Chapter 1

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The two turtles glared each other. Both of them panting and sweating, barley noticing the three figures that knelt at the back of the room and observed. Raphael charged; his eyes narrowed. He quickly ducked the katana that was swung where his head was moments before and then plunged his sai towards Leonardo. The said turtle quickly twisted himself to avoid the attack but was caught in another one when he was suddenly swung over Raph's shoulder and onto the ground.

"Very good Raphael, but more energy." Splinter said as Raph helped Leo off of the ground with a smirk. "Leonardo, strike first before your opponent has a chance to strike you."

'I did strike first, he just dodged.' Leo thought. "Hai Sensei." He said with a bow.

"Michelangelo. Donatello." Splinter commanded. Then two turtles stood and walked to the middle of the room; pulling out their weapons and smirking at each other. "Begin."

Leo knelt down next to Splinter and was quickly greeted as Raphael knelt down next to him. "Sorry I had to whip your shell." Raph whispered as they observed their two brothers spin their weapons.

Leo stayed silent as he replayed their sparring match in his head. It had been off and on for over an hour. He would have the upper hand, then Raph would get the upper hand. What had he done wrong?

"It wasn't that hard to be honest with ya." Raph mocked; trying to get his brother mad and lose his cool and collectiveness in front of their father. Leo breathed through his nose as he paid attention to his two younger brothers in front of him, working at blocking out Raph. He was the oldest, the leader. Wasn't he supposed to be the strongest? How did Raph win?!

"I'm just way better." Raph said with a smirk. He watched Leo twitch slighty. Now he was getting somewhere. Raph blinked when Leo didn't say anything. He cringed inwardly. He was trying to get into a fight with Leo. He wanted Leo to yell at him. The two eldest hadn't been talking lately. Raph didn't know why, but he was pretty sure it had something to do with his temper. He would try to talk to Leo, start a conversation, but then Leo would just quickly end the talk and walk away. "It was a good match though." Raph mumbled, finally giving up.

"Shut up Raph." Leo hissed.

Raphael looked up at his brother and glared. "What?"

"You heard me. Shut up! You had your bragging rights, now shut up." Leo kept his voice quiet as he looked at Raph through the corner of his eye.

Raphael glared at him, not bothering to keep his voice quiet anymore. "Oh, is Leo just ticked that he lost?!"

Leonardo clamped his mouth shut and continued to watch Michelangelo and Donatello. Mikey did a backflip to avoid Donatello's bo staff. He laughed and begun to mock Donnie.

Raph narrowed his eyes. That's how all of their conversations were lately. He would start to raise his voice and Leo would clamp up like a clam; not opening up to anyone. "What's with you?!" Raph snapped. Leo looked over at him through the corner of his eye. "You don't talk anymore!"

"Maybe I just don't want to talk."

"You talk perfectly fine to Don and Mikey!"

"Probably because they don't start a fight with me every time I say 'hi'!"

Splinter turned his head slightly and eyed his sons. Their relationship as brothers had been growing thinner. The sparring match paused as Donnie and Mikey turned to see their two, now shouting, brothers.

"I don't-"

"Yes you do! Every time I walk into a room with you in it, I can just feel the hate radiating off of you! It's sick and unnerving! I just can't take it anymore!"

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