Chapter 2

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"Gotta get ho-"

"-ood transfusion... Keep pressure on it!"

Raphael's face scrunched up as he tried to force himself out of his sleep. His world was swaying and everything felt uneven.

"Raph... everything's going to be ok... you'll be ok."

'Who the heck was that?' His mind couldn't process anything as it pounded louder than the chaos around him. He tried to talk but only a gurgled moan escaped his sore throat. Raph took a couple of calming breaths through the nose as he tried to focus on getting his eyes open. He never realized something could be so impossible. His mind wondered to his leg that now held no feeling. 'Did they have to amputate it?' Raphael moaned again.

"Take it easy man."

That was Mikey. It had to be.

Raphael felt like he was vibrating. That's when he realized that they were still in the shellraiser. Raph let out a sigh as he relaxed slightly. His brothers had found him. He was safe. Everything was going to be ok. Raph smiled inwardly as he already started to predict the future. Donnie would scold him for not taking it easy and getting off of the couch. Mikey would take the opportunity of Raph's injury and pull some type of 'ultimate prank' or baby him somehow. Leo probably already had a full two hour worth of a lecture prepared for him. Splinter would end up making Raph watch his stories with him, thinking that the red-banded turtle found it enjoyable. April would continuously ask if there was anything he needed. Casey would laugh and poke Raph's injuries, asking, "Does this hurt? Ya big wuss." or "Bonehead."

Raphael felt himself relax more. He could feel that he was forgetting something as the battle scene began to play back in his mind.

The foot. There was so many. He had already been injured before the fight, but thinking back on it made his head hurt, so he just allowed the fight to play out in front of him like a dream.

Everything hurt and his breathing came out in gasps as he tried to recompose himself and stand, but he couldn't. Blood oozed quickly out of his freshly cut leg. A single ninja approached Raph, holding a Katana blade slightly shorter then Leo's. It looked flimsy and dirty, very uncared for. Nothing like Leonardo's. Leo took great care of the swords he was so very proud of.

The ninja raised it above is head clumsily, like taking the turtles life would be so simple that he didn't need his ninja training anymore. It would be as simple as stepping on a roach.

Raph held the ninja's gaze, glaring at him fiercely; not going to give the ninja satisfaction in taking the life of a broken worrier. Fire burned brightly inside Raph's eyes as the ninja brought the sword down; not caring if he killed a defeated worrier or a great one. He would be a hero.

Swords clashed and the foot soldier was quickly caught off balanced and beaten as the blue-banded ninja spun and stood protectively in front of his little brother. He's eyes narrowed and his teeth showing in a growl.

Raph moaned again in his half-conscious state as his head banged for the information he knew he wasn't getting. Leo had shown up, perfect timing as usual. Leo had fought. Won. He was going to take Raph home when... Fishface... Karai...Shredder.

Raph felt his head pound and burn at the realization he was having. Leonardo was hurt. Dead.

"He's going into shock!" Someone yelled.

Raph felt a hand on his forehead and then a blanket being wrapped around him. "Hang in there Raphie..." Mikey whispered in his ear. There was a shift of movement. "Donnie!" Mikey said a bit louder.

"Try and calm him down! Don't let him hit anything!"


"Michelangelo! This is critical! Please!"

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