11 - Wait

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Tw: Mentions of Abuse and Violence!

Draco's POV

The moment Draco opened the door, that led to the Charms class room everyone was staring at him. But for the first time he didn't enjoy the attention, he did not care, at all. His gaze was lowered and he mumbled a quick apology to Professor Flitwick before he sat down.

"All right class, now lets begin with the lesson. Today we'll learn the spell..."

Draco didn't even try to pay attention, it was hopeless, anyways. His thoughts would drift away eventually. He stared at the empty seat in corner, it was Harry's. What would Draco's father do to him? Would he just yell at him or maybe even beat him up like he used to beat up Draco many times when he did something wrong. Only the thought of it made him shiver.

He was sure that his father would beat him up later but this time he would really let Lucius do it without hesitating or crying, he would just sit there and bear the pain. Draco was much more concerned about Harry now. He could not let him suffer, this boy went through so much already and just deserved all the happiness in the entire world and Draco doubted that he could give it to him.

But he would.

The lesson went on and on while Draco was thinking of Harry.

Just Harry.

Suddenly everyone around him got up and left the room so the lesson must have been over. Draco got up as well and left the class room. As he walked down the corridors to his common room, Draco already started to mentally prepare himself for the pain he'd feel soon. When he opened the door, Lucius was already waiting for him. He started smiling wickedly as soon as he noticed Draco.

"Sit down." he commanded.

Draco swallowed and sat down biting his lips in fear.

"I have only one question, son but It's very important, that's why I want you to be completely honest."

Draco just nodded.

"Do you love him?". He spat the him out in disgust.

Draco's body tensed and his fingers dug into the soft texture of the armchair, his heart beating heavily.

He could lie, tell his father everything was just some stupid game, nothing serious, a misunderstanding.

But he couldn't bring the words over his lips, this was wrong. For so many years Draco had to hide his true feelings, conceal who he really was - almost destroying himself completely. Now, that he finally had found happiness and peace, he would never give all of this up again, for absolutely nothing, even if the prize he had to pay was high.

He listened to his steady heart, beating only for one person.

Draco suddenly found a strange courage rising in his chest, he looked up, raising his chin & looking directly into his fathers eyes.

"Yes" he said proudly.

"Yes, I love him and I have loved him ever since the day I saw him standing there in front the great hall. My heart will only beat for him, forever and you can't do anything to stop it except ripping it out of my chest!" he continued.

Lucius just stared at him coldy. "All right, Draco, I think I don't even have to tell you how disappointed I am in you. Now pack your cothes!"

Draco looked up in surprise. "My clothes, why?"

"Since this school ruined and weakened you, I did what I had to do."

"F-Father, what have you done?" Draco asked in shock.

"You will transfer to Durmstrang and learn how to become a real man."

"But I can't dad, Hogwarts is my home!" Draco cried out desperately.

"Be ready in 20 minutes, we will leave tonight."

Lucius moved closer. "If not I will come personally and show you what real pain feels like" he threatened and smiled coldly. " We don't want that, do we?"

Draco just nodded because he couldn't say a word.

Lucius left and Draco was standing alone in the cold, dark room.

After a few minutes of just standing there, Draco went into his little room to pack his clothes as told. While doing so he was silently weeping .

He didn't  really own much except for some clothing, a few books and his drawing stuff. He was finished with packing soon and just lay on his bed. Staring at the canopy just like so many nights before but this time would be the last time. Forever.

Suddenly the door flew open and a stormy looking Harry  knocked him down the bed. In the next moment soft lips were pressing against Draco's.

After a few minutes of kissing, Draco pulled back and and  tried to look directly into Harry's sea green eyes.

"Harry I have to leave-"

"I know." Harry interrupted him.

"Lucius has told me the second you left for charms class. "

Draco studied Harry's face trying to find a hint of pain, despair or anything similar but there was nothing like that.

"So uhm you came to say good bye?" Draco asked.

Harry chuckled. " Seriously, have you ever read any romance novel? I came to rescue you, dumbass. I won't let you get away from me ever again."

Authors note:
Yay guys I am back! I am sorry I haven't uploaded for an eternity but I was really busy with school things. However, now I am back and will post more regularly UwU I love you!

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