Chapter 3

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The figure slinked through the heavy shadow; his eyes seeming white as he scanned the medium sized room. The gaze landed on the small blinking security camera that had vision of the whole room. He looked away, not really caring about the camera, yet, as he continued to look shelf upon shelf of medical supplies.

Donatello adjusted the duffel bag that slung over his shoulder as he squinted in the dark; trying to read the labels of the medicine tabs in the dark. He glanced back at the security camera, his mind already reeling with ideas.

The small pharmacy he had snuck into was one of the older ones in the city. Not one of the big fancy ones that everyone went to, but a small one that nobody would notice if anything was taken. Except for the camera of course.

Donatello took in a deep breath before inching his way across the wall in the shadows where the camera wouldn't be able to sense his movements. His mind scrolled through the mental list he had created. A big one was pain medicine. He quickly looked through the rows of labels that held various types of pain killers.






Don's mind began to multitask as he looked through the labels and what he would need to do with each type of medicine. The pain killers; Leo would take gratefully... possibly with resistance though, depending how stubborn his mood is. Raphael on the other hand, Donnie would have to crush the tablets into an invisible powder and sneak it into Raphael's tea or hide it on his pizza.

Donatello passed the Tylenol and his eyes widened slightly. His brothers might get fevers from infection. Raphael seemed to already be sprouting one. He mentally nodded his head, for a yes before continuing. He passed antibacterial cleanser and made another mental check.

Donatello sighed and glanced at the camera again. He closed his eyes and bit his lip. He slowly reached down into his belt and pulled out a shrunken. Donnie threw the ninja star with precise precision and prayed that the camera wasn't expensive.

He cautiously took a step out of the shadows, watching the camera, which had fallen limp and deceased its blinking red light. Donnie quickly went to it and took back the thrown shrunken, sheathing that into his belt before turning back to the rows of medicine, already going through the list he had made. He ran through the aisles and grabbed what he knew his brothers needed and what they might need; shoving them into the duffle bag.

Non-stick medical wrap, sticky medical, the pain killers he had sorted through, two bottles of Tylenol, some atheistic of lidocaine for numbing purposes, a couple blood and drip bags, and a few IVs. Donatello sighed and placed a few sedatives in his bag to. Just in case.

He took a fast scan of the room and then took out a small wad of cash and placed it on the counter. Donnie knew it wasn't even close to the expense of the medicine, or at all for the camera, but it would help some.

The stealthy ninja quietly slid out through the window he had come in from and quickly shut it. He took a glance around before running off towards a manhole, hoping to get home before Splinter questioned his whereabouts.

He knew that Splinter would defiantly disapprove of stealing... but did they really have a choice?

His breaths came out as pants as the man stared wide-eyed at the floor; not daring to move from his shaking bow. "I-I... I-I-I c-can explain." Baxter stuttered terribly; his whole form shaking with fear. "I-I... was t-tryi-ng to g-ge-et i-inside informat-ion."

The man in the large metal suit rose a singed eyebrow. He sat comfortably in his throne at the top of the room as he hummed in thought. "You were not trying to defy me then?" Shredder asked; slight amusement in his voice.

"N-no!" Baxter Stockman finally looked up at the Shredder before flinching and looking away, "O-of course no-ot Master." He gasped.

Shredder didn't even blink, "Take him away." He said bluntly.

Stockman gasped as two foot soldiers came and grabbed him by his under arms and begun dragging him away. "No!" He shouted in panic. "No! You have to believe me! P-please!" The shouts of the man became silent as the doors to the throne room slammed shut.

Leaving Shredder alone; smiling under his mask.

Michelangelo dipped the drying towel back into the cold water; ringing it out before dabbing it across his brother's face. He set it on top of Raphael's forehead when he heard Donnie push through the turnstiles. Don kept his eyes on the ground; readjusting the duffel bag that started to fall of back onto his shoulder as he sped walked into his lab.

Mikey watched with concerned eyes; ringing his hands as he stood there licking his lips. He turned his attention back to Raphael when the said turtle groaned. Mikey knelt down next to his brother, "Shhh, Raphie, you're ok." He promised as he took the wet washcloth and wiped off the sweat that littered Raph's forehead.

"Ahhmmmm," Raph groaned as he jerked his head back and forth. He began to squirm underneath his blanket. "My... me..." Raphael jerked his head again.

Mikey hushed him again and fixed the blanket. "Raph..." He paused for a moment as he brother started to ramble again. "Raphie... can... can you hear me?" Mikey asked cautiously.

"So-o dark..." Raph mumbled. "H...hurts... bad." Raphael jerked again before collapsing onto his pillow once again; breathing heavily. "Hot."

Michelangelo replaced the cold towel with his hand as he felt the temperature of Raphael's fever. "Donnie brought home medicine." Mikey whispered. "You'll feel better... I promise... everything will be fine."

Raph's eye ridges creased and he took in a couple of gasped breaths. "No...." He murmured. "No... no, no, no!" He started to shout; jerking back and forth. "No! Leo! No!" Tears streamed out of the corners of his eyes as they clenched tighter shut. "Shut up! No!" Raphael fought desperately against the blanket. "Please no!"

"Donnie!" Mikey screamed; standing up and facing towards the lab, his worried eyes growing moist with his own tears. "Donnie!" Michelangelo screamed once again; his matching his struggling brother next to him.

Raphael suddenly went limp.

Sorry for any spelling/captilization or grammr errors hoped you enjyed this chapter I <3 each and everyone of u!

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