13 - Runaways

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Draco's POV

After sitting on the hippogriffs back for a few hours , Draco had gotten extremely tired and he had fallen asleep cuddled against Harry's warm and surprisingly comfortable back.

The sun was just about to rise when he woke up and the first golden sun rays tickled his nose. Draco soon noticed that he was wrapped in a blanket and smiled.

"Morning love" he mumbled.

"Good morning Dray and did you just call me love!?"

"Yes I did, don't you like it Potter?"

"No no it's fine, extremely cute actually. It was just a bit unexpected." Harry replied happily.

"Look at this sunrise, it's beautiful!" Draco exclaimed and pointed at the rising sun.

"I think I have never seen such a beautiful sunrise before. We live in a world full of magic and yet the most natural things seem the most magical."

"Yes, you are right." Harry whispered while staring at Draco's side profile.

After a few moments of silence he said:

"You are the most magical of all of them, Draco Malfoy."

Draco turned away from the sunrise and faced Harry. For the first time he was completely speechless. He couldn't fight the huge smile that appeared on his face and his cheeks turned slightly red.

He moved closer to Harry, put his head on his shoulder and pressed a soft kiss on Harry's neck.

Draco wished that this moment would never be over. He was watching a beautiful sunrise cuddled up against the boy he loved, high in the air, free and far away from all troubles and worries. None of the boys said a word, they just enjoyed the view and the presence of each other.

Harry broke the silence after a while.

" I think we should land soon, Buckbeak seems exhausted and he needs some rest."

Draco just nodded. " Where should we go now?"

"I don't know, where would you like to go?"

Draco thought about the question for a few seconds and suddenly he knew.

"I would like to see Edinburgh. My mum has told me stories about the city when I was younger. She said that she used to spend her summers there when she was a little girl together with her sisters. She always smiled when she talked about her time in the little cottage they owned and I would like to go there. People say it's beautiful in Edinburgh and that it reminds them of a fairytale."

"Sounds like a plan." Harry answered cheerfully.

The dark haired boy leaned forward and whispered something into the hippogriffs ear.

"How in gods name does he understand you and how does he know where Edinburgh is located?"

"Just trust me, he's a clever hippogriff."

Draco decided to believe Harry and closed his eyes again.

Draco dreamed of wide fields and willows full of colourful flowers. Right in front of him was a little old cottage with a sky blue door and big windows. He could hear girls laughter and noticed 3 young girls, they couldn't be older than 10, chasing each other. He instantly recognised his mother and his aunts Andromeda and Bellatrix.

"Wake up Draco, we're almost there."

He slowly opened his eyes and blinked.

"I found this little forest here and we decided to land since we cannot risk anyone seeing Buckbeak but it is not far from the city." Harry continued.

Draco rubbed his eyes and slid down the hippogriffs back. Before his feet could touch the ground, Harry stepped right next to him and caught Draco.

The blonde boy couldn't resist his soft pink lips and leaned in to kiss them. The kiss wasn't passionate or desperate but still full of love and affection.

Harry let go of Draco eventually and the boys started walking towards the city. After a while of silently walking beside each other, Draco shyly grabbed Harry's hand and entwined it with his.

It felt so right.

They reached the city around noon. The sun was shining brightly and it was a beautiful spring day. People were laughing, talking or selling food all around them and tourists walked around with their cameras to take photos of the gorgeous little houses.

Suddenly Draco felt a certain uneasiness when he noticed that he was still holding Harry's hand. Harry noticed his unease and whispered:

"It's all right, nobody will judge us here."

Draco's tensed shoulders started to relax and suddenly his stomach grumbled.

"Look, someone is hungry." Harry exclaimed and grinned.

"Well, I haven't gotten any food since you decided to play the brave rescuer." Draco mocked and lead Harry to a little Café.

The boys chose a lonely little table in the backyard right next to an old oak tree.

To Draco's surprise, Harry ordered a huge bowl of ice cream for both of them and grinned as soon as it was placed in front of them.

"I love ice cream so much it's absolutely brilliant!"

"Well, who doesn't." Draco replied cheerfully.

Soon, they finished their ice cream bowl and started strolling along the streets and alleys of Edinburg. Draco had to admit that the city really looked like it would come out of a fairytale.

After a while he said: "Let's go and search for the cottage my mother's family owned. I think I saw it in my dream. "

Harry agreed and they started to ask some strangers if they knew where to find the cottage.

Eventually they found an old man who looked like he could knew about the cottage.

"Sorry Sir, we are looking for an old cottage. It once belonged to the Black family, maybe you know it?."

"Mhh the Blacks, oh yeah I knew them. What an odd family if you ask me, quite scary. It's been on sale for almost 20 years now but nobody wants to buy it. If you want to find it you need to follow this street up there out of the city and go up the little hill, then you'll see the cottage." he answered in a heavy Scottish accent.

"Thank you Sir, have a nice day."

The old man just nodded and walked away.

Harry and Draco looked at each other and then started following the street that lead out of the city.

Soon they found the house. It was 2 storeys high and had the big windows that Draco saw in his dreams. Only the door wasn't blue anymore, the color had peeled off after all the years. It looked a little run down but was still beautiful.

The door was locked but Draco simply casted Alohomora and it flew open. The air was quite dusty but the house was still furnished and even decorated, everything untouched.

After examining the house, Draco started opening the windows to let fresh air in and then turned back around to face Harry.

"Welcome home, Harry!"

Author's note:

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It took my nearly 5 hours to write and I am still not very satisfied with the outcome but whatever.

Love youse uwu

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