5 - Scarlet lips

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Harry's POV

Harry's day started completely normal until he remembered the previous day. Reality hit him and he realized how much he was in love with Draco Malfoy.

Oh no. What was wrong with him?

Harry picked up his shoe angrily and threw it against his mirror.

Had he finally completely fallen for that blond idiot? Yes.

Did Draco only like him because he fell 30 feet and hit his head hard? Definitely.

Does this - whatever they had now meant trouble? A lot.

Harry sighed and fell onto his bed.

"Oh.Someone seems to have a bad day." Ron shouted from the other end of the room.

"Is it because you forgot to do the potions homework, cause me too-"

"God damn it Ron could you just piss off or I make you." Harry shouted annoyed.

"Bloody hell Harry you already sound like Malfoy. You definitely spend too much time with him."

Harry froze.

"Harry, I was just joking, calm down. What's wrong with you? You've been weird for weeks now."

Oh he had no idea.

"Just stressed because of the exams, sorry. I gotta go or I'll be late." He murmured and left the room.

Draco's POV

Draco was so sick of this , sick of being stuck in this damn bed for hours, sick of not remembering, sick of the pain, sick of missing Potter...

He tried to focus on studying the things for the weeks he had missed. It was useless he couldn't concentrate and without a proper memory all the words made no sense.

Frustrated he threw the book away and stared at the ceiling. He needed to remember. The final exams were in a few weeks and he had to pass them but he couldn't without a memory.

The most frightening was the thought of what his father might say or do to him if he didn't pass. Draco had no clear memory. Just blurry pictures but the emotions and stress that were connected with his father still existed.

The fear of not being good enough, of disappointing him was stronger than anything except the fear of remembering.

What things would he remember? Would he be a different person? Would he maybe even be like his father?

When suddenly the door opened and Harry stood in front of him all his bad thoughts faded away. Draco hadn't realised how late it had gotten.

"Harry, you're here!" Draco exclaimed delighted. I missed you so much.

Harry didn't move or said anything .

"Is something wrong?" Draco asked with a lower concerned voice.

Harry smiled. "No actually I have good news" he exclaimed.

I will meet up with Hermione later and ask her to help me brew a memory potion which you can use for your memory.

Draco's chest flattered. "Oh really, you would do that for me?"
he asked happily.

"Of course I would!" Harry replied. "I do care about you!"

And to make that clear he enclosed the Slytherin in a tight hug, not letting go for a while.

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