Chapter 8

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Raph called his brother and friends back over to him and Leo, he helped Leo to his feet and Donnie wrapped Leo's wound and handed him his mask. On their way home Leo stopped and listened, Mikey asked "What is it do you hear something Leo?"

Leo spoke quietly "Yea I think we are being followed..." he paused and then shouted "RUN!!" Before Raph did he shouted " LEO COME ON!" Leo's brothers and friends stood on a different roof and he yelled back "GO THERE IS NO HOPE FOR ME ANYWAYS GET HOME NOW!" Raph ran over to Leo and said "I'll carry you," but Leo just handed him his blue mask and said "Take care of them will you now go I'll be fine."

Raph ran after his other brothers and friends as Leo stayed behind, he turned to Xever, Dogpound, and some foot soldiers. Xever spoke "Your brave to stay behind even when your brothers wanted you to go that shows true stength,too bad your hurt and weak." Xever kicked Leo in the stomach that sent him flying to the other side of the roof.

Dogpound walked over to him and said "We arent going to finish you here thats Shredder's job," he picked up Leo and carried him by one arm.

When they made it back to Shredder's lair he dropped Leo on his hurt side, he grabbed his side as Shredder approached him. Shredder spoke "Leonardo what a suprise, hows your side im suprised you lived but not for long." He kicked the helpless turtle when he did the bandage on Leo tore off.

Leo sat up and looked at the wound as blood started to gush out, Shedder kicked Leo on his side making him gasp for air. He picked Leo up by the neck and said "Take him to Baxter Stockman!"

Back at the turtle lair the turtles and April and Casey ran in breathing hard, Master Splinter walked over to them in concern and asked "Where is Leonardo?" Raph looked at his sensi with pain in his eyes and said "He stayed behind because he said that there was no hope for him Shredder has Leo."

The turtles got ready to go get back Leo if he was even still alive. On their way to Shredder's lair Raph was falling behind everyone.

When they were about 5 buildings away from the lair they stopped to rest from running and when The turtles, April and Casey turned and looked at Raph he was on the ground.

His brothers rushed over to him Donnie asked "Raph are you ok what happened?"

Raph looked at Shredder's lair in the distance and said "Its just my leg I'm fine lets go get Leo."

As Leo's brothers and friends ran to the lair Dogpound and Xever dropped him in front of Baxter Stockman. Baxter spoke "You brought me a lab rat the best kind a injured one that can't fight back."

Leo looked at Baxter and said softly "Do...what you...want I won't...stop you." Baxter looked at Leo's side and threw him in a cage then waited for Chris and Xever to leave.

Leo laid in the corner of the cage holding his side as blood gushed out, his eyes closed but something small and soft hit his leg.

Baxter said "Wrap your side I don't need a dead test subject." He turned back to his work table when Leo said "t-Thank y-you Baxter." Baxter's eyes widened he was shocked that a turtle his enemy just thanked him.

He turned back to Leo and said "You won't be thanking me for long." He had a needle in his hand and walked over to Leo.

He injected a very think liquid in to his arm, and said "This will end the suffering permanently!"

Leo's eyes got wide and heavier, meanwhile above ground Leo's brothers and friends were planning their way in.

Mikey looked at Raph and said "Bro, what if we are to late and Leo is already gone?" Raph turned and looked at his yongest brother and said "Don't worry Mikey, Leo is strong and he will never stop fighting no matter how hard it is to."

Donnie spoke "Not to break this up but I found our way in, Ok we go in through the back door and take them by suprise." Raph, Mikey, April, and Casey all agreed that his plan was a safe and easy way in and out.

Leo awoke when he heard foot soldiers getting their butts kicked, he then turned to Baxter who was rushing to gather things in a duffle bag. Stockman held up a button and said "They are too late when i press this button the liquid I injected into your arm will make your heart stop hahahahaha!"

After he pressed the button the as the door was broken down and there stood a furious Raph and a tired Mikey, Donnie, and a calm April, and Casey. Before Baxter could run Raph knocked him out, and the 5 of them seached for Leo.

Mikey yelled to his brothers and friends "I FOUND HIM!" Donnie picked the lock on the cage while Raph and Mikey pulled Leo out into the middle of the room. Leo didn't move or show a sign of life, April checked his pulse but nothing.

Raph began pushing hard on Leo's chest hopeing that he would breath, cough something to let him know he was fine, but nothing just a cold, pale body. Donnie stopped Raph and spoke softly to his older brother "It's ok I will take him back to the lab and see what I can do but just remember if I can't help him he would want us to go on with our lives."

Raph laided his head down on Leo and a single tear fell, Mikey helped Raph carry Leo to the lair and into Donnie's lab. When Master Splinter saw Leo he was glad and still gloomy, Donnie worked all night to save Leo but test after test nothing seemed to work.

The turtles all fell asleep in the lab, Donnie and Mikey woke up early to eat then get back to work. When they got done eatting Raph came running into the kitchen shouting "GUYS HE HAS A HEART BEAT!"

They rushed into the lab and found Leo sitting weakly staring at the floor, Mikey ran and hugged Leo gently and started crying tears of joy, and relief. Mikey let go and Donnie checked his vital signs and said "Well everything seems to be working normal but I still don't understand how your heart stopped that fast I mean I gave you everything that would help."

Leo spoke "w-Well Baxter d-did i-inject some thick l-liqiud into m-my arm." All their eyes got wide and Donnie asked "Did he have a button that made the medicine activate faster?" Leo shook his yes slowly, at that time April, Casey and Master Splinter walked in and when they saw Leo awake their faces all lite up with excitement and love.

Leo tried to stand but 6 pairs of hands all shoved him back down on the table. Raph spoke sternly "You have to rest Leo you were hurt bad and are weak." Leo agreed and laided down, and after about 3 weeks Leo was on his feet training and goin topside for patrols.

Sorry for any spelling/capitalization or grammar errors hoped you enjyed this chapter I <3 each and everyone of u!

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