Rain and Thunder

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After a few days I had finally finished Jong Woo's book.

"Well if thats mot a boost of inspiration I dont know what is." I say sitting at my desk opening my laptop, when I could hear some commotion outside.

"Wait you cant just barge in here without a warrent!" I smirked and stepped outside my room with my hands up.

"Kim Bing Cha?" One of the officers asked. I nodded turning around to face Moon Jo, whos face was just empty no emotions could be read. I smiled as they pushed me foward reading my rights.


"Ja Yoon was a brat. Thats why I hit her. My mother praises her on a daily wishing I had never existed and even threaten to kill me a few times if I stood in her way." I said with my arms and legs folded in the chair inside the small room.

"So is that your motive?" An officer said.

"Id have to be pretty stupid to make a scene in public if I wanted to kill someone." I said coldly.

"Or thats what your riding on us thinking."

"Your beginning to bug me." I mumbled unfolding my arms leaning forward.

"If hitting someone is a clue they murdered someone than maybe you should arrest my mother." I said raising up my shirt showing off burn marks scars and even hints of bruises.

"I didnt kill anyone. I told her if she wanted a different daughter so bad then she could just keep her." I sat back in my chair and the officers looled at each other as another one walked in.

"They just found the woman in the trunk of the moms car." I raised my eyebrow. " Also, I think this lady is clear. The brother said the night before Ja Yoons disappearance the mother and Ja Yoon got into a heated conversation that ended with her smacking Ja Yoon." I looked up at the officers frowning.

"Told You."


The officers escorted me out the room and towards the exit when they brought my mother in.


"ENOUGH!" I along with everyone in the room looked towards where the voice was.

"Sejun." I said looking his way. He looked so hurt.

"Mom. Just cooperate." He said sitting down, I looked at her then walked out where Moon Jo was sitting on one of the benches outsidenthe station.

"I like this game." I said smiling wildly. "Playing with my freedom...maybe even life is kinda fun." I say hopping passed Moon Jo.

Later that night I had decided to go and grab a snack from the kitchen and to my surprise, Ms. Soon was making... complimentary drinks.

"Ah! Bong, im glad I got to see you." She said as I sat down infront of her.

"I have a slight issue with your relationship with Deuk Jong." She said stopping what she was doing to look my way and I only smiled.

"Ive taken care of those boys for a really long time. And at some point he use to refer to me as mother, but recently he has stsrted calling you that. Of course its merely because you helped him." She said twirling a knife on the table.

"Ah. Your feeling insecure I see." Her smile dropped.

"Now now i never sai-"

"Of course you did. You spent all that time with the boys to earn his trust and love just for him to switch it towards someone he met onlyba few weeks ago. You feel threatened that your postion in the Eden family is being over thrown." I leaned forward reaching my hand out.

"Thats not what I was trying to say. I just felt alittle. Disrespected, Bong." She said through gritted teeth.

"Its only a little competition. What? You afraid to lose?" I laughed and she took her knife raised it and stabbed down on the table. Landing it right between index and middle finger.

"Next time dont miss." I said sliding my hand away as Moon Jo rested his hands on her shoulders squeezing lightly.

"There wont be a next time,will there. Ms.Soon?" He asked looking down at her as she looked up at him..

"My name isnt Bong. Its Sasha."

I walked over to both of them and moved her hair behind her ear.

"Maybe Eden needs a new mother." I said patting her back.

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