Small things are cute - Mei-yu x Ayanokouji

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Ayanokouji is waiting for Mei-yu Wang to get to back to their table with their orders

Ayanokouji(monologue): Mei-yu Wang, things that come to my mind when thinking of her are she is smart, petite, probably has the same height as Sakayanagi and cute not beautiful or pretty but cute. Based on what I've observed it seems she has a crush on Hirata this can be supported by the fact that she often blushes when talking to him. But right now it seems like she's worried about something and that lead her to asking me to go with her on a cafe

*Flashback to while ago*

Ayanokouji(monologue):It's been 5 days after Yamauchi's expulsion and Hirata going back to his usual self, the once dread atmosphere in class has gone back to normal too and a lot of Hirata's cult members (female classmates) have gone back in to talking to him and dragging him everywhere. As for me nothing much has changed aside from the fact that some of my classmates have eyed me suspiciously due to me having a lot of praise votes from Class A even though  Horikita had already explained why I have a lot of praise votes.

As I  was about stand up and leave the classroom since classes are over someone held the sleeve of my uniform. I turned around and saw it was Mei-yu Wang 

Ayanokouji: Mei-yu Wang.....

Mei-yu: U-ummm..... Ayanokouji-kun..umm I have something to ask you about c-can y-you hear me out?

Ayanokouji: I don't mind but you need to calm down first(monologue): I wonder what she's going to ask me about, probably something about Hirata and how to ask him out but why me though? Aren't there other better candidates like his cult members (female classmates) right? But she's probably afraid to get killed by them....make sense then....

Mei-yu: Ahh sorry

Mei-yu Wang inhales and exhales deeply before speaking again

Mei-yu: Can you go with me to the cafe Ayanokouji-kun? I have something to ask you

Ayanokouji: Sure lead the way

Mei-yu nods and leaves the classroom while Ayanokouji follows her

*While Mei-yu was talking to Ayanokouji*

The members of the Ayanokouji group were about to go ask Ayanokouji to hang out with them but instead they noticed that Ayanokouji is talking to Mei-yu Wang so they decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Mei-yu:  Can you go with me to the cafe Ayanokouji-kun? I have something to ask you

As the members of the Ayanokouji group heard that Airi was near fainting, Haruka is trying to help Airi while trying to hear  Ayanokouji's conversation with Mei-yu Wang, Akito and Keisei are just listening to the conversation while Akito is mentally supporting Ayanokouji

Akito: Did you hear what happened just now?

Keisei: Yes, it looks like Mei-yu Wang is asking Kiyotaka to go with him

Akito: Do you think they're going on a date?

Keisei: It looks like it so yeah

When Airi heard she started becoming sad and Haruka is trying shut Keisei and Akito from talking about it with her glare but Akito and Keisei didn't notice it and continued talking about it which resulted in Airi becoming more sad

Haruka(monologue): Ahhhhhh!!!!! Miyatchi, Yukimu shut up! Can't you see Airi is almost crying now but for Kiyopon to get asked out on a date huh... I should teach him how to handle girls on dates after he is done with his date with Mii-chan.

Mei-yu and Ayanokouji walked to the cafe in silence but not in an awkward atmosphere

*Back to present* 

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