8 - Perfectly Wrong

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Draco's POV

After the incident in the DATDA classroom Draco had walked straight into the Slytherin dormitory. He had his own room- his father had arranged that for him in the first year. And for the first time Draco was glad to be alone. He felt completely confused, shocked and angry.

His mood didn't get any better after his father had visited-

Actually, it just got worse. He had to listen to Lucius talking about how dissatisfied he was with Draco's test results and that his accident just ruined everything. After he had told Draco about the Dark Lord and had mentioned his plans for Draco joining the Death eaters, Draco felt devastated.

It had gotten late and he tried to fall asleep but he could not find any rest.
Too many thoughts swarmed around restless in his head and the young boy was scared his demons would win the constant fight.

After minutes of staring in the darkness, Draco decided to get some fresh air and hoped it would help him feeling a little better.

As quiet as possible he put on his shoes and cardigan, moving soundlessly to not wake the other Slytherins.

When he wandered around in the silent castle, he remembered when he met Harry in one of these sleepless nights on his birthday. Just the memory of it warmed his numb heart.

He did really think about where he was going and reacted quite surprised when he stopped at the shore of the Black Lake.

Draco knelt down and slid his fingers through the cold, clear water. He had spend much time down here in his first years at Hogwarts. The calm depths of the lake, the sound of the ripples when the wind was blowing over the lake and the reflection of the sun rays or the star light made him feel more relaxed, secure and welcome.

He was so focused on taking in the beauty of the landscape around him that he did not hear someone stepping next to him. As soon as he heard the melodic voice he flinched and turned around.



"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" Draco asked.

"Honestly? It looks like you are about to drown yourself in the depths of the lake."

"Pretty close." Draco mumbled. He was very distracted by the beautiful green colour of Harry's eyes.

"Are you staring at me?"

"No absolutely not- I mean why would I-"

"We need to talk!" Harry interrupted him.

"There is nothing to talk about, Pottah. Go away!"

Harry ignored him and sat down next to Draco.

Draco did not move away. He just avoided Harry's gaze.

"Listen, I know what you are feeling and I know what I am feeling and-"

"You know nothing about me, Pottah. Draco whispered"

Harry moved closer and grabbed Draco's hands, they were thin and slender- the hands of an artist.

Draco tried to pull back but Harry held them tight and the other boy gave up soon.

"I know what you are feeling Draco, I know how your father treats you and how much it affects you. I know you are trying to hide your soft, vulnerable side so desperately but you can't conceal it. The time in the infirmary after your accident was wonderful, you showed me your real side, the real Draco without all the burdens that your family put on you and I fell in love with you, I have always felt a strange attraction to you, Malfoy but in this hospital room, where I could see who you really are, I started loving you. And I don't want to & I can't live another day without telling you this, I want you to remember. Please remember us, remember what we had."

The cord snapped. Draco could not hold back his tears anymore and started sobbing. All the feelings he had to hide and lock inside the deepest corners of his mind for so long broke through.

Harry pulled him in a warm hug, holding him as tight as if his life would depend on it.

Draco laid his head on the the dark haired boy's shoulder and soon it was soaked with tears but Harry did not care.

Harry's POV

Harry woke up shaking. Both must have fallen asleep after a while. The sky was still dark indicating they haven't slept for too long.

Harry slowly sat up and his gaze met Draco's.

"Slept well, Potter?"

"My back is aching." Harry said but a smile started to appear on his face.

"Potter, I am sorry because of yesterday and about the things you said-"

"Yes?" Harry asked.

"You were right, I think deeply inside of me I've always liked you and I am sick of pretending I don't. I love you and I need you by my side."

"That's- that's bri-lliant" Harry stuttered.

Draco's eyes widened as soon as he recognized that the boy in front of him was shivering. Immediately he got rid of his cardigan and gave it Harry.

The smiled he earned from Harry was worth everything.

"Thanks." Harry whispered.

Draco could not hold himself back anymore and grabbed Harry's waist to pull him closer.

He cupped his cheeks and whispered "I'd be lost without you." before he pressed his lips on Harry's. His lips felt so soft and warm. Draco's kiss was gentle and careful as if he wanted show the other boy how much he cared and loved him.

Their silhouettes contrasted starkly against the rising sun.

Two people that were deeply entwined and only had eyes for one another.

Two lovers who's heart beat in the same rhythm.

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