7 - Ruthless

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Draco's POV

It's been 5 days since Draco took the memory potion. He hadn't seen Potter since then.

Yesterday he was finally allowed to leave the infirmary after Madame Pomfrey spend an eternity checking his whole body. Everything was perfectly healed, well everything that could be healed.

Not his broken soul and heart.

They couldn't be fixed so easily. 

But Draco wished it could.

He hoped for numbness at least.

But he was not lucky enough.

It felt like his soul was trying to rip itself apart in two pieces.

Draco was constantly trapped between playing his role as the perfect son, the perfect, proud, Draco Malfoy and the part he tried to hide so desperately, the young, lost boy who was craving a lovable, understanding family and a soulmate who could give him all the warmth, care and affection he never received before.

The Slytherin walked to the window, still limping a bit.

But he needed the physical pain to endure.

He opened the window and breathed in the cold fresh air of the night

He knew he never had a choice.

There was no place for his soft side in this world, his father had made sure of that.

He cursed the last weeks he had spend without a memory. He was a coward, revealing all his true feelings to Potter, although it had surprised him that the dark haired boy had felt the same or at least something similar.

But it was a mistake. He had been weak and Draco would never ever again let his guards down and someone come close to him again.

He simply could not afford it.

Draco closed the window and walked over to his mirror.

The reflection revealed a pale face with dark rings under the cold, blue eyes.

Draco grabbed his chin and slowly turned his head.

Worthless & weak, he thought.

Finally he crawled into his bed, staring at the canopy as if he could find answers there.

His fingers were pressed on his heart, trying to choke it and let all his feelings die.

Especially the ones for Harry had to die immediately.

Harry's POV

Harry woke up from another nightmare. He was bathed in cold sweat and his blanket had fallen onto the floor.

It was the same nightmare every time. The blonde boy was kissing him, loving him and then left him alone in a hollow darkness. 

Harry got up and jumped under the shower to get rid of his sweat and sorrows.

Afterwards he got ready for his first lesson, Defense Against The Dark Arts and walked to the classroom. His friends were already waiting and both, Hermione and Ron looked at him in concern.

"I am okay, it's nothing." Harry replied annoyed and sat down on the empty chair next to Ron.

The lesson was about to start when suddenly the door opened again. 

A slender figure appeared in the doorframe and Harry recognised him immediately.

He would recognise him everywhere.

His heart jumped foolishly.

As soon as possible, Harry tried to look away but the blonde boy had already laid his eyes on him.

They were staring at him coldly and Harry thought they would pierce right through his soul.

All the gentleness and warmth was wiped away.

"Mister Malfoy, I didn't expected to see you in class already." the teacher exclaimed.

"I am glad to be here again." Draco replied monotonously.

The lesson started and Harry drifted away in this thoughts until he heard something about duelling and partner work.

"We are doing a partner work. One of you will cast a jinx and the other one tries to defend himself. You can use everything we have learned until now."

"Granger you will work with Mrs. Parkinson, Weasley you will work with Mr. Longbottom and Potter,  you will work with Malfoy."

Harry froze.

Before he could say something Draco already appeared and smiled coldly.

Harry took a deep breath and stood up.

Draco had already drawn his wand and started to mumble something.

Before the dark haired boy could react, he got knocked off his feet.

"What are you doing, Pottah?, Sleeping?"

Harry flinched at his voice -so familiar yet so cold.

Draco attacked again, this time hurting Harry's shoulder.

The new flash of pain caused an adrenaline rush and anger rose in Harry.

"That's it Malfoy, I'll destroy you!" He yelled and attacked.

Draco raised his wand in the last second and fired back.

Each of them was completely focused on the other one.

Circling each other, attacking, moving.

The air was heated and there was a strange tension.

The others had stop their duels to watch the two boys fight.

Both of them fought with anger but also with a strange passion as if there was something special, intimate going on between them.

Both boys were equally good and there was no end in sight.

Soon they reached the end of the lesson and the teacher stopped their duel.

After receiving congrats for how amazing they had fought, both left.

But before their path parted, they were facing each other.

"Good fight Malfoy. I did not know you were that giftet in duelling ."

Harry said while examining the other boys face. He was so beautiful.

"Go to hell, Potter." Draco spit out.

Harry turned around and left.

Awkwardly grinning.

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