15 - Flowers in your hair

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Draco's POV

The sun was already setting when Draco finished painting the last window frame. Satisfied with his work, he stepped back and admired the little cottage in its new colourful style. The boys had decided on a dark green for the window frames and the door. The old brown facade was now shining in a bright white.

"Looks brilliant, love." Harry mumbled and hugged Draco from behind. The black haired boy struggled to rest his head on Draco's shoulder since he was quite a few inches smaller than Draco. It made him chuckle.

"Hey, are you laughing about me?" Harry exclaimed surprised.

"I do, you're just so small and adorable, Potter."

"Oh thank you, maybe you want to go and date a giant then." Harry replied.

"Calm down Potter, I am just mocking you a bit, now show me your hands, I want to see how tiny they are."

Harry rolled his eyes but then lifted his right hand and brought it together with Draco's.

"As I said, small and adorable." Draco exclaimed happily and kissed Harry's hand.

He could see Harry blushing.

"How about we go inside now and eat something for dinner. I am about to starve to death." Draco suggested.

He could see the excitement spark in Harry's eyes.

"Can we please eat Spaghetti, I love Spaghetti, there's nothing better than Spaghetti."

Draco smiled and nodded. "Alright let's cook some Spaghettis then."

They entered the house and started preparing the meal.

"Please wait here and make yourself comfortable and let me cook for us."

The smaller boy nodded obediently and took a seat on an antique looking sofa.

Draco walked down into the basement to fetch some ingredients and some cherry wine. The boys were hardly sixteen but nobody would ever find out anyways and Draco had tried a few sips of alcohol before, in Malfoy Manor.

After around 30 minutes, he served the Spaghetti together with the wine and Harry grinned like a little child.

Draco filled their glasses with some wine and he lifted the glass.

"Cheers, Harry and enjoy the meal."

Later in the evening, Draco and Harry washed the dishes together and cleaned up. Afterwards, they made themselves comfortable on the large cozy sofa next to the fire place and sipped the rest of their cherry wine.

Draco put his arm around Harry and moved closer to him. Harry immediately rested his head on the blond boy's chest.

"I thought." Draco started.

"I thought we could take a little walk tomorrow afternoon. What do you think?" he asked and looked at Harry.

"That sounds great, I am looking forward to it." Harry replied and both boys smiled happily.

The next morning :

The sweet scent in the air woke Draco the next morning and he blinked against the warm sun rays, that blinded him through the window.

He followed the scent and reached the kitchen. He smiled as soon as he saw Harry standing before the stove and dancing while humming a song.

"Morning Potter."

Harry turned around and kissed Draco's cheek. "Morning, love." His happy mood was contagious and Draco felt a warm feeling in his stomach. But then it started grumbling.

"Someone is hungry, but don't worry, I made banana pancakes."

Draco had never heard of banana pancakes before, they were probably something from the muggle world, but he was sure they would taste delicious.

It turned out they did. Draco managed to eat three of them until he was sure that he was completely full.

The two boys decided that they would work in the garden today. There was much work to do since flowers and herbs were growing wildly all over the property and strawberries needed to be plucked.

Suddenly Draco remembered that his birthday was tomorrow and that this time, he would spend it with Harry. The thought got him excited and he started smiling again.

He had also noticed that he smiled more often since he and Harry were together.

"Stop daydreaming and help me with these plants, they are beasts!" Harry shouted from somewhere behind him and Draco snapped out of his thoughts and helped him.

"You better don't pull this one out if you want to stay alive. It's a mandrake." Harry explained.

"Oh god, the little beasts from year 2?" Draco asked horrified.

"One of them bit me, do you remember?"

Harry laughed. "It was absolutely hilarious, how could I possibly forget that?"

"If I think about it, you had quite a hard time." Harry added.

"You got bit by the mandrake, were hit by Hermione, almost killed by Buckbeak and turned into a ferret."

"At least I didn't have to fight a psychopathic teacher, an over-dimensional snake, a horde of scary black ghosts or join a suicide competition just to win an ugly goblet." Draco argued back.

" I think you've got a point." Harry said and continued laughing.

The boys went on talking about school and worked in the garden.

When it was lunch time, Draco went inside to fetch a picnic blanket and some sandwiches, he made.

Both were hungry and immediately started munching them happily.

Suddenly Harry started to plug some daisies, that grew right next to the blanket and kind of twisted them together.

Draco was confused and watched the process. After a while Harry seemed to be satisfied with the flower chain and knotted it together to form a kind of circle. Then, he leaned forward and placed the flower wreath on Draco's head.

"Beautiful!" he exclaimed and seemed very excited.

"Can you show me how it works?" Draco asked a little shyly.

"Of course, it's pretty easy." Harry exclaimed and showed the blonde boy how to do it.

Eventually Draco understood and made a flower wreath for Harry as well. But he chose Forget me nots instead of daisies.

Suddenly, Harry stood up and cursed.

"Sorry, I almost forget- uhm I need to do something in the kitchen but don't enter please, it's supposed to be a surprise, okay?"

Draco just nodded and worked in the garden instead to wait until Harry was finished, so they could go on to their planned walk through the forest afterwards.

After around an hour, Harry appeared at the freshly painted door and waved to signal Draco he was done.

The blonde boy dropped the little shovel he had worked with and walked up to Harry.

"We can go now, I am done." he exclaimed happily.

"Alright." Draco replied.

"Just one more thing."


Draco chuckled and lifted his finger to gently remove the white substance on the other boy's cheek.

"You have flour on your cheek."

"Ohhh." Harry exclaimed and blushed.

Both broke out in laugher.

Author's note:

Hey everyone! Yay that was the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I had to add some fluff and happiness but be aware that this could change very soon ;)

Anygays eh I mean Anyways, have a nice day ily :3

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