye. Meanwhile in Japan Leo and the ancient one were meditating on a old abandoned bridge, Leo couldn't get his brothers off his mind he shook his head to clear it and continued meditating.

Later that night Leo was sitting out side near a pond when he sensed someone behind him. He spun around with one sword in his hand, but nothing was there then a cute fluffy bunny jumped out of the bush. Leo sighed in relief then laughed at himself for going into defensive mode because of a bunny rabbit.

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