Chapter 28

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Hi everyone! I'm looking for two volunteers to fill in the role of a shop manager and worker! For those who are interested, please fill in this form.



Hair color:

Eye color:

Job: Manager/worker

That should be all! Bye my little paintys!
After the wedding, Dream and Nightmare were officially a couple. Of course, they invited Swad and Moon. Not only that, they brought their baby along with them. They named him Sunset.

Sunset has yellow wings with black edges. There is some goof covering his right eye and his left eye is orange and yellow like Swad's. There is a halo as well. (This is my version of Swad and Moon's ship child)

Cross and Ink were happy. Error was kind of angry at Dream. The golden chicken was kind of scared of Error's chipakas.

So everything is normal. No more fights, no more killing. One day, they all decided to just watch a movie.

Cross, Dream, Error and Blue decides to watch some more movies and Nightmare went to make popcorn. Blue picked out a Disney movie. When he put in a disk, it didn't work.

They thought the disk was not working and checked it. Apparently, it was a freaking cardboard disk! Let's just play truth or dare.

When they sat on the floor...


They looked at what they sat in and they saw whoopee cushions!

"Umm... guys... it's April Fools Day..." said Dream as he looked at the calendar.

"Oh no..." Cross muttered. "You know what that means..."

"We all have to hide!" Blue panicked.

They all scattered away. Blue went to hide under that couch. Bad idea, red paint exploded under there. Blue thought it was blood and ran out to the bathroom to barf. But when he entered the room, embarrassing pictures of him were raining down.


Cross was in his room, he locked the door and was on his bed.

He thought he was safe but he was wrong. Something appeared in front of him.

It was chocolate, but not just any chocolate, it was a cow shaped chocolate. Cross screamed, he wanted to eat it but it was shaped as a cow. He wanted to run out of the room but he couldn't open it.



Ink and Dream were hiding in the car. They are worried, but what happened is that they are going to be found.

Too bad, they were pranked. A bottle of glue had exploded and feathers were dropped onto them.


Lastly, it was Error. He saw a picture of himself knitting an ugly sweater.

"No no no no!" Error screamed.

By the end of the day, everyone was pranked. They couldn't get angry at Nightmare because it was April Fools Day.

Happy April Fools Everybody!

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