Little Ayanokouji Part 3

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Little Ayanokouji can be seen holding hands with the former Secretary of the Student Council while walking towards Keyaki Mall

Ayanokouji looks calm while Tachibana is calm on the outside but very nervous on the inside

Tachibana:(Ahhhh!!!! What should I do??!!! The Chairman told me to make him comfortable but I don't know how to care of a child!!!)

Tachibana breaths and exhales hard that Ayanokouji notices it

Ayanokouji tugs on her hand and asks

Ayanokouji: Umm... Is there something wrong?

Tachibana: N-no, I'm fine!

Ayanokouji is suspicious about it

Ayanokouji: Are you sure? I mean you were breathing and exhaling hard

Tachibana gets embarrassed by it

Tachibana: I-I'm really fine!

Ayanokouji: I see

They kept on walking

Tachibana: (Uwuwu how embarrassing! I don't know how to talk to him at all. If this were the Ayanokouji that I know, I can talk to him normally but this Ayanokouji but a mini version and he it looks like he does not remember me and based  it doesn't seem to be lying about it

Ayanokouji: Your name was Tachibana Akane right?

Tachibana: Yes what about it?

Ayanokouji: How should I call you? I mean for me, calling you Tachibana-san kinda feels like were the same age or somewhere near your age

Tachibana: (It's because your correct on the latter, but I must say he's acting quite mature for his age....I kinda find it quite cute, wait I should stop thinking about it before I start to have a fetish or something)

Tachibana: You can call me Tachibana-nee or Akane nee-san

 Ayanokouji: I see, I'll pick the latter then Akane nee-san and you can call me by my name too

Tachibana blushes

Tachibana: If you d-don't mind K-Kiyotaka-kun

Ayanokouji:( Why did her face get red after I said that? I only called her by her name and allowed her to call me by name)

Ayanokouji: Say Akane nee-san do you remember how you got here?

Tachibana blushes but responds

Tachibana: Hmm let me see all I remember was


Akane Tachibana can be seen just going outside of the females toilet room

Tachibana: (Time to go back to class now, I might deduct our Class Points if I stay outside for too long)

Tachibana was walking towards her classroom when she heard a loud thud at the males toilet room

She went to the door of the male toilet room, knocked and asked

Tachibana: Hello, is someone here? Did something happen?

Tachibana did not get any response 

She was going to knock and ask again when she heard a thud again

Tachibana: Hello?

She did not get any response again

She was about to leave and go the staffroom to ask for help until she heard another thud and heard the door squeak open

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