Chapter 5

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Seriously, I wish the villagers would stop bullying me. Now I have cuts and bruises all over my body. It's annoying. I wish I could tell Dream but I don't want him to worry about me... I'll write more again tomorrow.

"Oh brother, I wish you did tell me..." Dream sighed sadly.

"Read another one Ink," said Error.


I was almost caught by my brother...

And how stupid I was to fall right into the yellow flower bed of the freaking forbidden AU!!! Well, the flowers are growing much slower on me than on a normal person. Must be because I'm a guardian. So even if Dream didn't kill me, I'm going to die anyways. It doesn't matter anymore. The multiverse is going to be destroyed. 'Yay'



"Oh no..." Error whispered. His body was starting to glitch like crazy. "NONONONONO!!!"

Cross went into full panic mode. The only thing that was repeating in his mind was, "Why did we even betray him!?"


It was the day the bound is going to be separated.

Cross and Error were in the dungeon. They had magic restriction cuffs and were chained up. Dream suddenly came in.


Dream interrupted Cross. "Have you ever wondered why Ink betrayed you?"

Cross immediately said, "Because he wants emotions and you are the one who gives him it!"

"Well yes, but I needed some help. I need someone to help me destroy negativity. If Nightmare wasn't here in the first place then..."

Cross thought about it for a while, Dream was right, if Nightmare didn't exist in the first place, Ink would still be his friend.

"Oh and Error, drink this," said Dream as he threw a bottle of liquid at Error. "Drink it."

Error eyed Dream suspiciously. He then pluck up the courage to drink it.

Dream suddenly touched Error. Error had expected to start glitching but... it didn't happen.

"How?!" Error asked, shocked but happy at the same time. "You cured my haphephobia!"

"It's a potion," Dream explained.

"Thank you so much!" Error thanked him.

"Now... you have to do something in return."

They thought about it for a while. They looked at each other and knew what their decision is.

"We'll do it," the two answered.


"Ugh... how stupid am I... To trust someone like Dream..." Cross thought, feeling angry at himself.

"C'mon guys, we need to find him," said Error. Tears were running down his bony cheek.

They immediately set out to find the negative guardian. They found themselves in the forest where Nightmare loves to stay in.

"Do you know where he might be?" Blue asked.

"I'll look through his diary, maybe there will be some hints on where he is," said Ink, flipping through the pages of the diary.

"Hey... there is something written on the back of the diary..." Ink muttered.

"Read it," said Dream impatient and worriedly.


The balance is the one key that keeps the multiverse from collapsing into the void. There must be a balance or else the whole multiverse collapses. The two main balance that must be kept is the balance between creation and destruction, positivity and negativity.


If there is no more creation, there will be destruction everywhere and there will be nothing to help fix or recreate it. AUs will be destroyed and cannot be recreated anymore. If there is no more destruction, AUs will be created. If the number of AUs exceeded the limit, they will collapse right into each other.


Without positivity, depression will spread and people and monster will only feel pain. Without negativity, there will be too much positivity and the people will be unstable.


After reading it, they all felt even more surprised. They had to find Nightmare and fast.


"God I feel so weak!" Nightmare groaned angrily, punching a nearby tree. "And I lost my freaking diary!"

There were a few yellow flowers growing on the side of his skull near his left eye socket. He felt a little light-headed and suddenly collapse onto the ground.

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