College with senpai shouldn't be bad right? - Ayanokouji x Kiryuuin

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So Kiryuuin and Ayanokouji are in university while being lovers in this scenario.

Also Ayanokouji is free, his father is dead(due to an accident), White Room is shut down, kids are going back to their parents some are in rehab and the White Room staff and accomplices are in jail.

Ayanokouji POV

Ayanokouji (monologue): Finally lectures are now over I just have to wait for her lectures to be done and go back to the apartment with her.

Ayanokouji stands up from his chair and goes outside of the lecture hall while on the way of going outside he gets asked by girls who were in the same lecture as him.

Random Girl 1: Ummm.... Ayanokouji-kun w-would you like to hang out with us?

Random Girl 2 & 3: Yeah yeah, would you like to Ayanokouji-kun?

Ayanokouji (monologue): If I remember this girl(Random Girl 1) is the most popular and "most beautiful" in the whole campus and has like cult following her, now that I remember it Hirata had the same case as her, if I flat out refuse her she might start rumors about me so I'll refuse politely.

Ayanokouji: U-umm I'm s-

As Ayanokouji was about to say his words someone grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him to themselves and wrapped his arm around his/herself.

Kiryuuin: I'm sorry kohai's but I already have plans with my boyfriend

Kiryuuin Fūka who was Ayanokouji's girlfriend said those words with some venom and emphasize the word boyfriend, She was also smiling and staring at girls with the intention of telling the girls to back of her boyfriend.

Random Girl 1 looked like she was defeated and was starting to get pissed but the other 2 girls were trying to calm her and saying sorry to both Ayanokouji and Kiryuuin. The 3 girls then left though it looked liked that Random Girl 1 was still going to get revenge at Kiryuuin

After the 3 girls left Kiryuuin unwrapped herself from Ayanokouji's arm and held one of his hands. They then left the lecture hall and started walking towards their apartment.

They talked about random things like how boring their lectures were

Kiryuuin: So what are we having for dinner later?

Ayanokouji: I don't know, what do you want?

Kiryuuin: How about Karaage? You know how to cook it right?

Ayanokouji: Yeah, by the way

Kiryuuin: Hmm?

Ayanokouji: How many guys asked you out today?

Kiryuuin: Ahh that, hmmm let me see.... Around 6. You?

Ayanokouji: Around 8 including those 3 earlier

Kiryuuin: So you won this time huh....

Ayanokouji only nods

The reason why talked like that is because they're both popular at their university and had a lot of people ask them out so they decided to make it a little competition to see who has a lot of people ask them out in a day.

After a while they arrived at their apartment and went inside.

Kiryuuin: I'll go take a bath first so you can go ahead and start cooking

Ayanokouji: Hai hai

Kiryuuin: You can take a peek if you want or you can stop cooking and join me

Ayanokouji: I'll go cook first (monologue): Though I don't mind taking a peek or joining her

Kiryuuin just pouted and went to the bathroom to take a bath

Meanwhile Ayanokouji just started cooking. After a while of cooking, Ayanokouji felt a mound on his back and some wetness around his neck. He then felt someones arm wrapped around his waist

Ayanokouji: Your done taking a bath?

Kiryuuin: Yes

Ayanokouji: I didn't notice maybe it was because I was immersed in cooking

Kiryuuin: Maybe but I think you didn't notice because the faucet in the bathroom is still on

Ayanokouji: That would be the most logical reason but could you let go now? I have to continue cooking, the food might burn if I don't.

Kiryuuin then unwrapped her arms around Ayanokouji's waist then went to grab a piece of cooked Kaarage and put it around her mouth.

Kiryuuin: Kiyotaka

Ayanokouji turned around to face her girlfriend and saw she was only covered in a bath towel with her cleavage quite exposed.

Kiryuuin: After your done cooking you can take your bath.

Ayanokouji just nod and went back too cooking but with a tint of red in cheeks

Ayanokouji (monologue): She's quite alluring, I should stop thinking before I imagine something else about my girlfriend

Just as Ayanokouji turned back to cooking earlier, Kiryuuin noticed the tint of red on his cheeks, she just smiled and ate the remaining Kaarage on her mouth then went back to their room to change.

After cooking, Ayanokouji went to take a bath. After a while of taking a bath Ayanokouji heard the door of the bathroom open and saw his girlfriend's head inside.

Kiryuuin: I placed your change of clothes in the counter

Ayanokouji: Thanks but you didn't really need to enter

Kiryuuin: I know but I have the right to look at my boyfriend's body right? Plus I gave you the chance to look at mine earlier too

Ayanokouji: Right right, can you please get out now dear girlfriend of mine I have to wash myself now

Kiryuuin: Can't I just look a little bit more?

Ayanokouji: No

Kiryuuin just pouted and close the door and went to the living room to watch tv

After Kiryuuin left Ayanokouji washed himself, dried himself and wore the clothes that his girlfriend put on the counter

After that Ayanokouji went to the living room to call her girlfriend to eat.
Kiryuuin and Ayanokouji then ate their dinner while talking about random stuff.

After they ate they relaxed for time then went to wash the dishes.
They then prepared themselves to go too sleep

*Scene change, on bedroom more specifically on the bed*

Ayanokouji and Kiryuuin can be seen cuddling on bed

Ayanokouji: Fūka

Kiryuuin: Hmmm?

Ayanokouji: Since we have a day off tomorrow, do you want to go on a date?

Kiryuuin: Sure, it's been a while since we went on a date due to a schoolwork

Ayanokouji nods the suddenly,
Ayanokouji kissed her girlfriend, said goodnight and went to sleep facing his back against her face

Kiryuuin just blushed at her boyfriends actions

Kiryuuin (monologue): Quite sly are we Kiyotaka.....

Kiryuuin then replied goodnight too and went to sleep with her hugging the back of her boyfriend.

Author's Notes: That's all for this chapter folks, I hope you liked this chapter and Thanks for Reading, I hope you have a great time and Bye!

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