Chapter 30

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Let's see what happens 2 years later...

It was night time. Two adorable 1 year old babies were happily listening as their mother reads them a bedtime story.

One of them had cyan wing which fades to gold. His right eye light is purple while the other eye socket is yellow with yellow eye light. That is Shade.

The other one was Shine. His wings are yellow that fades to cyan. His eye sockets and eye light were exactly like his twin but it was the other way around. His left eye light is purple and the right eye socket is yellow with yellow eye lights.

The twins were happily listening to the story.

Nightmare look at his babies as they giggled and their little wings flapped so adorably.

Dream was watching as well. He was doing some paperwork. He smiled at his husband.

He put the papers down, got up and went over to Nightmare. He snatched the book away from him.

"Hey! I was reading that to them!" Nightmare whined.

"It's my turn now," Dream laughed as he sat next to Nightmare.

Nightmare puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms.

"Hey, don't be like that," Dream chuckled.

Shine started crawling onto Nightmare, babbling about.

"Do you need anything Shine?" Nightmare look at his child.

Shine spread his arms out, motioning his mother to pick him up.

"Oh, you want a hug?" Nightmare pick up his little bundle of joy. Then he heard someone else. Shade was babbling as well, arms stretched wide open.

"Looks like Shade wants a hug too," Dream smiled and picked up the other bundle of joy.

The twins were giggling. Shade put his tiny little hands on Dream's cheek, hitting it.

"Shade, no hitting Daddy!" Dream said a little sternly at Shade. Shade just laughed and made raspberry noice.

"He definitely got his cheekiness from you," Dream joked.

"That's not true!" Nightmare protested. "Shine also has my cheekiness as well!"

Shade and Shine then yawned.

"Looks like someone is sleepy, bedtime boys," Dream announced happily.

The twins giggled and lay down, hugging each other.

Dream and Nightmare laid on each side, their wings covered them and their babies like a blanket.


Dream and Nightmare were woken up by the twins jumping on top of them. They were laughing.

"Okay, I'm up!" Nightmare laughed.

"I can't believe my own sons are acting like you," Dream sighed dramatically.

"Don't be such a big baby," Nightmare teased.

They all got ready. Dream went to his office to work while Night stayed in the bedroom.

After Nightmare fed Shade and Shine their milk, he went to the nearby shelf.

"Okay, who wants to hear another story?" Nightmare asked the twins. The two excitedly nodded their heads.

He chose the twins favorite book: 'The Adventurous Twins.'

As Nightmare read the story, Blue and Ink came in.

"Hi guys!" Nightmare greeted.

"Good morning Night," Blue greeted. "We just wanted to ask if we could help you take care of the twins."

"That would be great! I have something to do with Error and Cross anyways," Nightmare explained.

"Okay, we'll handle it now," said Ink.

Nightmare handed the twins to Ink and Blue and kissed his babies forehead.

Blue and Ink look at the two adorable babies.

"Pfffttt!" The two of them made raspberry sound at Ink and Blue.

"Dream is right, they're like Nightmare," said Ink as Blue nodded his head.


Ink and Cross were cuddling in their room. They have been doing that a lot ever since they got married. Blue and Error were busily baking.

Dream and Nightmare were in their room with the twins.

The twins were busily babbling excitedly.

"What got you so excited boys?" Nightmare chuckled.

Shade started babbling, "M-p-Mama!"

Nightmare and Dream gasped.

"Oh Shade, your first word!" Nightmare completed Shade. Then Shine was babbling as well.

"B- D...Dada!"

"Oh My God Shine! You said your first word too!" Dream was happy.

"Now that they can talk, they will learn to walk!" Nightmare exclaimed. The twins were excited.


After an hour, Shade and Shine finally learned how to walk.

"It took longer than I thought," Dream puffed.

The twins were happily wobbling around the bedroom.

"At least they can walk now," said Nightmare.

"Heh, cmon Nighty, we need to put Shade and Shine down for a nap.

"Okay Dreamy," Nightmare giggled as he took the twins into his arms.

"Alright, nap time boys," said Nightmare.

The twins suddenly squirmed around. They didn't want to sleep yet.

"I'll give you cookies after nap time," Dream said with a smirk on his face.

The twins eye sockets widened and they immediately shut their eye sockets and slept in their mother's arms.

"You sure know how to deal with them," said Nightmare.

"I know," Dream said. "And your an amazing mother."

"I'm glad we're a happy family," said Nightmare.

"I am too, Nighty."

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