4 - Words aren't enough

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Draco's POV

Just as the sun started rising, Madame Pomfrey came in. When she saw Draco being awake, she hurried outside again and came back a few seconds later - this time with a woman in her late fifties. Both walked straight to his bed.

"Malfoy, you are awake that's brilliant!" the unknown woman exclaimed happily.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" Madame Pomfrey asked concerned and checked his body.

"I am okay, Madame, my leg hurts a little and my head as well but I am fine." Draco replied

The nurse smiled. "That is great progress. The pain should be gone in a few days as well."

"Can you remember what happened to you?" the other woman asked.

"Not quite, I can remember that we played quidditch but that's it."

"Don't worry, most people can't remember the minutes before their accident. Your memory about that will come back eventually."

"Okay that's great" Draco replied.

"We leave you for now Malfoy. I will come every 3 hours to check on you and to give you the medicine that speeds up the healing process. You can leave the infirmary in a week. Get some rest now"

Draco nodded.

Both of the women turned around and headed back to the door. But before closing it, Madame Pomfrey turned around again.

"One last question, can you remember everything else except the accident?"

Draco wanted to answer with no but he bit his lip. If he would tell her that he could only remember a few things, they would keep him in here for longer.

"Yes I can." he replied, his voice slightly trembling.  

The nurse nodded satisfied and closed the door behind her.

Draco exhaled deeply. He missed Potter

Harry's POV

Harry was sitting in potions class but he could not focus, especially not on Snape's monotone voice. He just wanted to visit Draco. Actually he wanted to touch every inch of him, kiss him -

"Potter! Stop dreaming in my class and pay attention!" Snape yelled.

After eating dinner in the great hall, Harry was literally running to the infirmary. He was so lost in his thoughts, that he did not recognise the girl in front of him and bumped right into her.

"Watch where you're going, Gryffindor!" it was Pansy.

"Sorry!" Harry mumbled und walked around her into the infirmary.

Due to his critical health, Draco got a separate little room, which Harry entert now. How convenient, he thought.

He pushed open the door. And there he sat. Draco Malfoy, prettier as ever.

"Hey Potter I missed you, I am glad you're here and-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Harry had already stepped forward, leaned in, grabbed his cheeks and kissed him.

He could feel Draco being surprised and stiff for a moment but then he gently kissed back.

That was the moment Harry Potter knew there would never be anyone else but him.

He was in heaven.

"I think I secretly liked you from the first day I saw you, although you were the biggest brick. And I always wonder what would have happened if I were sorted into Slytherin and we would have been friends" Harry whispered.

"I spend nights awake wondering about that too." Draco replied.

"We could still try to...find it out" Harry replied in a deep raspy voice.

"I'd love that, very much." Draco replied smiling.

"Can you please stay for a while?" the blonde boy asked.

Harry nodded happily. "I would love to, honestly."

"Could you also help me memorise everything important I need to know?"

He started to sound a little desperate now.

"Hey sure I can but why are you so worried? Didn't you tell anyone?"

"I did not." Draco murmured, staring down at his blanket.


"I was scared that they would keep me in here longer or think I had gone crazy. I hated to admit I can't do something even if it's just remembering. I did not want them to think I am weak."

"You are not weak, Draco, you are amazing, smart, strong, hot..."

"Did you just call me hot?"

"Maybe." Harry replied and started to blush.

And then Draco started laughing.

Harry had never heard him laugh like that before.

It was the most beautiful sound Harry had ever heard.

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